ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 74.5 Hours of tutorials: 2 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 112.5
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
Areas: Food Technology
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
To learn about, understand, and apply the principles, treatments, methods, and equipment used in the processes of the Meat, Seafood, and Food Extraction Industries. Ability to work on the various production lines, perform controls for the processes involved, and manage the proper use of wastes from these industries. Ability to apply quality policies in the Meat, Seafood, and Food Extraction Industries.
The modified memory of the title considers the following contents for this matter:
Concepts related to quality in the Meat, Fishing and Extractive Industries. Raw Materials. Main production lines of the Extractive Industries: flour, sugar and oils. Main production lines of the Meat and Fishing Industries. Management and use of waste from these industries.
These contents will be developed as indicated in the following agenda:
EXPOSITVE TEACHING (18 hours, 33,5 non-contact hours):
1 - Meat Industries (7 hours, 13 non-contact hours)
• Basic concepts and description of the various meat-producing species.
• Industrial processes for obtaining meat.
• Post-mortem changes and characteristics of the meat.
• Meat preservation processes.
• Processes for obtaining meat derivatives.
2. - Seafood Industries (7 hours, 13 non-contact hours)
• Basic concepts and description of the various seafood-producing species.
• Processes for obtaining and handling seafood products.
• Characteristics and shelf life of seafood products.
• Processes for preserving seafood products.
• Processes for obtaining seadfood derivatives.
3.-Extractive Industries (4, 7,5 non-contact hours)
• Extraction theory.
• Cereal processing.
• Oilseed processing.
• Sugar industries.
• Obtaining stimulating foods.
INTERACTIVE TEACHING (18 hours, 39 non-contact hours):
Interactive teaching will be developed through:
• Laboratory practices (8 hours, 18 non-contact hours) that will take place in the Food Processing laboratory of the Faculty of Sciences. In them, the characteristics of meat and fishery products will be studied, and changes will be evaluated by applying different processes.
• Field practices (6 hours, 6 non-contact hours) that will include visits to at least one meat, fishing, and / or extractive industry. The visits will be made in number, date, and time conditioned to the availability of the industries and will be carried out depending on the existence of the necessary budget for the transfer of the students to them.
• Practical seminars (4 hours, 25 non-contact hours ). Students can do at least one job individually. The topic will be proposed by the teachers or by the students. These works will be exposed in the classroom opening a turn of debate between the authors of the work, the teacher, and the rest of the students. Current or complementary topics to the contents of the subject will be treated interactively.
Basic bibliography
-Caballero Abellán, M.J. (2018) Tratamientos de preparación y conservación de los alimentos. Ed. Síntesis.
-Delgado Adámez, J. y col. (2019). Tecnología Alimentaria. Ed. Síntesis.
- Garrido Álvarez, M. y col. (2020) Procesos tecnológicos en la industria alimentaria. Ed. Síntesis.
- Hall, G.M. (2001). Tecnología del procesado del pescado. Ed. Acribia.
- Hui, Y.H. (2006). Ciencia y Tecnología de carnes. Ed. Limusa.
- Ibarz A. y col. (2005). Operaciones unitarias de Ingeniería de Alimentos. Ed MP.
- Rosmini Armenta y col (2002) Tecnología de Productos de Origen Acuático. Ed Limusa.
Complementary bibliography
- Martín Bermejo, S. (2001) Enciclopedia de la carne y de los Productos Cárnicos. Vol. I y II Ed M&M.
General competences
CG1 - Knowledge of the basic subjects, both scientific and technologic, that allow learning, as well as the ability to adapt to new situations and changing sceneries.
Transversal competences
CT1 - Ability for analysis and synthesis.
CT2 - Ability for discussion and reasoning.
CT3 - Ability for developing individual work with an autocritical attitude.
CT4 - Ability to work in group and face problematic situations in a collective form.
CT5 - Ability to get suitable, diverse and updated information.
CT6 - Ability to prepare and present an organized and understandable work
CT7 - Ability to make public presentations in a clear, coherent, and concise way.
CT12 - Ability to solve problems by the overall application of the acquired knowledge.
Specific competences (adapted to this subject):
CEG1 - Capacity for the prior preparation, conception, drafting and signing of projects aimed at the construction, reform, repair, conservation, demolition, manufacture, installation, assembly or exploitation of movable or immovable property that by their nature and characteristics are included in the technique of agricultural and livestock production (facilities or buildings, farms, infrastructures and rural roads), the agri-food industry (extractive, fermentative, dairy, canning, fruit and vegetable, meat, fishing, salting and, in general, any another dedicated to the elaboration and / or transformation, conservation, manipulation and distribution of food products) and gardening and landscaping (urban and / or rural green spaces -parks, gardens, nurseries, urban trees, etc.-, public sports facilities or private and environments subject to landscape recovery).
CEG2 - Adequate knowledge of physical problems, technologies, machinery and water and energy supply systems, the limits imposed by budgetary factors and construction regulations, and the relationships between facilities or buildings and farms, agro-food industries and related spaces with gardening and landscaping with its social and environmental environment, as well as the need to relate those and that environment with human needs and preservation of the environment.
CEG3 - Ability to direct the execution of the works object of the projects related to agri-food industries, farms and green spaces and their buildings, infrastructures and facilities, the prevention of risks associated with that execution and the leadership of multidisciplinary teams and resource management human, in accordance with deontological criteria.
CEG4 - Ability to write and sign measurements, segregations, subdivisions, valuations and appraisals within the rural environment, the technique of the agri-food industry and spaces related to gardening and landscaping, whether or not they are expert reports for Bodies judicial or administrative, and regardless of the use for which the movable or immovable property object of the same is destined.
CEG5 - Ability to write and sign rural development, environmental impact and waste management studies for the agri-food industries, agricultural and livestock farms, and spaces related to gardening and landscaping.
CEG6 - Ability to lead and manage any type of agrifood industry, agriculture and animal exploitations, urban/rural green spaces, sport areas both public or private, based on the knowledge of the new technologies, quality processes, traceability and certification, as well as marketing and commercial skills in the field of food products and cultivated plants.
IA1 - Ability to know, understand and apply the principles of food technology and engineering: engineering and basic operations in food science; food technology. Food industry processes. Modelling and optimization.
The subject consists of 4.5 ECTS credits. To cover the contents, 18 hours of expository classes, 18 hours of interactive classes (laboratory practices, visits to industries and seminars) and 2 hours of tutoring will be used.
In the exhibition classes, basically, the foundations of the subject will be established based on everything described in the contents exposed above.
Students will be able to do a job individually. The topic will be proposed by the teacher or by the students. These works will be exposed in the classroom (in the hours corresponding to the seminars) opening a turn of debate between the authors of the work, the teacher, and the rest of the students.
The practical classes are the essential complement in this matter. They consist of laboratory practices and field practices (subject to financing). The student's attendance to these practices will allow him to complete the training of this subject. Field practices would include visits to a meat company (for example Novafrigsa or Torre de Núñez in Lugo), a fishing industry (for example Conservas Isabel in O Grove, Pescanova in Vigo or Frinova in Porriño) and / or an extractive (for example Aceites Abril in Ourense or Fariñas Das Mariñas in Carral).
In the tutorials, the student can consult all the doubts that arise throughout the development of the subject.
During the development of the subject, the Virtual Campus will be used to support the teaching given.
The student's evaluation will include a continuous evaluation (which will mean 50% of the final grade) and a final test (which will mean the other 50% of the final grade).
In the continuous evaluation, the following will be assessed:
-The completion of assignments (30% of the final grade). It will consist of the oral and written presentation of a paper on topics related to the subject. The competencies evaluated are: CG1, CT2, CT3, CT6 and CT7.
-Active participation in the different activities of the subject and the completion of a report after carrying out practices (laboratory and/or visits to industries) to assess the degree of use of them (20% of the final evaluation). The competencies evaluated are: CG1, CT1, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT9, CEG6 and IA1
Attendance at the practical classes (laboratory and visits to industries) is compulsory in order to pass the subject.
Final test:
A final written and/or oral test will be carried out to assess the knowledge acquired in the subject and which will account for 50% of the final grade (it being necessary for the students to obtain a minimum grade of 4 out of 10 to evaluate the rest of the merits). This test is complementary to the continuous evaluation. The competencies evaluated are: CG1, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT12, CEG1, CGE2, CGE3, CGE4, CGE5, CGE6 and IA1.
This evaluation system will be applied to both opportunities (ordinary and second opportunity) and for repeating students.
For cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Regulations for evaluating the academic performance of students and reviewing grades" will apply.
In the case of students with attendance waiver, active participation in the daily activities of the subject will not be taken into account, therefore, the corresponding proration will be made in the percentages assigned in this section.
The subject (structured in expository, interactive classes and tutorials) consists of 4.5 ECTS credits, which means 112.5 total hours (1 credit equals 25 hours).
Of the total time, 40 hours are face-to-face (attendance at expository classes, interactive classes, tutorials, and the exam) and the remaining 72.5 hours correspond to the student's work. The distribution is as follows:
-Expositive classes in group: 18 h, 100% face-to-face.
-Tutoring in group of 10 students: 2 h, 100% face-to-face.
-Interactive classes (practices and seminars): 18 h, 100% face-to-face.
-Evaluation activities: 2 h, 100% face-to-face.
-Reading and preparing topics for the job: 25 h, 0% face-to-face.
-Preparation of internships and subsequent work on them: 14 h, 0% face-to-face.
-Preparation of evaluation tests: 33.5 h, 0% face-to-face.
The recommendations for the students are:
-Attendance at expositive classes.
-Assistance to interactive classes.
-Carrying out work related to the subject.
-Consultation and management of the recommended bibliography and use of on-line links of interest.
-Use of the hours of tutoring to solve doubts that have arisen.
The subject is taught in the two official languages of the autonomous community.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the “Regulations for evaluating student academic performance and reviewing grades will apply.
Olga Diaz Rubio
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Food Technology
- olga.diaz.rubio [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Thursday | |||
12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Seminario de Cultivos Herbáceos II (Pav.I-PBS) |
Friday | |||
12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Seminario de Cultivos Herbáceos II (Pav.I-PBS) |
14:00-15:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Seminario de Cultivos Herbáceos II (Pav.I-PBS) |
05.21.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) |
07.03.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) |