1. Know the essential elements to the profession of dentist, including the ethical principles and legal responsibilities.
2. Understand the relevance of such principles for the benefit of the patient, society and profession, with special attention to professional secrecy.
3. Know how to identify the worries and expectations of the patient, as well as effectively and clearly communicating, both in an oral and written manner, with patients, relatives and media and other professionals.
4. Understand and recognise the social and psychological aspects relevant to the treatment of patients.
5. Know how to apply the anxiety and stress control principles on oneself, patients and other members of the dental team.
6. Understand the relevance of carrying out a professional practice with respect to the autonomy of the patient, their beliefs and culture.
7. Promote autonomous learning regarding new knowledge and techniques, as well as motivation for quality.
8. Know how to share information with other healthcare professionals and work in teams.
9. Understand the relevance of maintaining and employing record with information on the patient for their subsequent analysis, ensuring the confidentiality of the data.
10. Know and identify the psychological and physical problems consequence of gender violence to train students on the prevention, early detection, care and rehabilitation of the victims of this type of violence.
11. Understand the basic bio-medical sciences in which odontology is based to ensure appropriate buco-dental care.
12. Understand and recognise the normal structure and function of the stomatognathic apparatus, on a molecular, cellular, tissue and organic level, along the different stages of life.
13. Understand and recognise the sciences of essential biomaterials for the dental practice, as well as the immediate handling of possible allergies to these.
14. Know the general processes of disease, among which infection, swelling, immune system alterations, degeneration, malignancy, metabolic alterations and genetic disorders, can be included.
15. Be familiarised with the general pathological characteristics of diseases and disorders that have an impact on organic systems, specifically, those with buccal repercussions.
16. Understand the action fundamentals, indications and efficacy of drugs and other therapeutic interventions, knowing the contraindications, interactions, systemic effects and interactions over other organs, on the basis of the available scientific evidence.
17. Understand and recognise the ergonomics and safety principles at the workplace (including cross-infection control, X-ray protection and occupational and biologic diseases).
18. Know, critically assess and know how to use the clinical and biomedical information sources in order to gather, organise, interpret and communicate science and health information.
19. Know the scientific method and have the critical ability to assess the established knowledge and new information. Be able to formulate hypothesis, critically gather and assess information in order to solve problems, following the scientific method.