ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 67.5 Hours of tutorials: 2 Expository Class: 20 Interactive Classroom: 7 EEES Clinics: 16 Total: 112.5
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
Areas: Nutrition and Bromatology
Center Faculty of Veterinary Science
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
- The control of hygiene, inspection and meat and meat products technology of these products intended for human consumption, following the food chain from production to consumer.
- The knoledgement and application of legal regulations as well as administrative rules in the meat and meat products production and the Public Health, understanding the ethical implications of health in a whole world context in continuous evolution.
- The obtention in excellent conditions and economically positive of fresh meat and meat products, as well as the determination of the ambietal impact.
- The identification of emergent risks in meat and meat products production.
Teorethical Classes
CHAPTER 1: Operations in the slaughterhouse. This chapter will follow chronologically the different phases from the live animals to the final obtention of fresh meat. The central point of this chapter is the slaughterhouse. (18 h expositive theory+ non-attendance teaching as well as personal study and tutorial)
Unit 1: Meat production animals.
Unit 2: Slaughterhouses.
Unit 3: Recognition of meat animals in the Ante mortem phase.
Unit 4: Meat production from live mammals I.
Unit 5: Meat production from live mammlas II.
Unit 6: Inspection in the Post mortem phase I.
Unit 7: Inspection in the Post mortem phase II.
Unit 8: Poultry and rabbit salughterhouses.
Unit 9: Bacteriological and chemical analysis of meat in the phase of meat production.
Unit 10: Emergency slaughtering and other meats from non-slaughtered animals.
Unit 11: Commercial carcass classification.
CHAPTER 2: meat as a commercial product. This Chapter will deal with both sanitary and meat quartering studying the different parts of the carcass. The differentiation of the meat as well as the chemical and nutritional aspects of this product will also be treated. (1 h expositive theory +non-attendance teaching as well as personal study and tutorial)
Unit 12: Commercial presentation of meat. Cutting plants.
Unit 13: Specific differentiation of meats.
Unit 14: Meat, entrails and offal as food.
CHAPTER 3: specific health aspects.This chapter will pay atention to the main sanitary aspects to be taken into account in meat hygiene inspection and control during the obtention of fresh meat. (1 h expositive theory + non-attendance teaching+ personal study+ tutorial)
Unit 15: Meat-borne diseases of chemical origin. Waste.
Unit 16: Infectious meat-borne zoonosis
Unit 17: Especially important parasitic diseases transmitted by meat consumption.
Unit 18: Unfit meats due to varied reasons.
Unit 19: Meat alterations.
CHAPTER 4: other meats. This chapter will pay atention to meat processing products, defects, legal aspects as well as nutritional aspects. (non-attendance teaching+personal study+ tutorial)
Unit 20: Hygienic-sanitary and nutritional aspects of meat products.
In chapters 2,3 or 4 some units or parts of these units could be teached/discussed on 3 seminar hours (S1, S2, S3) taking into account the works prepared by the students in groups.
PRACTICAL CONTENTS (20h interactive presential practical work)
-Slaughterhouses. Hygienic principles and main aspects related to the design of these industries (clinical practice 1) (C1)
-Ante mortem inspection (clinical practice 1)(HIII C1)
-Hygienic aspects of the meat processing in bovine and pig slaughterhouses (clinical practice 1)(HIII C1)
-Post mortem inspection (clinical practice 1)(HIII C1)
-Sampling in the slaughterhouse, analysis and interpretation (clinical practice 1)(HIII C1)
-Hygienic aspects and inspection in poultry slaughterhouses (clinical practice 2)(HIII C2)
-Hygienic aspects and inspection in pig slaughterhouses (clinical practice 2)(HIII C2)
Note: The HIII C1 practice will be carried out in Nova Frigsa slaughterhouse (Coren Group) as well as in Castro Riberas de Lea Slaughterhouse (Frilea). The HIII C2 practice will be carried out in Sta Cruz de Arrabaldo poultry Slaugtherhouse (Coren Group) as well as in Frigolouro slaughterhouse (Coren group).
BARTELS, H. (1980). Inspeccion Veterinaria de la Carne. Acribia.Zaragoza.
DOMINGUEZ VELLARINO, JUAN CARLOS. (2011). Inspección ante mortem y post mortem en animales de producción. Patologías y lesiones. Ed. Servet, (Grupo Asis Biomedia) Zaragoza.
FAO.(1992). Directrices para el sacrificio y despiece de los animales y el procesado de la carne. FAO. Roma.
INFANTE GIL, J. (2000). Manual de Inspecçao sanitaria de carnes. Fundacion Calouste Gulbenkian. Lisboa.
MORENO GARCÍA, B. (2003). Higiene e inspección de carnes II. Ed Diaz de Santos.
MORENO GARCÍA, B. (2006). Higiene e Inspección de carnes I. Ed DIaz de Santos.
Regulation (EC) No 852/2004
Regulation (EC) No 853/2004
Regulation (EU) No 2017/625 of European Parliament and of the Council
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) nº 2019/627
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) nº 2019/624
Commission Delegate Regulation (EU) nº 2019/628. official certificates
Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005
AGENJO, C. Enciclopedia de la inspección veterinaria y análisis de alimentos. Ed. Espasa, Madrid (1980).
ANONIMO. (1986). Guia de la inspeccion comercial de la carne. Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Madrid.
BREMNER, A.S. (1981). Higiene e inspeccion de la carne de aves. Acribia.
FÀBREGAS I COMADRAN (1993). Inspección veterinaria postmortem de conejos: causas de no aptitud. Depósito digital de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Enlace permanente:
FEHLHABER, K. & JANETSCHKE, P. (1995). Higiene veterinaria de los alimentos. Acribia. Zaragoza.
GOMEZ, ANGEL Y TERESA ALVAREZ. (2013). Manual práctico de inspección ante mortem y post mortem. Ed multimédica, ediciones Veterinarias. Barcelona.
GRACEY, J.F. (1989). Higiene de la carne. Interamericana. McGraw-Hill.
GRACEY, J.F. (2000). Mataderos industriales: tecnologia y funcionamiento. Acribia. Zaragoza.
GRIST, A. (2006). Poultry Inspection 2nd Edition. Anatomy, physiology and disease conditions. Ed. Context Products Ltd, Packington, UK.
GRIST, A. (2013). Bovine Meat Inspection. Anatomy, physiology and disease conditions.Ed Context Products Ltd. Leicestershire. Reino Unido
GRIST, A. (2013). Ovine Meat inspection. Anatomy, physiology and disease conditions. Ed Context Products Ltd. Leicestershire. Reino Unido
GRIST, A. (2013). Porcine Meat inspection. Anatomy, physiology and disease conditions. Ed Context Products Ltd. Leicestershire. Reino Unido.
GROSSKLAUS, D. (1982). Inspeccion sanitaria de las carnes de ave. Acribia.
INFANTE GIL, J. (2000). Manual de Inspecçao sanitaria de carnes. Fundacion Calouste Gulbenkian. Lisboa.
LARA MORENO, ANTONIO (2013). Inspección sanitaria de la carne aviar. Atlas fotográfico de la inspección del pollo de engorde en mataderos. Ed. Eville & Jones. Reino Unido.
LOPEZ VAZQUEZ, RAFAEL y ANA CASP VANACLOCHA. (2004). Tecnologia de Mataderos. Ed. Mundi-Prensa.
MORENO GARCIA, B. (1991). Higiene e inspeccion de carnes. Vol. I.
PRANDL, O., FISCHER, A., SCHMIDHOFER, T. & JURGEN-SINELL, H. (1995). Tecnologia e higiene de la carne. Acribia. Zaragoza.
GVUSC04. To plan and to coordinate the work
GVUSC06. Capability to work both in an autonomous mode or in equipe mode.
GVUSC09. Capability to communicate in several contexts
CEDVUSC 01.Generic knowledge of animals, their behavior and the basis for identification.
CEDVUSC 03.Breeding, improvement, management and animal welfare.
CEDVUSC 08.Knowledge and diagnosis of different animals, individual and collective, and its prevention, with special emphasis on zoonoses and diseases notifiable diseases.
CEDVUSC 12.Principles of Science and Food Technology. Quality Control of processed foods and Food Safety.
CEDVUSC 14.Know the Rules and Laws of veterinary and animal regulations and trade.
CEDVUSC 16.Know the basic analytical techniques and interpretation
D1VUSC 02.Collect and send specimens with the corresponding reports.
D1VUSC 03. Perform basic analytical techniques and interpret clinical, biological and chemical results.
D1VUSC 12.Perform inspection of animals ante mortem (before slaughter) and post mortem (after slaughter) and food for human consumption.
D1VUSC 13.Conducting health checks of various types of businesses and restaurants and food establishments.
D1VUSC 16.Apply methods of identifying individual animals.
D1VUSC 17.Perform technical reports own veterinary skills.
CEAVUSC 01.Analyze, synthesize, solve problems and make decisions in the areas of professional / vet / a.
CEAVUSC 04. Search and manage information related to the activity / vet / a.
CTVUSC 02 Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and up to date information by various means, such as bibliographic information and the Internet, and analyze it critically.
CTVUSC 03 Ability to develop and present an organized and understandable text.
CTVUSC 04 Ability to make a public display of a clear, coherent and concise.
The topic is structured with theoric classes, practices in slaugherthouses, seminars and tutorials.
- Expositive Theoric classes:20h. This 20 h will be given with the help of multimedia projector. Several images and video clips, schemes, summarys and graphics will be displayed.
- Interactive Practical classes in bovine slaughterhouse in reduced groups per professor. Likewise some little aspects will be carried out in the laboratory with a total of 16-18 h (C1). Depending in each practice the students in an individual way or in subgroups will carry out several practical aspects related to slaughterhouse inspection as well as sampling and analysis, i.e. limphonodes incission, surface and channels sampling...Conditioned the number and specific type of practices in slaughterhouse by the rules of that establishment derived from the situation generated by the Pandemic.
- Interactive visits in reduced groups to broiler and pigs slaughterhouses (C2)(2-4 h). The students personally will carry out the verification of several aspects related to the functionality of poultry and/or pig slaughterhouses in comparison with bovine slaughterhouses. Conditioned by the rules of these establishments.
-Interactive classes to the exposition of proposed topics to the students. It will be studied several topics with active participation of the students in the preparation of these units. The information could be incorporated to the virtual course in order to be studied.
-tutorials 2 h per group. these hours will be employed to clarify the proposed topics for the seminars, as well as to focuse these topics as well as to clarify the teaching methodology and/or contents to be studied by the the students.
-Use of the virtual course to include several contents
-Assistance and pass the practice is mandatory to pass this subject. The practical contents will be evaluated during the practices with oral questions to be answered by the students as well as the evaluation of practical activities carried out by the students during the questions.
- written presential exam of all contents explained in theoretic classes and practices 70% (45% necessary to take into account other items in order to pass this course)(chapter 1 of contents). The exam will be of test questions of several possible answers, as well as long topic questions to be written in two-three pages by the student. There is the possibility to count negatively some extremely wrong answers. In the case of calification of presential examen were below 45%, the final calification of the student would be that of the continuous evaluation of the other activities.
- Theoric, seminar and practical classes assistance, knowledge and good use: maximum 5%
- Virtual evaluation of several contents of the virtual courses, as well as seminars and/or other works: maximum 15% (chapters 2,3, and 4 of contents). (The approximate dates to carry out these virtual tests will be in november and/or the begining of december).
- Elaboration of topics, units, and oral exposition: maximum 10%
In the assessment of second anual convocatory "segunda oportunidad", it will be taking into account the data results obtained by the student (class assistance, virtual evaluation and topic elaboration) with the exception of the written presential exam (70%).
Important notes:
In the case of fraudulent completion of all these exercises and tests indicated here, the provisions of the: "Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and for the review of grades" will apply.
The subject consists of 4.5 ECTS credits, which include the following hours of face-to-face sessions/student:
-Total hours: 45.0
-Expository sessions: 20.0
-Laboratory/Slaughterhouse practicals: 16-18.0
-Clinical practicals/visits: 2-4.0
-Seminars: 3.0
-Tutoring hours/student small group: 2.0
The number of hours of personal work for students in this subject is estimated at 67.5 hours (30 h individual study, 10 h assignments, 5 h bibliography, 19.5 h other tasks proposed by the professor, 1 h oral expression, 2 h written tests/exam approximately).
The total number of hours of student work in a subject organized in ECTS credits is valued in 25 x number of ECTS, so for this subject it will be 112.5 total hours.
-to take attention and to assist to the presential classes.
-scheme elaboration, as well as summaries of the classes to understand these summaries and or schemes, to memorice this works. Use the tutories to solve mistakes or questions about the units.
- to read and verify information in the legislation and in the bibliography.
- to compare and relation of expositive theory and interactive practical classes.
The classes will be taught in Spanish and Galician
no dispensation from class attendance is granted.
In the case of fraudulent completion of all these exercises and tests indicated here, the provisions of the: "Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and for the review of grades" will apply.
Carlos Manuel Franco Abuin
Coordinador/a- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Nutrition and Bromatology
- carlos.franco [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Patricia Regal López
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Nutrition and Bromatology
- Phone
- 982822484
- patricia.regal [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Alexandre Lamas Freire
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Nutrition and Bromatology
- alexandre.lamas [at]
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Carolina Graciela Nebot Garcia
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Nutrition and Bromatology
- carolina.nebot [at]
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Tuesday | |||
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS05 | Spanish | Classroom 4 |
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS02 | Spanish | Classroom 4 |
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS08 | Spanish | Classroom 4 |
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS06 | Spanish | Classroom 4 |
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS07 | Spanish | Classroom 4 |
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS01 | Spanish | Classroom 4 |
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS04 | Spanish | Classroom 4 |
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS10 | Galician | Classroom 4 |
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS09 | Galician | Classroom 4 |
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS03 | Spanish | Classroom 4 |
15:00-16:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 4 |
Thursday | |||
15:00-16:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 4 |
01.08.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 1 |
01.08.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 2 |
01.08.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 3 |
07.09.2025 09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 3 |
07.09.2025 09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 4 |