The master's degree trains professionals specializing in the prevention of environmental damage, the protection of the environment and the improvement of the quality of the environment by providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills to apply solutions to environmental problems such as unsustainable consumption, waste generation or pollution.
Master in Environmental Engineering (2ªed)
2 academic years
RUCT code: 4310357
ECTS Number: 90
Seats number: 30
Dean or center director:
Title coordinator:
Francisco Omil Prieto
francisco.omil [at]
Use languages:
Spanish, Galician
Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
Decreto 51/2006 do 23 de marzo (DOG 28/03/2006)
BOE publication date:
Last accreditation date:
The degree's basic aim is to train competent professionals whose specific mission is the prevention of environmental damage, the protection of the environment and the improvement of the quality of the environment against problems such as unsustainable consumption of resources, waste generation, water, air and soil pollution. To do so students need to acquire basic training that will allow them to design, plan and execute works and installations, improve processes, and provide possible solutions that can be applied to real environmental problems.
2 academic years
RUCT code: 4310357
ECTS Number: 90
Seats number: 30
Dean or center director:
Title coordinator:
Francisco Omil Prieto
francisco.omil [at]
Use languages:
Spanish, Galician
Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
Decreto 51/2006 do 23 de marzo (DOG 28/03/2006)
BOE publication date:
Last accreditation date:
The degree's basic aim is to train competent professionals whose specific mission is the prevention of environmental damage, the protection of the environment and the improvement of the quality of the environment against problems such as unsustainable consumption of resources, waste generation, water, air and soil pollution. To do so students need to acquire basic training that will allow them to design, plan and execute works and installations, improve processes, and provide possible solutions that can be applied to real environmental problems.
Créditos que deberá cursar el alumno para obtener la titulación:
Obligatorios 51.5
Optativos 14.5
Prácticas externas obrigatorias 6
Trabajo Fin de Máster 18
Total 90
Balances of Matter and Energy
- P4012101
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
- P4012102
- Compulsory Credits
- 5 Credits
Development of Projects and Construction
- P4012103
- Compulsory Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Environmental Modelling
- P4012201
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Environmental Law
- P4012202
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Quality of Waters
- P4012104
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Technologies of the Treatment of Waters
- P4012105
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Laboratory of Environmental Technology
- P4012106
- Compulsory Credits
- 4 Credits
Exploitation of EDAR and ETAP
- P4012203
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
The Atmospheric Environment and Reduction of Emissions
- P4012107
- Compulsory Credits
- 5 Credits
Instrumentation and Environmental Monitoring
- P4012108
- Compulsory Credits
- 3 Credits
Modelling Laboratory of the Air Quality
- P4012204
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Tecniques of Territorial Analysis
- P4012205
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Pollution and Recovering of Soils
- P4012109
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Management and Treatment of Waste
- P4012110
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Laboratory of Soils and Waste
- P4012206
- Elective Credits
- 4 Credits
Applied Edaphology
- P4012207
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Soil and Waste Laboratory
- P4012210
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Applied Edaphology
- P4012211
- Elective Credits
- 4 Credits
Professional Training
- P4012111
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Assessment of the Environmental Impact
- P4012112
- Compulsory Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Ecological Design of Processes and Products
- P4012113
- Compulsory Credits
- 5 Credits
Planning of Natural Systems
- P4012208
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Clean Technologies
- P4012209
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Master Dissertation
- P4012114
- Compulsory Credits
- 18 Credits
The master's degree trains professionals specializing in the prevention of environmental damage, the protection of the environment and the improvement of the quality of the environment by providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills to apply solutions to environmental problems such as unsustainable consumption, waste generation or pollution.
No se contempla
Créditos que deberá cursar el alumno para obtener la titulación:
Obligatorios 51.5
Optativos 14.5
Prácticas externas obrigatorias 6
Trabajo Fin de Máster 18
Total 90
Se realizan actividades de orientación formativa-tutorías personalizadas en que los/las docentes prestan apoyo y asesoramiento al alumnado a lo largo de su trayectoria de estudios con el objeto de mejorar su
rendimiento, la orientación y facilitar su posterior inserción profesional.
Este apoyo puede ser individual o bien estar normalizado a través de la figura del profesor/a tutor/a,
dependiendo de la estructura organizativa de la titulación.
Para acceder aos ensinos oficiais de Máster será necesario estar en posesión de:
A.1. Un título universitario oficial español.
A.2. Un título expedido por unha institución de educación superior pertencente a outro Estado integrante do Espazo Europeo de Educación Superior que faculte no mesmo para o acceso a ensinos de Máster.
A.3. Un título pertencente a un sistema educativo alleo ao Espazo Europeo de Educación, previa comprobación pola Universidade de que o citado título acredita un nivel de formación equivalente aos correspondentes títulos universitarios oficiais españois e faculta no país expedidor do título para o acceso a ensinos de posgrao.
A.4. Un título superior das Ensinanzas Artísticas Superiores do sistema educativo español.
Modalidad: Criterios xerais
Titulaciones de acceso:
Bloque A: 14 plazas
Titulaciones de Enseñanzas Técnicas (Grado y Máster en Ingenierías; Ingenieros Superiores; Ingenieros Técnicos; Arquitectura y Arquitectura Técnica, etc.)
Bloque B: 13 plazas
Titulaciones de Ciencias Experimentales (Grado, Máster y Licenciados en Ciencias Ambientales, Biología, Química, Física, Farmacia, etc.)
NOTA: Las plazas que no se cubran en el Bloque A se ofertarán en el Bloque B y viceversa.
Bloque C: 5 plazas (extranjeros, tanto de Enseñanza Técnica como de Ciencias)
Los alumnos procedentes de países de lengua diferente al gallego, portugués ou español deberán acreditar el nivel de lengua gallega: Celga II, o española: B1, de acuerdo con el Acuerdo del Consejo de Gobierno de la USC de 30 de julio de 2018.
De non poseer alguno de los títulos, la USC les realizará una prueba de nivel y, de no superarla, deberán asistir a un curso intensivo de gallego o español en el primer semestre hasta alcanzar el nivel requerido.
Información actualizada en cada convocatoria de matrícula
Modalidad: Criterios xerais
Titulaciones de acceso:
Bloque A: 14 plazas
Titulaciones de Enseñanzas Técnicas (Grado y Máster en Ingenierías; Ingenieros Superiores; Ingenieros Técnicos; Arquitectura y Arquitectura Técnica, etc.)
Bloque B: 13 plazas
Titulaciones de Ciencias Experimentales (Grado, Máster y Licenciados en Ciencias Ambientales, Biología, Química, Física, Farmacia, etc.)
NOTA: Las plazas que no se cubran en el Bloque A se ofertarán en el Bloque B y viceversa.
Bloque C: 5 plazas (extranjeros, tanto de Enseñanza Técnica como de Ciencias)
Los alumnos procedentes de países de lengua diferente al gallego, portugués ou español deberán acreditar el nivel de lengua gallega: Celga II, o española: B1, de acuerdo con el Acuerdo del Consejo de Gobierno de la USC de 30 de julio de 2018.
De non poseer alguno de los títulos, la USC les realizará una prueba de nivel y, de no superarla, deberán asistir a un curso intensivo de gallego o español en el primer semestre hasta alcanzar el nivel requerido.
Información actualizada en cada convocatoria de matrícula
- To identify and formulate environmental problems.
- Plan, design and forecast solutions, whether for management models, projects or installations, to avoid and solve the aforementioned problems.
- To execute the building and installation corresponding to the cited solutions.
- To exploit, maintain and manage projects, installations or environmental services.
Tener un conocimiento global de los problemas ambientales.
Relacionar las leyes de las diferentes esferas para alcanzar la sostenibilidad.
Conocer las técnicas de construcción e instalación en ingeniería.
Conocer la legislación ambiental a nivel local, regional y global.
Conocer y diseñar las operaciones unitarias aplicables en los procesos ambientales.
Elaborar proyectos de ingeniería ambiental.
Organizar, planificar y dirigir servicios ambientales.
Aplicar herramientas de planificación y optimización.
Definir la viabilidad técnica, social, económica y ambiental de un proyecto o solución.
Gestionar de forma eficiente los recursos y energía, fomentando el desarrollo y uso de energías renovables.
Modelizar sistemas ambientales tanto naturales cómo artificiales.
Aplicar herramientas de gestión ambiental: Análisis de ciclo de vida, Ecología industrial, Tecnologías limpias, Normas ESO, EMAS…
La movilidad de los/as estudiantes está regulada a través del “Reglamento de intercambios interuniversitarios”. A través de la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores se gestionan programas de intercambio tanto nacionales (SICUE), como europeos (ERASMUS) y extracomunitarios (intercambios con países de América Latina o países de habla inglesa): Portal Internacional
Realización de estancias en empresas y/o administraciones donde los alumnos realicen tareas enmarcadas en los objetivos de su perfil profesional.
Se realizará un trabajo fin de máster de 18 ECTS en que se aplicarán por parte del alumno los conocimientos contenidos en su formación a una problemática de ingeniería ambiental como ejemplo de una actividad profesional, científica, técnica o de gestión.
The teaching staff of the MSc in Environmental Engineering is composed of 25 lecturers: 36% full professors, 52% associate professors and 8% partial time associated professors, all of them with a high expertise in this field.
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
Offer |
IN01 Offered places Number of places offered for each academic year. Scale info: Whole number |
30,0 |
30,0 |
30,0 |
30,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Enrolment |
IN02 Enrollment Number of students enrolled in an academic year without counting students from incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Whole number |
51,0 |
42,0 |
44,0 |
39,0 |
20,0 |
3,0 |
IN03 Access enrollment Number of students enrolling in a study plan for the first time. This includes students who transfer their transcripts, access by partial validation of foreign studies or who adapt from plans in extinction. Scale info: Whole number |
20,0 |
22,0 |
20,0 |
17,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
IN04 New enrollment by pre-registration Number of students who enroll in the first year of a study plan for the first time, that is, not counting students who access through partial validation of foreign studies, transfers or adaptations from plans in extinction. Scale info: Whole number |
20,0 |
22,0 |
20,0 |
17,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
IN05 Variation in new enrollment by pre-registration Relative variation rate of new admission enrollment by pre-registration. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
-28,57 |
10,0 |
-9,09 |
-15,0 |
- |
- |
Admittance profile |
IN06 Average access grade by pre-registration Average entrance grade for pre-registration of students starting studies. Determines the entry profile. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. The range goes from 0 to the maximum value that can be obtained in each academic year for pre-registration (some historical values have been 10.00 points, 12.00 points or 14.00 points). |
6,9419 |
7,0627 |
6,866 |
7,0388 |
- |
- |
IN08 Percentage of foreign students over total enrolled Percentage of foreign students over enrolled students, excluding students enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
3,92 |
0,0 |
4,55 |
5,13 |
5,0 |
33,33 |
IN09 Percentage of national students from outside Galicia over total enrolled Percentage of national students from outside Galicia on enrolled students, without counting students enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
21,57 |
30,95 |
22,73 |
20,51 |
25,0 |
33,33 |
IN13 Percentage of enrolled students who are USC graduates Number of students enrolled in the master's program who graduated from USC. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
- |
- |
34,09 |
35,9 |
35,0 |
66,67 |
Adaptation to demand |
IN12 Occupancy rate Number of new students entering through pre-registration divided by the places offered. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
66,67 |
73,33 |
66,67 |
56,67 |
- |
- |
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
External mobility |
IN18 Percentage of students received by USC from mobility programs over total enrolled Number of students received at USC in that degree from other universities (mobility programs) divided by the number of students enrolled in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
5,88 |
4,76 |
9,09 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
IN22 Percentage of graduates in an academic year who completed internships in companies or institutions during their studies Percentage relationship between graduates of a degree in an academic year who have carried out internships in companies and institutions throughout their studies, out of the total number of students graduating in that degree and in that same academic year. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
100,0 |
100,0 |
100,0 |
94,74 |
87,5 |
100,0 |
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
Drop-out |
IN41 Dropout rate under RD 1393/2007 Percentage relationship between students in a new admission cohort who should have obtained their degree in the previous academic year and who did not enroll in either that academic year or the previous one. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
0,0 |
0,0 |
10,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Assessment |
IN36 Evaluation rate Percentage relationship between the total number of ordinary credits for which the students applied and the total number of ordinary credits enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
91,85 |
97,96 |
97,04 |
95,6 |
87,5 |
66,67 |
Average duration of studies |
IN38 Average duration of studies Average duration (in years) in which students take to complete the credits corresponding to the curriculum. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places |
2,0385 |
2,0556 |
2,0476 |
2,0 |
2,125 |
3,5 |
Efficiency of graduates |
IN53 Efficiency rate (graduates' performance) Percentage ratio between the total number of credits that a student passed during the degree in which he graduated and the total number of credits in which he enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
97,63 |
96,57 |
98,77 |
96,09 |
96,26 |
73,2 |
Students per group |
IN32 Average number of students per interactive teaching group Relationship between the number of enrolled students and the number of interactive teaching groups. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places |
14,9167 |
14,6667 |
13,7917 |
12,4783 |
12,5 |
- |
IN55 Average number of students enrolled in mandatory and basic training courses per theoretical group (lectures) Relationship between the number of students enrolled in compulsory basic education subjects and the number of theory groups in those subjects. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places |
20,4615 |
19,6923 |
18,9231 |
16,6154 |
17,0 |
- |
IN56 Average number of students enrolled in elective courses per theoretical group (lectures) Relationship between the number of students enrolled in optional subjects and the number of theory groups in those subjects. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places |
10,2222 |
10,6667 |
9,4444 |
8,875 |
8,0 |
- |
Success |
IN35 Success rate Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits that students have passed and the total number of ordinary credits for which they have applied. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
99,32 |
99,53 |
98,57 |
99,73 |
100,0 |
100,0 |
IN50 Success rate of graduates Percentage relationship between the total number of credits that a student passed throughout the degree from which he/she graduated and the total number of credits that he/she applied for. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
97,83 |
96,57 |
99,69 |
96,27 |
98,89 |
95,31 |
Graduation |
IN37 Graduation rate Percentage ratio between students who completed their studies within the time provided for in the study plan or in an additional academic year and their entry cohort. It shows information on the degree of effectiveness of the students and the institution in relation to their academic activity. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
92,59 |
92,86 |
90,0 |
90,91 |
95,0 |
94,12 |
Performance |
IN34 Performance rate Percentage relationship between the total number of ordinary credits that students passed and the total number of ordinary credits in which they enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
91,22 |
97,5 |
95,65 |
95,33 |
87,5 |
66,67 |
Satisfaction |
IN19 Students' satisfaction with external internships Average rating of the student satisfaction survey with external internships. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
3,9861 |
- |
4,5 |
3,59 |
- |
- |
IN20 Professional tutors' satisfaction with external internships Average rating of the professional tutors' satisfaction survey with external internships. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
4,3333 |
- |
4,6 |
- |
- |
- |
IN23 Graduates' satisfaction with the public information available Average rating of the graduate satisfaction survey with available public information. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
3,2667 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
IN33 Graduates' satisfaction with services Average rating of the questions relating to satisfaction with the services of the graduate survey. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
3,7647 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
IN42 General satisfaction of graduates with the degree program Average rating of questions regarding satisfaction with the degree in the graduate survey. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
3,446 |
- |
3,26 |
3,55 |
- |
3,95 |
IN46 Students' satisfaction with the teaching received Average rating of the student satisfaction survey with the teaching received. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
3,94 |
3,95 |
4,25 |
4,17 |
3,98 |
- |
IN47 Teachers' satisfaction with the teaching provided Average rating of the teacher satisfaction survey with the teaching provided. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
4,5366 |
4,355 |
4,2616 |
4,3704 |
4,7105 |
- |
IN48 Response rate to the satisfaction survey Percentage of response to the satisfaction survey by students. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
46,2963 |
62,7907 |
72,093 |
48,7179 |
29,4118 |
- |
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
IN24 Percentage of Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) with six-year research periods Percentage relationship between the PDI with six years and the total PDI with teaching in the degree and which can have six years Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
96,0 |
96,15 |
96,3 |
88,89 |
100,0 |
IN25 Percentage of PDI with a PhD over total PDI Percentage ratio between the doctoral PDI and the total PDI with teaching in the title. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
92,59 |
93,1 |
93,55 |
96,88 |
100,0 |
IN26 Percentage of civil servant PDI over total PDI Percentage relationship between the official PDI and the total PDI with teaching in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
74,07 |
72,41 |
64,52 |
65,63 |
100,0 |
Créditos que deberá cursar el alumno para obtener la titulación:
Obligatorios 51.5
Optativos 14.5
Prácticas externas obrigatorias 6
Trabajo Fin de Máster 18
Total 90
Balances of Matter and Energy
- P4012101
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
- P4012102
- Compulsory Credits
- 5 Credits
Development of Projects and Construction
- P4012103
- Compulsory Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Environmental Modelling
- P4012201
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Environmental Law
- P4012202
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Quality of Waters
- P4012104
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Technologies of the Treatment of Waters
- P4012105
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Laboratory of Environmental Technology
- P4012106
- Compulsory Credits
- 4 Credits
Exploitation of EDAR and ETAP
- P4012203
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
The Atmospheric Environment and Reduction of Emissions
- P4012107
- Compulsory Credits
- 5 Credits
Instrumentation and Environmental Monitoring
- P4012108
- Compulsory Credits
- 3 Credits
Modelling Laboratory of the Air Quality
- P4012204
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Tecniques of Territorial Analysis
- P4012205
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Pollution and Recovering of Soils
- P4012109
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Management and Treatment of Waste
- P4012110
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Laboratory of Soils and Waste
- P4012206
- Elective Credits
- 4 Credits
Applied Edaphology
- P4012207
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Soil and Waste Laboratory
- P4012210
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Applied Edaphology
- P4012211
- Elective Credits
- 4 Credits
Professional Training
- P4012111
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Assessment of the Environmental Impact
- P4012112
- Compulsory Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Ecological Design of Processes and Products
- P4012113
- Compulsory Credits
- 5 Credits
Planning of Natural Systems
- P4012208
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Clean Technologies
- P4012209
- Elective Credits
- 3,5 Credits
Master Dissertation
- P4012114
- Compulsory Credits
- 18 Credits
The master's degree trains professionals specializing in the prevention of environmental damage, the protection of the environment and the improvement of the quality of the environment by providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills to apply solutions to environmental problems such as unsustainable consumption, waste generation or pollution.
No se contempla
Créditos que deberá cursar el alumno para obtener la titulación:
Obligatorios 51.5
Optativos 14.5
Prácticas externas obrigatorias 6
Trabajo Fin de Máster 18
Total 90
Se realizan actividades de orientación formativa-tutorías personalizadas en que los/las docentes prestan apoyo y asesoramiento al alumnado a lo largo de su trayectoria de estudios con el objeto de mejorar su
rendimiento, la orientación y facilitar su posterior inserción profesional.
Este apoyo puede ser individual o bien estar normalizado a través de la figura del profesor/a tutor/a,
dependiendo de la estructura organizativa de la titulación.
Para acceder aos ensinos oficiais de Máster será necesario estar en posesión de:
A.1. Un título universitario oficial español.
A.2. Un título expedido por unha institución de educación superior pertencente a outro Estado integrante do Espazo Europeo de Educación Superior que faculte no mesmo para o acceso a ensinos de Máster.
A.3. Un título pertencente a un sistema educativo alleo ao Espazo Europeo de Educación, previa comprobación pola Universidade de que o citado título acredita un nivel de formación equivalente aos correspondentes títulos universitarios oficiais españois e faculta no país expedidor do título para o acceso a ensinos de posgrao.
A.4. Un título superior das Ensinanzas Artísticas Superiores do sistema educativo español.
Modalidad: Criterios xerais
Titulaciones de acceso:
Bloque A: 14 plazas
Titulaciones de Enseñanzas Técnicas (Grado y Máster en Ingenierías; Ingenieros Superiores; Ingenieros Técnicos; Arquitectura y Arquitectura Técnica, etc.)
Bloque B: 13 plazas
Titulaciones de Ciencias Experimentales (Grado, Máster y Licenciados en Ciencias Ambientales, Biología, Química, Física, Farmacia, etc.)
NOTA: Las plazas que no se cubran en el Bloque A se ofertarán en el Bloque B y viceversa.
Bloque C: 5 plazas (extranjeros, tanto de Enseñanza Técnica como de Ciencias)
Los alumnos procedentes de países de lengua diferente al gallego, portugués ou español deberán acreditar el nivel de lengua gallega: Celga II, o española: B1, de acuerdo con el Acuerdo del Consejo de Gobierno de la USC de 30 de julio de 2018.
De non poseer alguno de los títulos, la USC les realizará una prueba de nivel y, de no superarla, deberán asistir a un curso intensivo de gallego o español en el primer semestre hasta alcanzar el nivel requerido.
Información actualizada en cada convocatoria de matrícula
Modalidad: Criterios xerais
Titulaciones de acceso:
Bloque A: 14 plazas
Titulaciones de Enseñanzas Técnicas (Grado y Máster en Ingenierías; Ingenieros Superiores; Ingenieros Técnicos; Arquitectura y Arquitectura Técnica, etc.)
Bloque B: 13 plazas
Titulaciones de Ciencias Experimentales (Grado, Máster y Licenciados en Ciencias Ambientales, Biología, Química, Física, Farmacia, etc.)
NOTA: Las plazas que no se cubran en el Bloque A se ofertarán en el Bloque B y viceversa.
Bloque C: 5 plazas (extranjeros, tanto de Enseñanza Técnica como de Ciencias)
Los alumnos procedentes de países de lengua diferente al gallego, portugués ou español deberán acreditar el nivel de lengua gallega: Celga II, o española: B1, de acuerdo con el Acuerdo del Consejo de Gobierno de la USC de 30 de julio de 2018.
De non poseer alguno de los títulos, la USC les realizará una prueba de nivel y, de no superarla, deberán asistir a un curso intensivo de gallego o español en el primer semestre hasta alcanzar el nivel requerido.
Información actualizada en cada convocatoria de matrícula
- To identify and formulate environmental problems.
- Plan, design and forecast solutions, whether for management models, projects or installations, to avoid and solve the aforementioned problems.
- To execute the building and installation corresponding to the cited solutions.
- To exploit, maintain and manage projects, installations or environmental services.
Tener un conocimiento global de los problemas ambientales.
Relacionar las leyes de las diferentes esferas para alcanzar la sostenibilidad.
Conocer las técnicas de construcción e instalación en ingeniería.
Conocer la legislación ambiental a nivel local, regional y global.
Conocer y diseñar las operaciones unitarias aplicables en los procesos ambientales.
Elaborar proyectos de ingeniería ambiental.
Organizar, planificar y dirigir servicios ambientales.
Aplicar herramientas de planificación y optimización.
Definir la viabilidad técnica, social, económica y ambiental de un proyecto o solución.
Gestionar de forma eficiente los recursos y energía, fomentando el desarrollo y uso de energías renovables.
Modelizar sistemas ambientales tanto naturales cómo artificiales.
Aplicar herramientas de gestión ambiental: Análisis de ciclo de vida, Ecología industrial, Tecnologías limpias, Normas ESO, EMAS…
La movilidad de los/as estudiantes está regulada a través del “Reglamento de intercambios interuniversitarios”. A través de la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores se gestionan programas de intercambio tanto nacionales (SICUE), como europeos (ERASMUS) y extracomunitarios (intercambios con países de América Latina o países de habla inglesa): Portal Internacional
Realización de estancias en empresas y/o administraciones donde los alumnos realicen tareas enmarcadas en los objetivos de su perfil profesional.
Se realizará un trabajo fin de máster de 18 ECTS en que se aplicarán por parte del alumno los conocimientos contenidos en su formación a una problemática de ingeniería ambiental como ejemplo de una actividad profesional, científica, técnica o de gestión.
The teaching staff of the MSc in Environmental Engineering is composed of 25 lecturers: 36% full professors, 52% associate professors and 8% partial time associated professors, all of them with a high expertise in this field.
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
Offer |
IN01 Offered places Number of places offered for each academic year. Scale info: Whole number |
30,0 |
30,0 |
30,0 |
30,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Enrolment |
IN02 Enrollment Number of students enrolled in an academic year without counting students from incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Whole number |
51,0 |
42,0 |
44,0 |
39,0 |
20,0 |
3,0 |
IN03 Access enrollment Number of students enrolling in a study plan for the first time. This includes students who transfer their transcripts, access by partial validation of foreign studies or who adapt from plans in extinction. Scale info: Whole number |
20,0 |
22,0 |
20,0 |
17,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
IN04 New enrollment by pre-registration Number of students who enroll in the first year of a study plan for the first time, that is, not counting students who access through partial validation of foreign studies, transfers or adaptations from plans in extinction. Scale info: Whole number |
20,0 |
22,0 |
20,0 |
17,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
IN05 Variation in new enrollment by pre-registration Relative variation rate of new admission enrollment by pre-registration. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
-28,57 |
10,0 |
-9,09 |
-15,0 |
- |
- |
Admittance profile |
IN06 Average access grade by pre-registration Average entrance grade for pre-registration of students starting studies. Determines the entry profile. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. The range goes from 0 to the maximum value that can be obtained in each academic year for pre-registration (some historical values have been 10.00 points, 12.00 points or 14.00 points). |
6,9419 |
7,0627 |
6,866 |
7,0388 |
- |
- |
IN08 Percentage of foreign students over total enrolled Percentage of foreign students over enrolled students, excluding students enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
3,92 |
0,0 |
4,55 |
5,13 |
5,0 |
33,33 |
IN09 Percentage of national students from outside Galicia over total enrolled Percentage of national students from outside Galicia on enrolled students, without counting students enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
21,57 |
30,95 |
22,73 |
20,51 |
25,0 |
33,33 |
IN13 Percentage of enrolled students who are USC graduates Number of students enrolled in the master's program who graduated from USC. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
- |
- |
34,09 |
35,9 |
35,0 |
66,67 |
Adaptation to demand |
IN12 Occupancy rate Number of new students entering through pre-registration divided by the places offered. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
66,67 |
73,33 |
66,67 |
56,67 |
- |
- |
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
External mobility |
IN18 Percentage of students received by USC from mobility programs over total enrolled Number of students received at USC in that degree from other universities (mobility programs) divided by the number of students enrolled in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
5,88 |
4,76 |
9,09 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
IN22 Percentage of graduates in an academic year who completed internships in companies or institutions during their studies Percentage relationship between graduates of a degree in an academic year who have carried out internships in companies and institutions throughout their studies, out of the total number of students graduating in that degree and in that same academic year. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
100,0 |
100,0 |
100,0 |
94,74 |
87,5 |
100,0 |
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
Drop-out |
IN41 Dropout rate under RD 1393/2007 Percentage relationship between students in a new admission cohort who should have obtained their degree in the previous academic year and who did not enroll in either that academic year or the previous one. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
0,0 |
0,0 |
10,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Assessment |
IN36 Evaluation rate Percentage relationship between the total number of ordinary credits for which the students applied and the total number of ordinary credits enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
91,85 |
97,96 |
97,04 |
95,6 |
87,5 |
66,67 |
Average duration of studies |
IN38 Average duration of studies Average duration (in years) in which students take to complete the credits corresponding to the curriculum. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places |
2,0385 |
2,0556 |
2,0476 |
2,0 |
2,125 |
3,5 |
Efficiency of graduates |
IN53 Efficiency rate (graduates' performance) Percentage ratio between the total number of credits that a student passed during the degree in which he graduated and the total number of credits in which he enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
97,63 |
96,57 |
98,77 |
96,09 |
96,26 |
73,2 |
Students per group |
IN32 Average number of students per interactive teaching group Relationship between the number of enrolled students and the number of interactive teaching groups. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places |
14,9167 |
14,6667 |
13,7917 |
12,4783 |
12,5 |
- |
IN55 Average number of students enrolled in mandatory and basic training courses per theoretical group (lectures) Relationship between the number of students enrolled in compulsory basic education subjects and the number of theory groups in those subjects. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places |
20,4615 |
19,6923 |
18,9231 |
16,6154 |
17,0 |
- |
IN56 Average number of students enrolled in elective courses per theoretical group (lectures) Relationship between the number of students enrolled in optional subjects and the number of theory groups in those subjects. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places |
10,2222 |
10,6667 |
9,4444 |
8,875 |
8,0 |
- |
Success |
IN35 Success rate Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits that students have passed and the total number of ordinary credits for which they have applied. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
99,32 |
99,53 |
98,57 |
99,73 |
100,0 |
100,0 |
IN50 Success rate of graduates Percentage relationship between the total number of credits that a student passed throughout the degree from which he/she graduated and the total number of credits that he/she applied for. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
97,83 |
96,57 |
99,69 |
96,27 |
98,89 |
95,31 |
Graduation |
IN37 Graduation rate Percentage ratio between students who completed their studies within the time provided for in the study plan or in an additional academic year and their entry cohort. It shows information on the degree of effectiveness of the students and the institution in relation to their academic activity. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
92,59 |
92,86 |
90,0 |
90,91 |
95,0 |
94,12 |
Performance |
IN34 Performance rate Percentage relationship between the total number of ordinary credits that students passed and the total number of ordinary credits in which they enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
91,22 |
97,5 |
95,65 |
95,33 |
87,5 |
66,67 |
Satisfaction |
IN19 Students' satisfaction with external internships Average rating of the student satisfaction survey with external internships. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
3,9861 |
- |
4,5 |
3,59 |
- |
- |
IN20 Professional tutors' satisfaction with external internships Average rating of the professional tutors' satisfaction survey with external internships. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
4,3333 |
- |
4,6 |
- |
- |
- |
IN23 Graduates' satisfaction with the public information available Average rating of the graduate satisfaction survey with available public information. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
3,2667 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
IN33 Graduates' satisfaction with services Average rating of the questions relating to satisfaction with the services of the graduate survey. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
3,7647 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
IN42 General satisfaction of graduates with the degree program Average rating of questions regarding satisfaction with the degree in the graduate survey. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
3,446 |
- |
3,26 |
3,55 |
- |
3,95 |
IN46 Students' satisfaction with the teaching received Average rating of the student satisfaction survey with the teaching received. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
3,94 |
3,95 |
4,25 |
4,17 |
3,98 |
- |
IN47 Teachers' satisfaction with the teaching provided Average rating of the teacher satisfaction survey with the teaching provided. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00 |
4,5366 |
4,355 |
4,2616 |
4,3704 |
4,7105 |
- |
IN48 Response rate to the satisfaction survey Percentage of response to the satisfaction survey by students. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
46,2963 |
62,7907 |
72,093 |
48,7179 |
29,4118 |
- |
Indicator |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
IN24 Percentage of Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) with six-year research periods Percentage relationship between the PDI with six years and the total PDI with teaching in the degree and which can have six years Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
96,0 |
96,15 |
96,3 |
88,89 |
100,0 |
IN25 Percentage of PDI with a PhD over total PDI Percentage ratio between the doctoral PDI and the total PDI with teaching in the title. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
92,59 |
93,1 |
93,55 |
96,88 |
100,0 |
IN26 Percentage of civil servant PDI over total PDI Percentage relationship between the official PDI and the total PDI with teaching in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places |
74,07 |
72,41 |
64,52 |
65,63 |
100,0 |