ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 2 Expository Class: 22 Interactive Classroom: 11 EEES Clinics: 10 Total: 45
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
Areas: Stomatology
Center Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
With regard to the student COGNITIVE LEVEL MUST BE ABLE TO:
1 -. PROVE have adequate knowledge of demography and sociology of aging, and oral and dental biological changes in aging, systemic diseases and geriatric pharmacology, pathology and management of diseases bucodentarias the older patient, and knowledge of usage by elderly dental
2 -. PROVE know the clinical manifestations of these processes and supporting procedures to enable it to reach a diagnosis.
3 -. ASSOCIATE such knowledge to specific situations that derive from clinical practice to establish a diagnosis.
4 -. FORMULAR individual prognosis, diagnosis under performing, or of a condition that the patient presents.
5 -. APPLY the most appropriate dental treatment for the condition, based on the established diagnosis and determine the monitoring of the patient.
1 -. PREPARE a complete medical history and systematized.
2 -. HOLDING complete dental examination, oral mucosa, teeth and dental arches, the gum and the temporomandibular joint
3 -. PRACTICE the most common techniques to obtain additional information for the diagnosis gerodontology
4 -. ADOPT in odontostomatological prática hygiene and preventive measures to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases.
Finally, in the FIELD OF ATTITUDES, the student must be able to:
1 -. ESTABLISH an appropriate relationship with the patient, based on the development of receptivity and capacity to respond to situations and considering it raises at all times on an individual basis.
2 -. ADOPT a scientific and critical approach to problems.
. 3 - COLLABORATE with teachers and fellow students in the development of programmed activities.
Topic 1.- Concept. Need for Gerodontology. Evolution and current state of Gerodontology and its teaching. Future perspectives.
Topic 2.- Demography of ageing. Impact of aging on current and future society.
Topic 3.- Biological aspects of ageing. General and buco-facial changes.
Topic 4.- Systemic diseases in older adults.
Topic 5.- Pharmacological treatments in geriatrics and their dental impact.
Topic 6.- Nutrition and health. Main nutritional deficits. Physical activity. Overweight and obesity. Alcohol and tobacco.
Topic 7.- Psychological aspects and mental and neurodegenerative disorders in the elderly: Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Other neurodegenerative diseases. Depressive states and other psychiatric disorders.
Topic 8.- Comprehensive gerodontological assessment. Oral evaluation and planning of dental treatment.
Topic 9.- Prevention of oral health. Oral hygiene Caries prevention based on risk. Prevention of periodontal diseases. Community dentistry.
Topic 10.- Dental pathology and therapeutics in the elderly. Dental pathology. Cavities. endodontic treatment.
Topic 11.- Periodontal disease in the elderly. Classification of periodontal diseases. Diagnosis and periodontal treatment. Systemic influence of periodontitis.
Topic 12.- Orofacial pain. Vascular pain. Neuropathic pain. Temporomandibular disorders. Burning mouth syndrome.
Topic 13.- Saliva and pathology of the salivary glands. Xerostomia.
Topic 14.- Pathology of the oral mucosa. Pigmentations. Traumatic and iatrogenic injuries. Injuries associated with the use of prostheses. Infectious pathology. Diseases of the tongue. Potentially malignant oral disorders. oral cancer. Early diagnosis of oral cancer.
Topic 15.- Surgical pathology in older adults. Exodontia. Dental retentions. Infections of odontogenic origin. Trauma, cysts and tumors
Topic 16. Principles of prosthetic rehabilitation. Fixed and removable prosthetics.
Topic 17.- Oral implantology. Surgical techniques.
Topic 18.- Prosthodontic rehabilitation on implants.
Topic 19.- The use of dental services by the elderly. Barriers to dental treatment. The institutionalized and disabled elderly.
Basic bibliography
Sociedad Española de Gerodontología. Gerodontología. Ed. Sociedad Española de Gerodontología. Santiago de Compostela, 2012.
Sociedad Española de Gerodontología. Gerodontología. Ed. Sociedad Española de Gerodontología. Santiago de Compostela, 2012. (
Bullón Fernández P, Velasco Ortega E. Odontoestomatología geriátrica: la atención odontológica integral del paciente de edad avanzada. Ed. SmithKline Beecham, Madrid. 1996.
Complementary bibliography
Updated articles and documents recommended specifically by teachers
Con08: Recognize normality and oral pathology, as well as the evaluation of semiological data.
Con09: Identify the main reason for consultation and the history of the current illness. Take a general medical history of the patient and a clinical record that faithfully reflects the patient's records.
Con16: Provide a global approach to oral care and apply the principles of health promotion and prevention of oral diseases.
Con20: Know the repercussions of demographic and epidemiological trends in the practice of dentistry.
Con25: Recognize that the patient is the center of care and that all interactions, including prevention, diagnosis, planning and execution of treatment and maintenance, must seek their best interest, avoiding any type of discrimination and respecting confidentiality.
Con29: Know the oral manifestations of systemic diseases.
Con34: Perform basic treatments for oral-dental pathology in patients of all ages. Therapeutic procedures should be based on the concept of minimal invasion and a global and integrated approach to oral treatment.
Con36: Take and interpret radiographs and other image-based procedures relevant to dental practice.
Con37: Make diagnostic models, mount them and take inter-occlusal records.
Con38: Determine and identify the patient's aesthetic requirements and the possibilities of satisfying their concerns.
Con39: Identify the patient who requires special care, recognizing their characteristics and peculiarities.
Con40: Assess the motor and sensory function of the mouth, jaws and adnexa.
Con41: Perform limited procedures of invasive diagnostic techniques in soft tissues (biopsies).
Con42: Appropriate prescription of drugs, knowing their contraindications, interactions, systemic effects and repercussions on other organs.
Con43: Apply loco-regional anesthesia techniques.
Con44: Prepare and isolate the operating field.
Con45: Identify, assess and attend to medical emergencies and emergencies that may arise during clinical practice and apply cardio-pulmonary resuscitation techniques.
Con46: Manage acute infections, including pharmacological prescription and simple surgical aspects.
Con47: Identify and attend to any dental emergency.
Con48: Perform both medical and surgical treatment of common diseases of the oral soft tissues.
Con49: Perform simple surgical procedures: extraction of erupted primary and permanent teeth, fractured or retained roots and uncomplicated surgical extraction of unerupted teeth and simple pre-prosthetic surgery procedures.
Con50: Treat dento-alveolar trauma in primary and permanent dentition.
Con51: Treat both pharmacologically and surgically the inflammatory processes of the periodontal and/or peri-implant tissues, including supra- and subgingival periodontal instrumentation techniques.
Con52: Assess and treat the patient with caries or other non-carious dental pathology and be able to use all materials aimed at restoring the form, function and aesthetics of the tooth in patients of all ages.
Con53: Design, prepare teeth, prescribe, record, perform clinical tests and place and put into service indirect restorations: inlays, veneers or aesthetic laminated fronts and single crowns.
Con54: Operatively treat destructive processes and traumatic dento-alveolar injuries.
Con55: Perform endodontic treatments and apply procedures to preserve pulp vitality.
Con56: Perform conventional aesthetic procedures from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Con57: Treat both partial and total edentulism, including biological design (specific design features), tooth preparation, record collection, clinical testing, and patient fitting of partial and complete removable dentures, simple tooth-supported bridges, and simple dentures on implants, both removable and fixed, including their "placement" and "put into service."
Con58: Prepare prescriptions for customized health products "dental prostheses" and "orthodontic and dento-facial orthopedic appliances."
Con59: Perform non-surgical treatment of temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain.
Comp01.-Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
Comp02.-Ability to organize and plan.
Comp03.-Oral and written communication in their own language.
Comp04.-Knowledge of a second language.
Comp05.-Basic computer skills.
Comp06.-Information management skills (ability to search and analyze information from diverse sources).
Comp07.-Problem resolution.
Comp08.-Decision making.
Comp09.-Critical and self-critical capacity.
Comp11.-Interpersonal skills.
Comp12.-Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team.
Comp13.-Ability to communicate with experts from other areas.
Comp14.- Appreciation of diversity and multiculturalism.
Comp15.-Ability to work in an international context.
Comp16.-Ethical commitment.
Comp17.-Ability to apply knowledge in practice.
Comp18.- Research skills.
Comp19.-Autonomous learning capacity
Comp20.-Capacity for adapting to new situations.
Comp21.-Ability to generate new ideas (creativity).
Comp23.-Knowledge of cultures and customs of other countries.
Comp24.-Ability to work autonomously.
Comp25.- Design and project management.
Comp26.-Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
Comp27.- Concern for quality.
Comp28.-Achievement motivation.
A) Professional values, attitudes and ethical behaviors:
H/D01. Know the essential elements of the dental profession, including ethical principles and legal responsibilities.
H/D02. Understand the importance of such principles for the benefit of the patient, society and the profession, with special attention to professional secrecy.
H/D03. Know how to identify the patient's concerns and expectations, as well as communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing, with patients, family members, the media and other professionals.
H/D04. Understand and recognize the social and psychological aspects relevant to the treatment of patients.
H/D05. Know how to apply the principles of anxiety and stress control to oneself, patients and other members of the dental team.
H/D06. Understand the importance of developing a professional practice with respect to the patient's autonomy, beliefs and culture.
H/D07. Promote autonomous learning of new knowledge and techniques, as well as motivation for quality.
H/D08. Know how to share information with other health professionals and work as a team.
H/D09. Understand the importance of maintaining and using records with patient information for subsequent analysis, preserving the confidentiality of the data.
H/D10. Know and identify the psychological and physical problems derived from gender violence to train students in prevention, early detection, assistance, and rehabilitation of victims of this form of violence.
B) Scientific foundations of dentistry. Acquisition and critical assessment of information:
H/D11. Understand the basic biomedical sciences on which Dentistry is based to ensure correct oral-dental care.
H/D12. Understand and recognize the normal structure and function of the stomatognathic apparatus, at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organic level, in the different stages of life.
H/D13. Understand and recognize the sciences of biomaterials essential for dental practice as well as the immediate management of possible allergies to them.
H/D14. Learn about the general processes of the disease, including infection, inflammation, immune system alterations, degeneration, neoplasia, metabolic alterations, and genetic disorders.
H/D15. Be familiar with the general pathological characteristics of diseases and disorders that affect organic systems, specifically those that have an oral impact.
H/D16. Understand the basis of action, indications and effectiveness of drugs and other therapeutic interventions, knowing their contraindications, interactions, systemic effects and interactions on other organs, based on the available scientific evidence.
H/D17. Understand and recognize the principles of ergonomics and safety at work (including cross infection control, radiation protection, and occupational and biological diseases).
H/D18. Know, critically evaluate and know how to use sources of clinical and biomedical information to obtain, organize, interpret and communicate scientific and health information.
H/D19. Know the scientific method and have the critical capacity to evaluate established knowledge and new information. Be able to formulate hypotheses, collect and critically evaluate information to solve problems, following the scientific method.C. Clinical skills: Diagnosis, prognosis and dental treatment planning.
H/D20. Obtain and prepare a medical history that contains all relevant information.
H/D21. Know how to perform a complete oral examination, including the appropriate radiographic and complementary examination tests, as well as obtaining appropriate clinical references.
H/D22. Have the ability to make an initial diagnostic judgment and establish a reasoned diagnostic strategy, being competent in recognizing situations that require urgent dental care.
H/D23. Establish the diagnosis, prognosis and adequate therapeutic planning in all clinical areas of Dentistry, being competent in the diagnosis, prognosis and preparation of the dental treatment plan of the patient who requires special care, including medically compromised patients (such as diabetics, hypertensive , immunosuppressed, anticoagulated, among others) and patients with disabilities.
H/D24. Recognize life-threatening situations and know how to perform basic life support maneuvers.
D. Clinical skills: Dental therapeutics.
H/D25. Know and apply the basic treatment of the most common oral-dental pathology in patients of all ages. Therapeutic procedures should be based on the concept of minimal invasion and a global and integrated approach to oral treatment.
H/D26. Know how to plan and carry out multidisciplinary, sequential and integrated dental treatments of limited complexity in patients of all ages and conditions and patients who require special care.
H/D27. Pose and propose preventive measures appropriate to each clinical situation.
H/D28. Acquire clinical experience under appropriate supervision.
E. Public health and health systems.
H/D29. Recognize the determinants of oral health in the population, both genetic and lifestyle-dependent, demographic, environmental, social, economic, psychological and cultural.
H/D30. Recognize the role of the dentist in prevention and protection actions against oral diseases, as well as in the maintenance and promotion of health, both at the individual and community level.
H/D31. Know the National Health System, as well as the basic aspects of health legislation, clinical management and appropriate use of health resources, understanding the importance of the role of the dentist in the field of Primary Health Care.
The theoretical program will be given through master classes.
In the seminars clinical cases adapted to the contents of the program will be discussed, as well as the analysis and solution of problems interactively between students and the teacher. Different types of debates will be established.
In laboratory and clinical practices, the knowledge acquired will be applied in a practical way.
A visit will be made to a nursing home where the characteristics of the center and institutionalized patients will be analyzed as part of a Community Learning and Service project and group work will be done to expose its users and caregivers to the nursing home.
You will attend a conference/talk related to the subject.
In the tutorials the teacher will personally attend to the students to guide them and resolve any doubts they may have. The tutorials will be essentially face-to-face, although they may be carried out electronically.
Attendance at 90% of the practical activity and 80% of the theoretical activity is compulsory
- Mandatory attendance at 90% of the practical activity and 80% of the theoretical classes to pass the subject.
- Continuous evaluation: Participation and the acquisition of knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to obtain the expected competences will be valued throughout the course, both in face-to-face and personal work. It will correspond to 25% of the final grade.
-1 Written test (at the end of the semester), test type exam with only one possible answer and errors or those left blank do not count as negative. A grade of 6.5 out of 10 will be required to pass. It will correspond to 70% of the final grade.
-Participation in Learning and Community Service (ApS) projects: 5%
Individual study 24 h
Development of work 5 h
Further reading, library or similar activities 6 hours
Attendance at lectures, or other recommended activities 10 hours
General binding rules.
- Patients will be addressed under the SUPERVISION OF PROFESSOR OF PRACTICE.
- You must attend the patient with the RIGHT PROTECTION by the student, ie, clean gown, mask and disposable gloves, being highly recommended the use of goggles.
- The internship starting TIMELINESS: once initiated can not be incorporated into any student them.
- You can not make practices who do not follow the correct rules STERILIZATION and is not in possession of INSTRUMENTAL.
TUTORIALS: - 12 hours on Monday and Thursday 9 will be made. For better organization and use, it is advisable to arrange an appointment in advance.
Andres Blanco Carrion
- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Stomatology
- [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Eva Maria Otero Rey
Coordinador/a- Department
- Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities
- Area
- Stomatology
- evam.otero [at]
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) Associate University Professor
Thursday | |||
10:30-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Dentistry-A. Suárez Nuñez |
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Spanish | Dentistry-A. Suárez Nuñez |
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLIL_02 | Spanish | Dentistry-Orthodontics Seminar (negatoscopes) |
05.22.2025 12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Dentistry-A. Suárez Nuñez |
05.22.2025 12:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Dentistry-Classroom 3 |
06.26.2025 12:30-14:30 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Dentistry-A. Suárez Nuñez |