ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Organic Chemistry
Areas: Organic Chemistry
Center Faculty of Pharmacy
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
The integral formation of the students in the basic conceptual and methodological aspects of organic chemistry in their double theoretical-experimental side, including:
• An understanding of the concepts, data, procedures and theoretical and experimental tools that are described in the section "Contents" and the acquisition of the skills that are detailed in the section "Competence".
• The relationship of the subject with other subjects of the Degree and their relevance in the current scientific-economic-social situation.
• The searching and finding of additional, pertinent and reliable information in the area from competent sources.
• The adequate treatment and the comprehensive and critical analysis of any information received or collected through any means in the area of organic chemistry.
• The application of the knowledge and the skills acquired in the resolution of theoretical and practical issues.
• The presentation and discussion, in a rigorous, concise, clear and aesthetic manner, of data and information in the area, both through written and oral means.
1. Introduction: organic structures. Nomenclature of organic compounds.
2. Alkanes: structure, reactivity and conformational analysis.
3. Cycloalkanes: structure, reactivity and conformational analysis.
4. Stereoisomerism.
5. Properties and reactions of haloalkanes. Nucleophilic substitution and elimination.
6. Alcohols Structure and preparation. Reactions and synthesis strategies.
7. Ethers, thiols and sulfides.
8. Amines and derivatives.
9. Alkenes: properties and preparation. Reactions of alkenes.
10. Alkynes: properties and characteristic reactions.
11. Delocalized pi systems
12. Benzene. Derivatives of benzene. Reactivity: electrophilic aromatic substitution..
13. Laboratory: security, registration and writing of experimental procedures, some basic techniques and operations, simple organic reactions.
Química Orgánica. K. P. C. Vollhardt y N. E. Schore. Omega. Barcelona, 5ª ed. 2008.
Química Orgánica. M. P. Cabildo, A. García, C. López y M. D. Santa María. Librería UNED, Madrid 2008.
Complementary bibliography:
a) Additional problems
Study Guide/Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry. N. E. Schore. Ed. W. H. Freeman. 6ª ed. 2011.
Problemas resueltos de Química Orgánica. F. García y J. A. Dobado. Ed. Thomson. 1ª ed. 2ª impr. 2008.
Nomenclatura y representaciones de Compuestos Orgánicos. E. Quiñoa y R. Riguera. McGrawHill Interamericana de España, S.L. 2ª ed. 2005.
Cuestiones y ejercicios de Química Orgánica. E. Quiñoa y R. Riguera. McGrawHill. Interamericana de España, S.L. 2ª ed. 2004.
b) Laboratory Manuals
Técnicas experimentales en síntesis orgánica. M. A. Martínez y A. Csákÿ. Ed. Síntesis.
Curso experimental en Química Orgánica. M.ª J. Rodríguez y F. Gómez. Ed. Síntesis. 2008.
c) On line bibliography:
Química Orgánica. Grupo de síntesis orgánica. Universidad Jaume I. http: / /
Química Orgánica (200 ejercicios resueltos), Marquez Salamanca, Cecilio, Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Química Orgánica http: / / 10045/6984.
01. To know the origin, nature, and how to design, obtain, analyze, control and produce active ingredients, drugs and medicines, as well as other products and raw materials of sanitary interest for human or veterinary use.
13. To know and understand the characteristic properties of the elements and their compounds, as well as their application in the pharmaceutical field.
14. Know and understand the nature and behavior of functional groups in organic molecules.
Abilities or skills:
H/D 08. Carry out standard laboratory processes including the use of scientific equipment for synthesis and analysis, appropriate instrumentation included.
H/D 09. Estimate the risks associated with the use of chemicals and laboratory processes.
Comp 03. Oral and written communication in one's own language.
Comp 07. Problem solving.
Comp 10. Critical and self-critical capacity.
Comp 11. Team work.
Comp 18. Ability to apply knowledge in practice.
The following training activities per student will be carried out in a coordinated manner: 30 lectures, 14 small group seminars and 10 practical hours, in addition to two tutorials.
1. Lectures in which the professor will explain the contents of the course, including guidelines for the use of the bibliography and for problem solving.
2. Interactive classes (seminars and tutorials), exercises and questionnaires will be solved, mainly through the active participation of the students. The statements of the problems will be available to the students in the virtual classroom with sufficient time in advance. In the interactive classes the students will expose their solutions, which will be analyzed among all, being the teacher in charge of solving the doubts and difficulties that arise. Occasionally, in the seminars, short exercises to be solved on the spot will also be proposed, which will be taken into account in the evaluation.
3. The laboratory practices will consist of three sessions, one of them in the computer classroom and the other two sessions in the laboratory.
4. Group tutorials. Throughout the course tutorials will be developed with the purpose of examining and solving all the doubts in group.
5. Personalized tutorials dedicated to carry out a close follow-up of each student's work.
6. Digital Platform (Moodle): Through this digital platform a virtual classroom will be kept active in which the professors of the subject will provide all the necessary information for the students (teaching schedule, calendar of activities, PowerPoint files, summaries of topics, bulletins of problems and questionnaires "on line", news, announcements, etc.).
7. Microsoft Teams.
The following rules are applicable to both first-time and repeat students, and for both the ordinary and the extraordinary opportunity.
In order to pass the course, the student must fulfill two fundamental conditions: a) to have received a passing grade in the laboratory practices and b) to have received an overall grade of 5 points in the course.
In this course it is compulsory and unavoidable the realization of the laboratory practices. After its completion, the student will be graded with "PASS" or "FAIL" depending on the attitude and the use of the knowledge acquired during the practical sessions. The qualification of "PASS" implies a positive evaluation: this qualification of "PASS" will be kept during the two years following its completion without the need to carry out the internship every year. From the third year onwards, the need to repeat the practicals will be analyzed by consensus among the professors in charge of the subject. The grade of "NOT PASSED" implies the "SUSPENSED" in the subject and the obligation to do the internship again in the next convocation. In this case, the numerical value of the grade that will appear in the minutes will correspond to the value of the continuous evaluation section.
The student's overall grade in the course will be the sum of the grade obtained in the continuous evaluation and the exam grade. The continuous evaluation (CE) will represent 20% (2 points) of the overall grade while the exam (FE) will represent the remaining 80% (8 points) of the overall grade. In order to pass the course the student must obtain 5 points overall.
The exam of the subject (FE) will represent 80% of the grade (8 points) and will consist of questions/exercises of structure and reactivity, questions/exercises related to the laboratory sessions and the computer room, and will contain a key question of eliminatory character. The exam will be divided into three parts:
1. In the first part of the exam, the knowledge of fundamental and structural organic chemistry will be evaluated (35% overall grade, 3.5 points of the overall grade), in order to pass the subject in this part 40% of it must be answered correctly, therefore, the student must obtain a minimum of 1.4 points.
If a student does not reach the minimum score in this part, he/she will be graded as "failed" in the subject, and the numerical value of his/her grade in the report will correspond to the value of the continuous evaluation section.
2. In the second part, the knowledge of reactivity in organic chemistry will be evaluated (35%, 3.5 points of the overall grade), in order to pass the subject in this part 40% of it must be answered correctly, therefore, the student must obtain a minimum of 1.4 points in this part.
If a student does not reach the minimum score in this part, he/she will be graded as "failed" in the subject, and the numerical value of his/her grade in the report will correspond to the value of the continuous evaluation section.
3. The third part will be questions related to laboratory practices (10% 1 point of the overall grade).
The exam will contain a key question of eliminatory character related to very basic aspects of the subject, which must be answered correctly in order to pass the subject. The inclusion of this type of questions and the rules governing their grading will be announced at the beginning of the course. If a student does not solve this question satisfactorily, he/she will be graded as "failed" in the subject, and the numerical value of his/her grade in the report will correspond to the value of the continuous evaluation section.
The continuous evaluation (CE) will represent 20% of the final grade (2 points), it will be the result of evaluating:
(a) the individual resolution by the student of small written controls to be performed in person throughout the course (3 controls, up to 0.5 points per control, 1.5 points in total),
b) solving problems on the blackboard during the interactive classes and active participation during the expository classes (no participation limit, up to 0.3 points),
c) the skill, cleanliness, efficiency and collaborative spirit of the student in the practical sessions and the adequate response to the preliminary written tests to each practical and the laboratory notebook (up to 0.2 points).
The evaluation of the student in the second opportunity (recovery) is governed by the same criteria as those indicated for the ordinary opportunity.
Continuous evaluation may be maintained for repeating students who so request and may be retained for a maximum period of two years. A period of time will be set aside at the beginning of the academic year for them to make such a request.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the "Normativa de avaliación do rendemento académico dos estudantes e de revisión de cualificacións" will be applied.
The assessment of the skills (competence) acquired in the course will be made through the following channels:
A. In the written exams and partial tests:
Con 01. To know the origin, nature, and how to design, obtain, analyze, control and produce active ingredients, drugs and medicines, as well as other products and raw materials of sanitary interest for human or veterinary use.
Con 13. To know and understand the characteristic properties of the elements and their compounds, as well as their application in the pharmaceutical field.
Con 14. Know and understand the nature and behavior of functional groups in organic molecules.
Comp 03. Oral and written communication in one's own language.
Comp 07. Problem solving.
B. In the lab work:
Con 14. Know and understand the nature and behavior of functional groups in organic molecules.
Abilities or skills:
H/D 08. Carry out standard laboratory processes including the use of scientific equipment for synthesis and analysis, appropriate instrumentation included.
H/D 09. Estimate the risks associated with the use of chemicals and laboratory processes.
Comp 03. Oral and written communication in one's own language.
Comp 07. Problem solving.
Comp 10. Critical and self-critical capacity.
Comp 11. Team work.
Comp 18. Ability to apply knowledge in practice.
C. In the interactive classes:
Con 01. To know the origin, nature, and how to design, obtain, analyze, control and produce active ingredients, drugs and medicines, as well as other products and raw materials of sanitary interest for human or veterinary use.
Con 13. To know and understand the characteristic properties of the elements and their compounds, as well as their application in the pharmaceutical field.
Con 14. Know and understand the nature and behavior of functional groups in organic molecules.
Comp 03. Oral and written communication in one's own language.
Comp 07. Problem solving.
Comp 10. Critical and self-critical capacity.
Comp 18. Ability to apply knowledge in practice.
Apart from 60 hours of work at the classroom and at the laboratory, students will dedicate 90 additional hours of autonomous work, individually and in group, to:
a) lectures (38h),
b) problem solving and other (professor-proposed) homework duties/activities for Seminars & tutorials (40 hours),
c) laboratory-related aspects and work at the informatics room (10 h)
d) assessment-related issues (2 h).
(F: multiplicative factor)
Theory: Face to face: 30, F: 1.25, Personal work: 38, Total: 68.
Seminars: Face to face: 14, F: 2.7, Personal work: 38, Total: 52.
Tutorials: Face to face: 2, F: 1, Personal work: 2, Total: 4.
Practical: Face to face: 10, F: 1, Personal work: 10, Total: 20.
& revision: Face to face: 4, F: 0.5, Personal work: 2, Total: 6.
Global: Face to face: 60, Personal work: 90, Total: 150.
Show an open and unbiased attitude toward the subject, objectively analyzing its contribution and relevance to the professional training and integral education process.
Get actively involved in the learning and training activities to maximize the results from the student's effort and to "enjoy" the discovery of organic chemistry.
The attendance to every class, a proved key factor to get efficient learning and training as well as positive assessment in the subject.
To study in a continuous basis.
A continuous and intensive problem-solving work on exercises additional to those proposed by the professor, essentially in an individual basis although also in group; for this we recommend the use of solved-exercises books and collections of questions and exercises found in the study-guides associated with the textbooks of Organic Chemistry.
The continued use of molecular models, of the computer tools in organic chemistry and of the Virtual Classroom.
The acquisition of molecular models, a lab white coat and lab-goggles for personal use.
Thorough study and preparation of each laboratory activity prior to its performance.
To count on- and to turn to- your University professors on the security of their commitment and genuine interest to achieve excellence in the learning and training process of their students.
José Manuel Seco Castro
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- Phone
- 881814235
- josemanuel.seco [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Antonio Rumbo Gómez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- antonio.rumbo [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Manuel Amorin Lopez
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- manuel.amorin [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Alberto José Coelho Cotón
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- Phone
- 881814941
- albertojose.coelho [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Julian Bergueiro Alvarez
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- Category
- Researcher: Ramón y Cajal
Eva Rivera Chao
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- eva.rivera [at]
- Category
- Xunta Post-doctoral Contract
Sergio Serantes Otero
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- sergioserantes.otero [at]
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Alejandro Rey López
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- alejandro.rey.lopez1 [at]
- Category
- USC Pre-doctoral Contract
Anton Luaces Calvin
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- antonluaces.calvin [at]
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Asier Selas Lanseros
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- asier.selas [at]
- Category
- Researcher: Juan de la Cierva Programme
Monday | |||
10:00-11:00 | GrupoB /CLE_02 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |
12:00-13:00 | GrupoA /CLE_01 | Spanish | 5035 Plant Physiology Classroom |
16:00-17:00 | GrupoC /CLE_03 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |
Tuesday | |||
10:00-11:00 | GrupoB /CLE_02 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |
12:00-13:00 | GrupoA /CLE_01 | Spanish | 5035 Plant Physiology Classroom |
16:00-17:00 | GrupoC /CLE_03 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |
Wednesday | |||
10:00-11:00 | GrupoB /CLE_02 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |
12:00-13:00 | GrupoA /CLE_01 | Spanish | 5035 Plant Physiology Classroom |
16:00-17:00 | GrupoC /CLE_03 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |
Thursday | |||
10:00-11:00 | GrupoB /CLE_02 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |
12:00-13:00 | GrupoA /CLE_01 | Spanish | 5035 Plant Physiology Classroom |
16:00-17:00 | GrupoC /CLE_03 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |
Friday | |||
10:00-11:00 | GrupoB /CLE_02 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |
12:00-13:00 | GrupoA /CLE_01 | Spanish | 5035 Plant Physiology Classroom |
16:00-17:00 | GrupoC /CLE_03 | Spanish | 5035 Edaphology Classroom. Faculty of Pharmacy |