ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 51 Hours of tutorials: 2 Expository Class: 14 Interactive Classroom: 8 Total: 75
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
Areas: Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments
Center Faculty of Psychology
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
The student, at the end of this course, should:
- To master communication skills with older people in contexts of health and disease.
- To know how to select and apply psychological assessment instruments appropriate to the problems and/or disorders presented by the elderly.
- To know how to choose and apply the most appropriate psychological intervention techniques according to the problems and/or disorders associated with aging.
- To be able to make a report (diagnosis, treatment evolution, treatment results, etc.) on a patient addressed to another psychologist and/or other professionals.
- To be able to obtain, analyze and synthesize specialized information, as well as to communicate their conclusions and knowledge to different audiences.
- To know how to design, plan and develop scientific research in the field of psychological disorders in old age.
Changes associated with the aging process. Characteristics of psychological evaluation and intervention in old age: specific skills to take into account. Psychological evaluation and intervention of cognitive functioning. Memory and aging and memory and dementia. Communication with people who suffer from dementia. Psychological evaluation and intervention in: behavioral problems associated with dementia; anxiety disorders; mood disturbances; sleep disorders. Caregivers of dependent older people: evaluation of the negative effects of caregiving on the caregiver; psychological interventions with caregivers.
Note. For each topic, the most appropriate bibliography will be provided during the classes.
Basis bibliography
Deví, J. (2012). Manual de intervención clínica en psicogerontología. Herder.
Fernández-Ballesteros, R. (Dir.). (2009). Psicología de la vejez: una psicogerontología aplicada. Pirámide
Montorio, I., & Izal, M. (Dirs.) (2000). Intervención psicológica en la vejez. Aplicaciones en el ámbito clínico y de la salud. Síntesis
Piñeiro, I., Rodríguez, S. , & Estévez, I. (2021). Manual de psicogerontología. Pirámide.
Triadó, C., Celdrán, C., & Villar, F. (Coord.) (2019). Desarrollo adulto y envejecimiento. Alianza Editorial.
Complementary bibliograpy
Aguera, L., Martín, M., & Cervilla, J. (2002). Psiquiatría geriátrica. Barcelona: Masson.
Alberca, R., & López-Pousa, S. (1999). Enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias. Madrid: Panamericana
Belsky, J. K. (2001). Psicología del envejecimiento. Madrid: Paraninfo.
Carstensen, L., & Edelstein, B. A. (1989). El envejecimiento y sus trastornos. Barcelona: Martínez Roca.
Carstensen, L., & Edelstein, B. A. (1990). Gerontología clínica y de la salud: intervención psicológica y social. Madrid: Martínez Roca.
Da Serna, I. (2000). Manual de psicogeriatría clínica. Barcelona: Masson
Fernández-Ballesteros, R. (Dir.) (2000). Gerontología social. Madrid: Pirámide.
Fernández-Ballesteros, R., & González, J. L. (1990). Evaluación y envejecimiento. In R. Fernández-Ballesteros (Ed.), Psicodiagnóstico (pp. 209- 244). Madrid: UNED.
Fernández-Ballesteros, R., Íñiguez, J., & López, M. P. (1998). Trastornos asociados a la vejez. In M. A. Vallejo (Dir.), Manual de terapia de conducta (Vol. II, pp. 701-758). Madrid: Dykinson.
Fernández-Ballesteros, R., Izal, M., Montorio, I., González, J. L., & Díaz, P. (1992). Evaluación e intervención en la psicología de la vejez. Barcelona: Martínez Roca.
Fernández-Ballesteros, R, (Dir.) (2002). Vivir con vitalidad (Vol. I). Envejecer bien. Qué es y cómo lograrlo. Madrid: Pirámide.
Fernández-Ballesteros, R. (Dir.) (2002). Vivir con vitalidad (Vol. III). Cuide su mente. Madrid: Pirámide.
Fernández-Ballesteros, R. (Dir.) (2009). Envejecimiento activo: contribuciones de la psicología. Madrid: Pirámide.
Hersen, M., & Van Hasselt, V. B. (1998). Psychological treatment of older adults. Plenum Press.
Hinrichsen, G. A. (2020). Assessment and treatment of older adults. A guide for mental health professionals. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Izal, M., & Montorio, I. (1999). Gerontología conductual. Bases para la intervención y ámbitos de aplicación. Madrid: Síntesis.
Junqué, C., & Jurado, M. A. (1994). Envejecimiento y demencias. Madrid: Martínez Roca.
Knigth, B. (1992). Older adults in psychotherapy. Case histories. Newbury Park: Sage.
Lehr, Ou. (1988). Psicología de la senectud. Barcelona: Herder.
Montorio, I. (1994). La persona mayor: guía aplicada de evaluación psicológica. Madrid: INSERSO.
Muñoz, J. (2002). Psicología del envejecimiento. Madrid: Pirámide.
Reig, A., & Avia, M. D. (1992). Perspectivas en gerontología y salud. Valencia: Promolibro.
Reig, A., & Fernández-Ballesteros, R. (1994). Evaluación conductual en la vejez. In R. Fernández-Ballesteros (Ed.), Evaluación conductual hoy. Un enfoque para el cambio en psicología clínica y de la salud (pp. 743-782). Madrid: Pirámide.
Sáez, N., Louro, R., & Dosil, A. (1996). Tratado de psicogerontología. Valencia: Promolibro.
Salgado, A, & Alarcón, M. T. (1993). Valoración del paciente anciano. Barcelona: Masson.
Salgado, A., González, J. I., & Alarcón, M. T. (1996). Fundamentos prácticos de la asistencia al anciano. Madrid: Barcelona: Masson.
Vázquez, F., Blanco, V., & Otero, P. (2022). Guía de intervención del estrés. Madrid: Síntesis.
Vázquez, F., Otero, P, Blanco, V., & Torres, A. (2015). Terapia de solución de problemas para la depresión: una breve guía práctica en grupo. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Vázquez, F., Otero, P., & Blanco, V. (2019). Guía de intervención de la depresión. Madrid: Síntesis.
Vázquez, F., Otero, P., Torres, A., & Arrojo, M. (2016). Deja atrás la depresión y alcanza la felicidad. Madrid: Pirámide.
Yanguas, J. J., Leturia, F., Leturia, M., & Uriarte, A. (1998). Intervención psicosocial en gerontología. Manual práctico. Madrid: Cáritas Española.
Yuste, N., Louro, R., & Aleixandre, M. (2004). Introducción a la psicogerontología. Madrid: Pirámide.
• CG6- To know in depth the different models of assessment and intervention in the field of General Sanitary Psychology, as well as the techniques and procedures derived from them for the treatment of behavior disorders and psychological factorsassociated with health problems.
• GG9- To demonstrate interpersonal communication and emotional management skills appropriate for effective interaction with patients, families and caregivers in the processes of problem identification, assessment, communication of diagnosis, and psychological intervention and follow-up.
• CB9 - The students know how to communicate their conclusions and the latest knowledge and reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
• CT2- To know how to handle sources of bibliographic and digital scientific documentation standardized at an international level.
• CT3- To know how to critically analyze and use sources of clinical information.
• CT4- To know how to formulate working hypotheses in research and to collect and critically assess information for problem solving, by applying the scientific method.
• CT6- To know how to communicate and communicate with other professionals and master the skills needed for work in team and disciplinary groups.
• CE1 – To know how to apply the leading theories on the etiology of human behavior disorders for each case conceptualization.
• CE10- To know how to write psychological reports tailored to the recipients.
• CE15- To carry out promotional and educational activities for personal and community psychological health.
• CE16- Participate in the design and development of research projects in the field of General Health Psychology.
• CE3- To know how to select and apply the most appropriate techniques and assessment tools for each case according to its characteristics and context.
• CE4- To know how to analyze and interpret the results of a psychological assessment.
• CE5- To know how to select and apply the most appropriate psychological intervention techniques according to their purpose (prevention, rehabilitation, advice, counseling, etc.).
• CE8 – To know how to provide feedback to the recipients in an appropriate and precise manner in order to get them involved in the different phases of the processes of psychological assessment and intervention.
• CE9 – To know how to design programs for the prevention and promotion of psychological health based on the relevant factors (risk and protection) and available resources.
Expository Method / Master Class
Case Studies
Cooperative Learning
Work Completion
Written exam (objective test, short answer test and/or developmental test); 30.0 (minimum weighting); 70.0 (maximum weighting)
Presentation of papers and projects: 10.0 (minimum weighting); 40.0 (maximum weighting)
Reports / Internship report: 10.0 (minimum weighting); 40.0 (maximum weighting)
Execution tests of real and/or simulated tasks; 0.0 (minimum weighting); 20.0 (maximum weighting).
(*) The course cannot be taken with a waiver of class attendance.
Lectures: 14 h; 100 (face-to-face)
Elaboration of reports (practices, etc.): 12 hours; 0 (face-to-face)
Interactive seminar classes: 8 hours; 100 (face-to-face)
Tutorials in small groups: 2 hours; 100 (face-to-face)
Preparation of internships: 4 hours; 0 (face-to-face)
Preparation of assignments (individual and/or group): 35 hours; 0 (face-to-face)
- Regularly attend the face-to-face activities of the subject
- Participate and be actively involved in the classes.
- Keep the material up to date and carry out the scheduled activities.
- Attendance to tutorial sessions for advice and resolution of doubts.
Thursday | |||
16:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | - | Classroom 9 |
17:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | - | Classroom 9 |
04.23.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Seminar for Personality, Psychological Assessment and Treatment Area |
07.03.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Seminar for Personality, Psychological Assessment and Treatment Area |