ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 2 Expository Class: 28 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 48
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
Areas: Nutrition and Bromatology
Center Faculty of Sciences
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
- Identifying the main sources of natural bioactive compounds, and learning about their mechanisms of action on human health.
- Knowing and understanding the utility of the main strategies of obtaining natural bioactive compounds, and the main techniques of analysis employed in their biochemical and functional characterisation.
- Knowing different simulators of the human gastrointestinal tract employed in the evaluation of the activity of bioactive compounds
- Being able to integrate various skills on bioactive compounds in the context of research and development of new foods (functional foods)
Theoretical contents:
1. Bioactive compounds and health.
- Bioactive compounds in plants and their fruits and seeds.
- Bioactive compounds in products of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, milk, honey, others).
- Bioactive compounds in fermented foods.
- Microbial bioactive compounds. Postbiotics.
2. Characterisation and functionality of bioactive compounds.
- Actuation mechanisms of bioactive compounds in human health. Nutritional genomics.
- Methods of laboratory and design of studies for evaluation of the effect of bioactive compounds in health. Bioavailability and bioactivity.
- Omics characterisation of food (foodomics).
- Omics techniques: identification and validation of biomarkers of exhibition, susceptibility and effects of bioactive compounds.
- Alternatives for large scale production of bioactive compounds. Heterologous expression.
3. Simulation of the human gastrointestinal system.
- Techniques of in vitro digestion. Static and dynamic models, individual and multicompartiment. Standardised protocols .
- Digestive simulators controlled by computer.
- Simulations with organoids. Interactions with niches of microbiota (virus, bacteria, funguses).
4. Innovation in food.
- Basic concepts in the evaluation of the bioactivity and the functionality of foods and nutraceuticals.
- Design of foods and functional ingredients from bioactive compounds: basic strategies.
- Nutritional statements and of healthy properties in alimentary products: scientific requirements, legal, and evaluation of his security. EU and international context.
Contents of the seminars:
- The students will make individual works or in group that will have as you fear complementary appearances related with the contents of the matter.
Contents of practical classes:
- instrumental characterisation of bioactive compounds.
- Evaluation of the activity of bioactive compounds.
- Design of functional foods.
- Technical of extraction and methods of genetic analysis.
Basic bibliography:
- Apetrei, C. (ed.) (2016) Frontiers in bioactive compounds. Volume 1: natural sources, physicochemical characterization and applications. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates: Bentham Books.…
- Gupta, V. K. et al. (eds.) (2015) Biotechnology of bioactive compounds: sources and applications. 1st ed. Chichester, England; Wiley Blackwell.…
- Petropoulos, S. A. et al. (eds.) (2018) Phytochemicals in vegetables: a valuable source of bioactive compounds. Sharjah, UAE: Bentham eBooks.
- Suleria, H. & Barrow, C. J. (eds.) (2019) Bioactive compounds from plant origin: extraction, applications, and potential health benefits. Oakville, ON, Canada; Apple Academic Press.…
- Hernández-Ledesma, B. et al. (2013) Bioactive compounds from marine foods: plant and animal sources. 1st edition. [Online]. Newark: WILEY.…
- Principles of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics: fundamentals of individualized nutrition. Edited by Raffaele Caterina, Alfredo Martinez, Martin Kohlmeier. Academic Press, Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-804572-5.
- Nutrigenetics: applying the science of personal nutrition. Edited by Martin Kohlmeier. Academic Press, Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-385900-6.
- Guía de la alimentación funcional: los probióticos en la alimentación humana. 1ª edición. Editado por Lluis Serra Majem y Javier Aranceta Bartrina. Barcelona: Elsevier Masson.
- Nutrición molecular. Editado por Daniela Gordillo Bastidas y Elizabeth Gordillo Bastidas. 1ª edición. México: McGrawHill Interamericana Editores.
- Alimentos funcionales. Editado por grupo de coordinación, Manuela Juárez, Agustín Olano, Federico Morais. Madrid, D. G. de Industria Agroalimentaria y Alimentación; Federación Española Ciencia y la Tecnología: Federación Española de Industrias de la Alimentación y Bebidas
- Nutrición, salud y alimentos funcionales. Editado por Calvo Bruzos, Socorro.; Gómez Candela, Carmen.; López-Nomdedeu, Consuelo.; Royo Bordonada, Miguel Ángel. ISBN: 84-362-6219-0. Editorial Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Available on-line at BUSC.
Complementary bibliography:
- The MGnify resource:
- Guo, Mingruo. Human Milk Biochemistry and Infant Formula Manufacturing Technology. Edited by Mingruo Guo. Second edition. Duxford, United Kingdom: Elsevier, Woodhead Publishing, 2021. Available with USC credentials at:
- Centro Nacional para la Información Biotecnológica (National Center for Biotechnology Information). Available on-line at:
- Genética médica. Editado por Jorde Lynn. 6.ª edición España: Elsevier. Available on-line at BUSC:
- Nutraceutical and Functional Food Processing Technology. Edited by Joyce Irene Boye. 1st edition. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
- Functional foods, nutraceuticals, and degenerative disease prevention. Edited by Gopinadhan Paliyath, Marica Bakovic, Kalidas Shetty. 1st edition. Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell. Available on-line at BUSC:
- Replacing animal models a practical guide to creating and using culture-based biomimetic alternatives. Jamie Davies. ISBN: 0-470-97425-7. Editorial John Wiley & Sons. Available on-line at BUSC.
- Gopi, S. & Balakrishnan, P. (eds.) (2022) Handbook of nutraceuticals and natural products. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc. Available on-line at BUSC:…
- Goyal, M. R. & Chauhan, D. N. (eds.) (2021) Assessment of medicinal plants for human health : phytochemistry, disease management, and novel applications. Burlington, ON, Canada; Apple Academic Press Inc. Available on-line at BUSC:…
Comp01 - Developing the capacity to organise and schedule properly the work, splitting of a synthesis and analysis that allow to take decisions. TYPE: Competences
Comp04 - That the students know to apply the theoretical and practical knowledges in professional way and showing they are competent in the approach/resolution of problems in both academic and professional contexts related with the Molecular Biosciences. TYPE: Competences
Comp06 - Developing the capacity to learn in autonomous forms with initiative and entrepreneur spirit. TYPE: Competences
Comp07 - That the students have the capacity to gather and interpret notable data (usually inside their area of study) to issue trials that include a reflection on notable subjects of social, scientific or ethical type. TYPE: Competences
Comp08 - Being able to communicate some conclusions and knowledges, argued, adapted to skilled publics and no specialised publics, with clarity and precision. TYPE: Competences
Con03 - Knowing the foundations and applications of the main advanced experimental methods and analytical and up-to-date molecular techniques used in the field of study of the Molecular Biosciences. TYPE: Knowledge or contents
Con04 - Determining the analytical or molecular approach (workflow) that is more adapted for a situation or aim of investigation, in the field of biochemistry and the biotechnology. TYPE: Knowledge or contents
Con10 - Knowing the main sources of natural bioactive compounds, ways of action on health, and the main strategies for his obtaining and assessment in a context of investigation. TYPE: Knowledge or contents
H/D04 - Using advanced tools of information and communications technologies(ICTs) to produce and evaluate the results generated inside the field of work. TYPE: Skills
H/D06 - Interpreting experimental results and identify consistent and non consistent elements. TYPE: Skills
H/D09 - Applying properly the knowledges and technical purchased to analyze a situation or complex concept and find a way to solve them TYPE: Skills
H/D12 - Characterizing bioactive compounds properly, and schedule an experiment of simulation of gastrointestinal tract for in vitro evaluation of their effect on the health. TYPE: Skills
-Lectures (28h): orally imparted in the classroom by subject professors with the help of keyboard annotations, audiovisual media, videos and other resources that complement the message. Flipped classroom can be also used for some theorical contents, being part of the continuous evaluation of the student.
-Laboratory practices and/or in IT classroom (12h): they will include a theoretical framework and an explanation of the work to realize, as well as the necessary material resources to carry out the practice. The assistance to practices is mandatory to pass the subject. Reading and interpretation of the results will include resolve questions about the practices and extract conclusions, that will be presented in form of notebook or report of practical for evaluation. The students will present the results in group and/or of individual form.
-Seminars (6h): individual or in small groups, the students will present and will orally defend the works assigned in relation with the subject using audiovisual support. The defense will consist in answering the questions proposed by professor and/or classmates, stimulating the discussion between students (activities of continuous evaluation).
-Tutoring (2h): in small groups, to provide the necessary orientation to carry out the different activities and tasks proposed to the students.
The fundamental virtual support tool for the teaching-learning process in this subject is the Virtual Campus of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Through this institutional platform announcements will be made. Contents and additional material reference, bibliography, regulations, guides for the realization of the work will be deposited. Task and all other information required by the circumstances will be presented through this platform. Communication between students and teachers may take place face to face, through the Virtual Campus forum, or by e-mail
The possibility of field practices or visit to private companies and public laboratories related with the subject content it is also contemplated, according to availability. The assistance will be voluntary. Punctual collaboration of experts in bioactive compounds, functional nutrition and/or in vitro models, will be contemplated, according to availability, in form of conferences or seminars.
-It will evaluate the attitude and effort of the student for learning, resolve problems and reasoning, on critical and argumentative form, during activities in classroom (15 %). Competences evaluated: Comp01, Comp04, Comp07,
-The realization of practices is compulsory to pass the subject. The practical learning will be evaluated based on the content of notebook or memory presented by the student (20 %) Competences evaluated: H/D04, H/D06, H/D09, H/D12
-Evaluation of seminars (15 %), including his delivery, presentation and/or the exhibition and oral defense. Competences evaluated: Comp01, Comp04, Comp06, Comp07, Comp08
-Evaluation of the subject content in a final test (is requirement reach in this exam a minimum of the 45 % of total punctuation to sum the mark obtained from continuous evaluation). Competences evaluated: Comp04, Comp07, Comp08, Con03, Con04, Con10.
For the cases of fraudulent realisation of exercises will be applicated the established in the “Rule of evaluation of the academic performance of the students and of review of the qualifications”. The follow-up of all the activities, except the final test, will be made in the form of programed tasks and lists of participation.
The subject consists of 6 ECTS credits, which include the following in-person hours (48 hours):
• Lectures: 28 hours
• Interactive seminars: 6 hours
• Interactive practices: 12 hours
• Tutorials in small groups: 2 hours
Study time and individual work: 102 hours, of which 24 will be dedicated to preparing the practice report in the form of individual work, 4 hours for final exam and its review, and the rest for the assimilation of theoretical contents and completion of academic works of continuous evaluation.
The distribution of the training activity in total student work hours is: (25 x number of ECTS) 150 hours.
- Having a knowledge base on genetics, animal physiology, microbiology, molecular biology, metabolic biochemistry, nutrition, instrumental analysis, genomic analysis and bioinformatics.
- Demonstrating attention and interest while attending classes.
- Building diagrams and summaries, understanding them and memorizing them.
- Working on the contents day-by-day.
- Using the tutorials to solve doubts about the contents.
- Consulting the bibliography and other sources of information recommended by the teacher.
The course is taught in the two official languages of the autonomous community (Galician and Spanish), with the possibility of occasional communication in English with students who need it. Part of the didactic material will be delivered in English, as well as part of the bibliography.
Patricia Regal López
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Nutrition and Bromatology
- Phone
- 982822484
- patricia.regal [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Alexandre Lamas Freire
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Nutrition and Bromatology
- alexandre.lamas [at]
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Alejandra Cardelle Cobas
Coordinador/a- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Nutrition and Bromatology
- alejandra.cardelle [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Tuesday | |||
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | 1P CLASSROOM 1 FIRST FLOOR |
Wednesday | |||
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | 1P CLASSROOM 1 FIRST FLOOR |
Thursday | |||
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | 1P CLASSROOM 1 FIRST FLOOR |
Friday | |||
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish, Galician | 1P CLASSROOM 1 FIRST FLOOR |
13:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIS_01 | Galician | 1P CLASSROOM 1 FIRST FLOOR |
12.19.2024 10:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 0P CLASSROOM 3 GROUND FLOOR |
06.16.2025 10:00-13:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 1P CLASSROOM 1 FIRST FLOOR |