Quality and Teaching Committee
The Quality and Teaching Committee is a delegated committee of the Faculty Board and also a body of the Quality Guarantee System structure.
Its functions in the field of quality are:
- To carry out the design, implementation, monitoring and improvement of the Quality Assurance System at the centre.
- To draw up the centre's quality report.
- To encourage the implementation and regular monitoring of the centre's annual improvement plan.
- To stimulate the participation of all groups involved in the assessment and improvement of the quality of the degrees taught at the centre.
- To track the results of the centre.
- To propose the information to the management team, which should be made public.
- To report favourably, or propose modifications if necessary, to the results or follow-up/accreditation reports prepared by the degree committees.
The functions that it attends to in the area of teaching are:
- To approve the annual academic planning of the degrees taught in the Faculty.
- To report on applications for recognition of competences for the Faculty's degrees.
- To know, inform and, if necessary, resolve any conflict that may arise in the development of teaching.
- Roberto Bande Ramudo (Dean and Chairman of the committee)
- Marta Portela Maseda (Vice-dean and Quality Manager)
- Luis Ignacio Rodríguez Gil (Secretary of the Faculty and Secretary of the Committee)
- Diana Fernández Méndez (Coordinator of the Degree in Business Administration and Management)
- Ada Pérez Pico (Coordinator of the Degree in Business and Technology)
- Fernando Losada Pérez (Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Business Administration
- Begoña Barreiro Fernández (Representative of the teaching staff)
- Guadalupe Vila Vázquez (Representative of the teaching staff)
- José Ramón Vázquez Torrón (Head of the Management Unit )
- Pedro Gallart Mancha (Students’ representative)
- Teo del Carmen Espinosa García (Students’ representative)
Committee of the Degree in Business Administration and Management
The Committee of the Degree in Business Administration and Management has limited its functions to the area of quality. The issues that reach the normal development of the study programme are the responsibility of the Committee on Quality and Teaching delegated by the Faculty Board (article 3.2 of the Regulations on Official Degree and Master Degrees at the USC and article 27 of the Internal Regulations of the Faculty of Business Administration).
Main functions included in the Quality Assurance System
- To analyse the information provided by the title coordinator and the QMC to carry out the follow-up of the title.
- To carry out periodic monitoring of the degree and prepare the corresponding reports.
- To make proposals for improvement, derived from monitoring, for transfer to the Quality and Teaching Committee and incorporation, if appropriate, into the centre's improvement plan.
- To make a proposal, if necessary, for the amendment or deletion of the title, if this results from regular monitoring.
- Roberto Bande Ramudo (Dean and chairman of the committee)
- Diana Fernández Méndez (Degree Coordinator)
- Marta Portela Maseda(Vice-dean and Quality Manager)
- Luis Ignacio Rodríguez Gil (Teaching and research representative and Secretary of the Committee)
- Modesta Campo Andión (Teaching and research representative and 1st year coordinator)
- Luis Castañón Llamas (Teaching and research representative and 2nd year coordinator)
- Jacobo Feás Vázquez (Teaching and research representative and 3rd year coordinator)
- Carlos Figueroa Herrero (Teaching and research representative and 4th year coordinator)
- José Ramón Vázquez Torrón (Head of the Management Unit )
- Nerea Vila Vázquez (Students’ representative)
- Sergio Rivera Souto (Students’ representative)
Committee of the Degree in Business and Technology
The Committee of the Degree in Business and Technology has limited its functions to the area of quality. The issues that reach the normal development of the study programme are the responsibility of the Committee on Quality and Teaching delegated by the Faculty Board (article 3.2 of the Regulations on Official Degree and Master Degrees at the USC and article 27 of the Internal Regulations of the Faculty of Business Administration).
Main functions included in the Quality Assurance System
- To analyse the information provided by the title coordinator and the QMC to carry out the follow-up of the title.
- To carry out periodic monitoring of the degree and prepare the corresponding reports.
- To make proposals for improvement, derived from monitoring, for transfer to the Quality and Teaching Committee and incorporation, if appropriate, into the centre's improvement plan.
- To make a proposal, if necessary, for the amendment or deletion of the title, if this results from regular monitoring.
- Roberto Bande Ramudo (Dean and Chairman of the committee)
- Ada Pérez Pico (Degree Coordinator)
- Marta Portela Maseda(Vice-dean and Quality Manager)
- Luis Ignacio Rodríguez Gil (Teaching and research representative and Secretary of the Committee)
- Alba Lugilde Sánchez (Teaching and research representative and 1st year coordinator)
- Antonio Álvarez Rodríguez (Teaching and research representative and 2nd year coordinator)
- María Gómez Barreiro (Teaching and research representative and 3nd year coordinator)
- Álvaro Vázquez Álvarez (Teaching and research representative and 4nd year coordinator)
- José Ramón Vázquez Torrón (Head of the Management Unit )
- Vacant (Students' representative)
- Pedro Gallart Mancha (Students' representantive)
Committee of the Master's Degree in Business Management
The Committee of the Master's Degree in Business Management has limited its functions to the area of quality. The issues that reach the normal development of the study programme are the responsibility of the Committee on Quality and Teaching delegated by the Faculty Board (article 3.2 of the Regulations on Official Degree and Master Degrees at the USC and article 27 of the Internal Regulations of the Faculty of Business Administration).
Main functions included in the Quality Assurance System:
- To analyse the information provided by the title coordinator and the QMC to carry out the follow-up of the title.
- To carry out periodic monitoring of the degree and prepare the corresponding reports.
- To make proposals for improvement, derived from monitoring, for transfer to the Quality and Teaching Committee and incorporation, if appropriate, into the centre's improvement plan.
- To make a proposal, if necessary, for the amendment or deletion of the title, if this results from regular monitoring.
- Roberto Bande Ramudo (Dean and chairman of the committee)
- Fernando Losada Pérez (Coordinator of the master's degree and secretary of the committee)
- Jacobo Feás Vázquez (Vice-dean and Quality Manager)
- M.ª Belén Bande Vilela (Teaching and research staff representative)
- Marta Portela Maseda (Teaching and research staff representative)
- Juan Piñeiro Chousa(Teaching and research staff representative)
- Vicente López López (Teaching and research staff representative)
- José Ramón Vázquez Torrón (Head of the Management Unit)
- Jesús Jinete Sierra (Students’ representative)
Intercentre Committee of the Degree in Business Administration and Management
The main duties of the Committee Inter-Centre of the Degree in Business Administration and Management are:
- All those related to the verification, monitoring, modification and accreditation of the degree (article 3.3 of the Regulation on Official Degree and Master's Degrees at the USC).
- To ensure that teaching is properly coordinated between the two campuses, ensuring that there is a level playing field between the students of the two schools (point 3.5 of the Quality Assurance System Manual).
- Xoán Ramón Doldán García (Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and chairman of the committee)
- Roberto Bande Ramudo (Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and Management)
- Romina García Chas (Quality manager at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and secretary of the committee)
- Marta Portela Maseda (Quality manager at the Faculty of Business Administration and Management)
- José Manuel Maside Sanfiz (Coordinator of the degree at the Faculty of Economic Sciences)
- Diana Fernández Méndez (Coordinator of the degree at the Faculty of Business Administration and Management)
- Elena Sieiro Negro (Head of the Management Unit of the Faculty of Economic Sciences)
- Javier Villar Magán (Student representative in the Faculty of Economic Sciences)
- David Portillo Otero (Student representative at the Faculty of Business Administration and Management)
Intercentre Committee of the Master’s Degree in Business Management
The main duties of the Committee Inter-Centre of the Master’s Degree in Business Management are:
- All those related to the verification, monitoring, modification and accreditation of the degree (article 3.3 of the Regulation on Official Degree and Master's Degrees at the USC).
- To ensure that teaching is properly coordinated between the two campuses, ensuring that there is a level playing field between the students of the two schools (point 3.5 of the Quality Assurance System Manual).
- Xoán Ramón Doldán García (Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and chairman of the committee)
- Roberto Bande Ramudo (Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and Management)
- María Bastida Domínguez (Coordinator of the Master's Degree in the Faculty of Economic Sciences and secretary of the committee)
- Fernando Losada Pérez (Coordinator of the master's degree at the Faculty of Business Administration and Management)
- Romina García Chas (Quality manager at the Faculty of Economic Sciences)
- Marta Portela Maseda (Quality manager at the Faculty of Business Administration and Management)
- M.ª Dolores Álvarez Pérez (Teaching and research staff representative in the Faculty of Economic Sciences)
- María Luisa del Río Araújo (Teaching and research staff representative in the Faculty of Economic Sciences)
- Emilio Ruzo Sanmartín (Teaching and research staff representative in the Faculty of Economic Sciences)
- Óscar Suárez Fernández (Teaching and research staff representative in the Faculty of Economic Sciences)
- Vicente López López (Teaching and research staff representative in the Faculty of Business Administration and Management)
- M.ª Belén Bande Vilela (Teaching and research staff representative in the Faculty of Business Administration and Management)
- Paula Vázquez Fernández (Teaching and research staff representative in the Faculty of Business Administration and Management)
- Juan Piñeiro Chousa (Teaching and research staff representative in the Faculty of Business Administration and Management)
- Elena Sieiro Negro (Head of the Management Unit of the Faculty of Economic Sciences)
- María Torres Otero (Student representative in the Faculty of Economic Sciences)
- Jesús Jinete Sierra (Student representative at the Faculty of Business Administration and Management)
Advisory Committee of the Faculty of Business Administration and Management
The Advisory Committee is a body linked to the quality policy and objectives of the Faculty and is made up of representatives of stakeholders outside the Faculty.
Its function is to advise the management team on professional, business or social interest activities that affect the centre and facilitate its future development and social projection.
- Alejandro Álvarez López (Cafés Las Candelas)
- Blanca de Cora García-Montenegro (El Progreso)
- Isabel Villamor Cabado (CEI-Nodus)
- Xosé Manuel Cao Rei (Town Council of Lugo)
- Salustiano Velo Sabín (College of Economists)
- Luis García Santalla (CEL Foundation)