The Faculty of Business Administration and Management has a Tutorial Action Plan that includes welcoming and guidance activities aimed at students when they join the university and also throughout their studies. It is carried out with the purpose of favouring the integration of the student in the university environment, stimulating their learning and supporting the design of their professional career and the search for employment. The lines of action of the Faculty's Tutorial Action Plan are detailed below:
Guidance for new students:
-Presentation of the Faculty. On the first academic day of the course, the Faculty's management team organises an information session aimed especially at first-year students with the aim of promoting their integration. In this session, a presentation is made of the governing bodies, the services and infrastructures available at the centre and the most important USC regulations regarding students.
-Presentation of the Intercentrum Library. The staff of the Lugo Campus Intercentrum Library makes a presentation at the Faculty of the different services it offers to students.
-Welcome day for new students on Campus. The Vice-Chancellor for Coordination of the Lugo Campus organises a welcome day aimed at new students entering the Campus. On this day, among other activities, the people responsible for the different services that USC has on campus will introduce themselves and make themselves available to the students.
- Conference at the Faculty on the process of adapting to the Bologna system from the perspective of the student's work.
- Accompaniment through the USC Student Tutors Programme. This programme is intended for selected students to advise and mentor incoming students. For this, they previously complete a training course.
- Orientation throughout the studies:
- Information session on mobility programmes.
-Informative session on the Final Dissertation.
- Information session on the external internship programme.
-USC's Extraordinary Tutorial Support Programme to help students overcome the subjects that present them with special difficulties.
-Guidance for decision-making at the end of studies:
- Conferences on job search and entrepreneurship.
-Informative session on postgraduate training offer.
Complementary to the Faculty's Tutorial Action Plan, the Degree in Business and Technology will implement, through the figure of the Individual Tutor, a specific action consisting of accompanying and monitoring the students throughout the training process. The main objectives of this action are:
- Promote the comprehensive education of students.
-Enhance an education that is as personalized as possible and that takes into account the needs of each student and resort to appropriate support or activities.
-Promote individual effort and teamwork.
Each Individual Tutor, who will be a teacher of the degree, will be assigned a group of students to monitor. To do this, you will have the following information, which will be provided by the teacher of each subject, for a better monitoring of the student and to offer him/her adequate guidance:
-The access of each user to the theoretical content of the course in addition to the access time.
- The use of the communication tools of the platform (chats, forums, discussion groups).
-The results of the tests and activities sent through the campus.
The USC has a student-tutor program for the undergraduate degrees, so that final year students, after receiving training from the University, can perform orientational tasks to students initiating their studies.
Information about student-tutor program:
Programa alumnos titores