The present proposal for the degree emerges from the need to adapt the new reality and from the need from the organisations and the professional and academic training of the business management and direction professionals. There is a demand for professionals able of managing the technological innovations and apply information technologies solutions to the problems of the organisations. Therefore, besides extensively knowing the different areas of business and their interrelations to the economic environment, the professional must be able to implement and manage technology in the field of business, both in terms of strategies and pursuit of competitiveness.
Degree in Business and Technology (2nd ed.) In person
4 academic years
RUCT code: 1500218
ECTS Number: 240
Seats number: 45
Dean or center director:
roberto.bande [at]
Title coordinator:
Ada Maria Perez Pico
adamaria.perez [at]
Use languages:
Galician, Spanish
MECES Level: 2
Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
Orde do 15/07/2024 (DOG 24/07/2024)
BOE publication date:
Last accreditation date:
Nueva economía y tecnología
- G3202101
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Administración y dirección de empresas
- G3202102
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Herramientas tecnológicas para la empresa
- G3202103
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Matemáticas I: álgebra
- G3202104
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Gestión comercial
- G3202105
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Fundamentos de contabilidad
- G3202106
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Herramientas de análisis económico
- G3202107
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Fundamentos de programación
- G3202108
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Inglés para la gestión empresarial I
- G3202121
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Matemáticas II: cálculo
- G3202122
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Estadística empresarial
- G3202201
- Basic Training
- 6 Credits
Fundamentos de derecho
- G3202202
- Basic Training
- 6 Credits
Economía digital
- G3202221
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Dirección estratégica y gestión de la innovación
- G3202222
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Sistemas integrados de gestión
- G3202223
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Inglés para la gestión empresarial II
- G3202224
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Introducción a las finanzas
- G3202225
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Dirección de operaciones
- G3202226
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Análisis de estados financieros
- G3202227
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Fiscalidad de la empresa
- G3202228
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Aplicaciones web y aplicaciones móviles
- G3202229
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Dirección comercial
- G3202230
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Marketing digital
- G3202321
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Gestión de personas
- G3202322
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Minería de datos e inteligencia de negocios
- G3202323
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Aprendizaje automático para la empresa
- G3202324
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Modelos de toma de decisiones
- G3202325
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Derecho de la contratación electrónica
- G3202326
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Comercio electrónico
- G3202327
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Gestión financiera de la empresa
- G3202328
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Investigación comercial
- G3202329
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Habilidades directivas
- G3202330
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Tecnología para procesos en industrias inteligentes
- G3202331
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Contabilidad de gestión
- G3202332
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Comunicación digital
- G3202421
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Prácticas externas
- G3202422
- Compulsory Credits
- 12 Credits
Undergraduate Dissertation (Mention in Business Development)
- G3202423
- Compulsory Credits
- 7,5 Credits
Undergraduate Dissertation (Mention in Information Management)
- G3202424
- Compulsory Credits
- 7,5 Credits
Trabajo fin de grado
- G3202425
- Compulsory Credits
- 7,5 Credits
Gestión de proyectos
- G3202441
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Desarrollo de nuevos productos y marcas
- G3202442
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Fiscalidad en el entorno digital
- G3202443
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Emprendimiento y plan de negocio
- G3202444
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Fuentes de financiación para el emprendimiento
- G3202445
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Análisis de la viabilidad financiera y el riesgo
- G3202446
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Gestión internacional de la empresa
- G3202447
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Sistemas de información para la contabilidad y finanzas
- G3202448
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Sistemas de información para la dirección
- G3202449
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Tecnología de soporte para nuevos modelos de negocio
- G3202450
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Talleres tecnológicos
- G3202451
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Tecnologías para Big Data
- G3202452
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Sistemas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones financieras
- G3202453
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Gestión de la seguridad de la información
- G3202454
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Gestión de la seguridad de la información
- G3202454
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Diversity management
- G3202455
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Data management for the company
- G3202456
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
The study plan for the Business and Technology Degree consists of 276 credits ECTS, of which students must complete 240, distributed into 4 years of 60 credits, including all the theoretical and practical training acquired by the students.
· Basic training: 60
· Compulsory: 120
· Optional: 40.5
· Compulsory Internship: 12
· Final Dissertation: 7.5
· Total: 240
Nueva economía y tecnología
- G3202101
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Administración y dirección de empresas
- G3202102
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Herramientas tecnológicas para la empresa
- G3202103
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Matemáticas I: álgebra
- G3202104
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Gestión comercial
- G3202105
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Fundamentos de contabilidad
- G3202106
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Herramientas de análisis económico
- G3202107
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Fundamentos de programación
- G3202108
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Estadística empresarial
- G3202201
- Basic Training
- 6 Credits
Fundamentos de derecho
- G3202202
- Basic Training
- 6 Credits
Inglés para la gestión empresarial I
- G3202121
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Matemáticas II: cálculo
- G3202122
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Economía digital
- G3202221
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Dirección estratégica y gestión de la innovación
- G3202222
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Sistemas integrados de gestión
- G3202223
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Inglés para la gestión empresarial II
- G3202224
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Introducción a las finanzas
- G3202225
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Dirección de operaciones
- G3202226
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Análisis de estados financieros
- G3202227
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Fiscalidad de la empresa
- G3202228
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Aplicaciones web y aplicaciones móviles
- G3202229
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Dirección comercial
- G3202230
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Marketing digital
- G3202321
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Gestión de personas
- G3202322
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Minería de datos e inteligencia de negocios
- G3202323
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Aprendizaje automático para la empresa
- G3202324
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Modelos de toma de decisiones
- G3202325
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Derecho de la contratación electrónica
- G3202326
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Comercio electrónico
- G3202327
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Gestión financiera de la empresa
- G3202328
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Investigación comercial
- G3202329
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Habilidades directivas
- G3202330
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Tecnología para procesos en industrias inteligentes
- G3202331
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Contabilidad de gestión
- G3202332
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Comunicación digital
- G3202421
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Undergraduate Dissertation (Mention in Business Development)
- G3202423
- Compulsory Credits
- 7,5 Credits
Desarrollo de nuevos productos y marcas
- G3202442
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Fiscalidad en el entorno digital
- G3202443
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Emprendimiento y plan de negocio
- G3202444
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Fuentes de financiación para el emprendimiento
- G3202445
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Análisis de la viabilidad financiera y el riesgo
- G3202446
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Gestión internacional de la empresa
- G3202447
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Gestión de la seguridad de la información
- G3202454
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Diversity management
- G3202455
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Undergraduate Dissertation (Mention in Information Management)
- G3202424
- Compulsory Credits
- 7,5 Credits
Gestión de proyectos
- G3202441
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Sistemas de información para la contabilidad y finanzas
- G3202448
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Sistemas de información para la dirección
- G3202449
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Tecnología de soporte para nuevos modelos de negocio
- G3202450
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Talleres tecnológicos
- G3202451
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Tecnologías para Big Data
- G3202452
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Sistemas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones financieras
- G3202453
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Gestión de la seguridad de la información
- G3202454
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Data management for the company
- G3202456
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Prácticas externas
- G3202422
- Compulsory Credits
- 12 Credits
Trabajo fin de grado
- G3202425
- Compulsory Credits
- 7,5 Credits
Reconocimiento de créditos optativos sin equivalencia en el grado
- Elective Credits
- 1 Credits
The study plan has been organized into 5 modules:
• Basic training module: 60 credits, which are offered through 10 subjects of 6 credits each in the first half of the study plan. Of them, 36 credits are linked to the basic subjects in the field of knowledge Economic sciences, business administration and management, marketing, commerce, accounting, and tourism.
• Mandatory training subjects: 120 credits corresponding to mandatory subjects that are distributed throughout the entire Degree depending on the results of the training and learning process that the students must acquire.
• Optional training module: 40.5 credits offered in the last year.
• External Practices Module.
• Final Dissertation Module.
· The student has the possibility of choosing between two mentions:
• Business Development and Entrepreneurship
• Information and Technology Management.
Students who do not want to obtain a specific specialization can choose among the 17 elective subjects offered.
Given that no specific prior training is required, students may be admitted to the Degree in Business and Technology if they meet the access requirements established in current regulations, but it would be desirable for them to possess the following personal and academic characteristics:
• interest in economic reality and its implications for the business world.
• social commitment.
• analytical and critical capacity.
• technological curiosity and entrepreneurial concerns.
• ability to adapt to a changing and competitive environment.
• linguistic skills (oral and written) in Spanish, Galician and English.
• use of basic computer tools.
• basic knowledge of economics and business.
Given that no specific prior training is required, students may be admitted to the Degree in Business and Technology if they meet the access requirements established in current regulations, but it would be desirable for them to possess the following personal and academic characteristics:
• interest in economic reality and its implications for the business world.
• social commitment.
• analytical and critical capacity.
• technological curiosity and entrepreneurial concerns.
• ability to adapt to a changing and competitive environment.
• linguistic skills (oral and written) in Spanish, Galician and English.
• use of basic computer tools.
• basic knowledge of economics and business.
• Plan de Acción Tutorial de la Facultad:
o Orientación a estudiantes de nuevo ingreso:
-Presentación de la Facultad. El primer día lectivo del curso el equipo de gobierno de la Facultad organiza una sesión informativa dirigida especialmente a los estudiantes de primer curso con la finalidad de favorecer su integración. En esta sesión se realiza una presentación de los órganos de gobierno, de los servicios e infraestructuras de los que dispone el centro y de las normativas más importantes de la USC en materia de estudiantes.
-Presentación de la Biblioteca Intercentros. El personal de la Biblioteca Intercentros del Campus de Lugo hace una presentación en la Facultad de los distintos servicios que ofrece al alumnado.
-Jornada de bienvenida a los nuevos estudiantes del Campus. El Vicerrectorado de Coordinación del Campus de Lugo organiza una jornada de bienvenida dirigida a los alumnos/as de nuevo ingreso en el Campus. En esta jornada, entre otras actividades, los responsables de los distintos servicios con que cuenta la USC en el Campus se presentan y se ponen a disposición de los alumnos/as.
-Conferencia en la Facultad sobre el proceso de adaptación al sistema de Bolonia bajo la perspectiva del trabajo del estudiante.
-Acompañamiento a través del Programa de Alumnos Tutores de la USC. Este programa tiene como objetivo que los estudiantes seleccionados asesoren y orienten a los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso. Para ello realizan previamente un curso de formación.
o Orientación a lo largo de los estudios:
-Sesión informativa sobre programas de movilidad.
-Sesión informativa sobre el Trabajo de Fin de Grado.
-Sesión informativa sobre el programa de prácticas externas.
-Programa de Apoyo Tutorial Extraordinario de la USC para ayudar a los estudiantes a superar las materias que les presentan especiales dificultades.
o Orientación para la toma de decisiones al finalizar los estudios:
-Conferencias sobre búsqueda de empleo y emprendimiento.
-Sesión informativa sobre oferta de formación de posgrado.
• Tutor/a Personal
Consiste en el acompañamiento y seguimiento del alumnado a lo largo de todo el proceso formativo. El Tutor/a Personal es una figura común a las dos modalidades de docencia, presencial y virtual. Además, en la modalidad virtual este tutor/a se encargará de asesorar al alumnado sobre aquellos aspectos del funcionamiento de la Facultad y/o del grado como: programas de movilidad, prácticas externas, trabajo fin de grado, servicio de biblioteca, entre otros.
• Además el alumnado recibirá apoyo a través de la Unidad de Gestión de la Facultad, así como de la Unidad de Gestión Académica del Campus de Lugo, tanto de manera presencial como telemática. También cuentan con el apoyo de la Oficina de Información Universitaria para cualquier cuestión genérica que deseen consultar.
• A nivel técnico, será el Centro de Atención a Usuarios (CAU) el responsable de dar soporte para el acceso a la red, y también de recibir y solucionar incidencias de acceso al Campus Virtual, en contacto con el Centro de Tecnologías para el Aprendizaje.
• el Área de Orientación Laboral de la USC tiene un papel importante en todo lo relacionado con la inserción laboral de los universitarios:
o información sobre recursos de interés profesional, actividades formativas en habilidades para la búsqueda de empleo, intermediación entre las empresas y estudiantes, y titulados/as, etc.
• Para los alumnos de último curso del Grado se colaborará con el Proyecto Mentoring de la USC. Dicho proyecto pone en contacto a los mentorizados (alumnos de último año de grado, pero también de máster y egresados) con los mentores (directivos/as de empresas, profesionales o emprendedores/as con amplio bagaje profesional y preparación de áreas afines al alumnado que participa), con el fin de que estos puedan orientarlos y apoyarlos en el desarrollo de su carrera profesional. De esta forma los mentores comparten con los mentorizados sus conocimientos y experiencias, aconsejándolos para que puedan explotar mejor sus fortalezas y aprovechar las oportunidades de su entorno.
• Los estudiantes con necesidades especiales cuentan con el Servicio de Participación e Integración Universitaria (SEPIU) que se encarga de la coordinación y puesta en marcha de las actuaciones necesarias para favorecer la igualdad y la equidad entre todos los miembros de la comunidad universitaria.
When a degree suspension occurs, the USC guarantees the adequate development of teachings that were initiated by their students until its suspension. For that, the Government Council approves the criteria related with the admission of new degree entry registration and the gradual suspension of teaching impartation, among others.
If the suspended degree is substituted for a similar one —modifying the nature of the degree—, the new degree regulations will set the conditions to facilitate students the continuity of the new degree’s studies. These regulations will also set subject equivalences in both programs.
The entrance tests to the three Galician universities (Baccalaureate Evaluation for access to the University (ABAU) and for people over 25 and 45 years old) are organized by the Interuniversity Commission of Galicia (CIUG). To apply for a place, students must meet one of the following access requirements established in article 3 of RD 412/2014:
• Have a high school diploma or equivalent and pass the university entrance test.
• Meet the requirements for access to university in the educational systems of Member States of the European Union or other States with which Spain has signed international agreements on this matter.
• Have passed the university entrance test for those over 25 years of age, for those over 40 years of age with work or professional experience or the test for those over 45 years of age.
• Possess a degree in higher vocational training, teaching of plastic arts and design or higher sports technician, or equivalent qualifications.
• Have an official university degree, master's degree or a title corresponding to the previous organization of university education (university diploma, technical architect, technical engineer, graduate, architect, engineer) or equivalent titles.
• Have completed partial foreign or Spanish university studies, or who, upon completing foreign university studies, have not obtained their homologation in Spain and wish to continue studies at a Spanish university. In this case, it will be an essential requirement that the corresponding university recognize at least 30 ECTS credits.
• Be able to access the university according to educational regulations prior to Organic Law 8/2013, not included in the previous sections.
In general, there are the following access routes to the University:
- University access test (ABAU) Once you have finished high school, in order to access a university degree, you must pass the Baccalaureate Evaluation for access to the University.
- Access from Vocational Training If you have an official title of higher vocational training technician, higher plastic arts and design technician or higher sports technician, or titles, diplomas or studies declared equivalent or approved in the Spanish educational system, you can access to study a degree at the university. Applications will be ordered according
to the average grade of the higher technical degree completed out of a maximum of 10. If you wish to improve your admission grade for degree studies, you can take the voluntary part of the ABAU test.…
- Access test for people over 25 years of age This test can be taken by people who are over 25 years of age in the year in which the test is held and who do not have any academic qualifications that give access to the university through another means.
- People over 45 years of age Those over 45 years of age can study official degree qualifications after passing an adapted entrance test.
- Access over 40 through validation of work experience.
Access for those over 40 years of age to the Degree in Business and Technology through validation of the professional experience that has been designed will be carried out taking into account the suitable professional profiles and the personal interview.
The level of professional qualification required of the applicant will be that corresponding to the professional qualifications of the professional families and levels of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications (CNCP), prepared by the National Institute of Qualifications (INCUAL).
On the part of the University, the following list of professional families and levels with access to the degree in Business and Technology has been established:
List of professional families and levels with access to the degree
· Administration and Management: Level 2 and 3.
· Commerce and Marketing: Level 2 and 3.
· Image and Sound: Levels 2 and 3.
· Computer Science and Communications: Levels 2 and 3.
· Rest of professional families: Level 3
The degree in Business and Technology offers the students the training to:
1. Know the fundamentals of the integration of technology in business management.
2. Enable them to handle calculation and analysis tools that enable us to understand the economic and social environment and its legal frame.
3. Acquire the skills necessary for decision making and execution in the fundamental areas for business management and direction.
4. Know and teach how to plan and implement technological solutions to multiple areas of business management.
Training objectives of the mentions
The mention in Business development and entrepreneurship aims at enabling the students to analyse and develop new business opportunities on a global context.
The mention in Information and Technology Management aims at enabling the students to apply advanced technological solutions to multiple areas of business management.
CP1 - Apply the legal fundamentals of the economy and tax Spanish and international systems that have an impact on business activities.
CP2 - Interpret the relevant information employing the analysis techniques and available tools to help in business decision making.
CP3 - Manage the human resources strategy developing the necessary management skills.
CP4 - Analyse the use of Big Data and artificial and business intelligence for the improvement of business processes.
CP5 - Manage the business information systems implied in decision making based on their specification, design and implantation.
CP6 - Design the integration of information systems and its application to the multiple areas of business management.
CP7 - Manage product or processes creation or transformation projects.
CP8 - Develop the strategic analysis of the company and its environment to make decisions in the different functional areas.
CP9 - Approach the problems and challenges from different perspectives with the ability to adapt to new situations and realities.
CP10 - Act with ethic responsibility and respect to the fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values.
CP11 - Act in the economic and business field valuing the social, economic and environmental impact of the business and technology decisions.
CP12 - Act in the economy and business field assessing the inequalities based on sex/gender.
A/S1 - Use, create and communicate information in a foreign language.
A/S2 - Manage information from different sources that enable the acquisition of new knowledge and its application to face challenges, solve problems and make decisions.
A/S3 - Plan the work taking into account the objectives and available resources.
A/S4 - Work in teams, sharing and discussing the information, integrating different approaches, showing negotiation skills, conflict resolution and emotional intelligence.
A/S5 - Manage oral and written communication in a clear and exact manner in order to share knowledge, methodologies, information, findings, problems and solutions.
A/S6 - Prove the skills for autonomous learning and self-assessment.
A/S7 - Prove creativity, initiative and entrepreneurial and innovative spirit.
A/S8 - Use the calculus and analysis tools from different types of languages and information and communication technologies (ICT).
K1 - Apply the effective communication skills in the business and technological environment, both in their native language and in foreign languages.
K2 - Identify the fundamental concepts of digital economy and their impact on business organisation.
K3 - Manage numerical methods to solve specific problems.
K4 - Define the commercial strategy of the company.
K5 - Identify the functional areas within the company and their functioning.
K6 - Identify the legal and tax policies in business management
K7 - Select the statistical sources to make business decisions.
K8 - Apply the abilities acquired during the degree to identify problems and develop effective solutions in business management.
K9 - Analyse the relevant information in order to make business decisions.
K10 - Develop technological solutions customised to the business needs.
K11 - Identify the financial and accounting information in order to make business decisions.
K12 - Handle the report writing, technological and management presentations techniques in different formats and media.
K13 - Identify the best practices on leadership and human resources management in order to improve productivity and promote a strong company culture.
K14 - Understand how the current globalisation process is affected by the development of new knowledge and technology.
Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programmes are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programmes (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):
Students of the Degree must take 12 credits of internships carried out in companies related to the degree. This subject is offered in the last semester. These internships can be carried out both in person and virtually depending on the way the company works.
The degree trains students for the following professional profiles:
Business and technology administration specialist: manage a company focusing on achieving high efficiency, formulating and analysing organisation strategies by applying new technologies.
Responsible of the management of the different functional areas of the company: manage and direct any of the functional areas of a company: accounting, finances, marketing, human resources...
Innovation and new business models generation responsible: propel an innovative business culture, easing the identification, development and implantation of new ways of doing things.
E-business and ICT consultant: advise and support companies in the area of design of new digital business strategies.
Technological director of the company: look for and analyse the best strategies to gradually introduce innovative technological solutions; advise other executives and create future plans for the company.
Marketing and digital communication director: direct and manage the marketing department of a company, as well as create, implant and execute the Digital Marketing Plan.
Project manager: manage resources, monitor the execution and lead teams oriented to the design of projects in innovative companies.
Business intelligence analyst: analyse the data employed by the company to support in the process of decision making. Acts as a link between the different areas of a company and management.
The Final Dissertation is 7.5 credits offered in the last semester. The topic of the TFG will be related to the major that the students take, if they opt for a minor, or with a topic related to the results of the training and learning process, if they do not take a minor.
4 academic years
RUCT code: 1500218
ECTS Number: 240
Seats number: 45
Dean or center director:
roberto.bande [at]
Title coordinator:
Ada Maria Perez Pico
adamaria.perez [at]
Use languages:
Galician, Spanish
MECES Level: 2
Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
Orde do 15/07/2024 (DOG 24/07/2024)
BOE publication date:
Last accreditation date:
Nueva economía y tecnología
- G3202101
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Administración y dirección de empresas
- G3202102
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Herramientas tecnológicas para la empresa
- G3202103
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Matemáticas I: álgebra
- G3202104
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Gestión comercial
- G3202105
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Fundamentos de contabilidad
- G3202106
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Herramientas de análisis económico
- G3202107
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Fundamentos de programación
- G3202108
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Inglés para la gestión empresarial I
- G3202121
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Matemáticas II: cálculo
- G3202122
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Estadística empresarial
- G3202201
- Basic Training
- 6 Credits
Fundamentos de derecho
- G3202202
- Basic Training
- 6 Credits
Economía digital
- G3202221
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Dirección estratégica y gestión de la innovación
- G3202222
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Sistemas integrados de gestión
- G3202223
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Inglés para la gestión empresarial II
- G3202224
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Introducción a las finanzas
- G3202225
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Dirección de operaciones
- G3202226
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Análisis de estados financieros
- G3202227
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Fiscalidad de la empresa
- G3202228
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Aplicaciones web y aplicaciones móviles
- G3202229
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Dirección comercial
- G3202230
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Marketing digital
- G3202321
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Gestión de personas
- G3202322
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Minería de datos e inteligencia de negocios
- G3202323
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Aprendizaje automático para la empresa
- G3202324
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Modelos de toma de decisiones
- G3202325
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Derecho de la contratación electrónica
- G3202326
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Comercio electrónico
- G3202327
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Gestión financiera de la empresa
- G3202328
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Investigación comercial
- G3202329
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Habilidades directivas
- G3202330
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Tecnología para procesos en industrias inteligentes
- G3202331
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Contabilidad de gestión
- G3202332
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Comunicación digital
- G3202421
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Prácticas externas
- G3202422
- Compulsory Credits
- 12 Credits
Undergraduate Dissertation (Mention in Business Development)
- G3202423
- Compulsory Credits
- 7,5 Credits
Undergraduate Dissertation (Mention in Information Management)
- G3202424
- Compulsory Credits
- 7,5 Credits
Trabajo fin de grado
- G3202425
- Compulsory Credits
- 7,5 Credits
Gestión de proyectos
- G3202441
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Desarrollo de nuevos productos y marcas
- G3202442
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Fiscalidad en el entorno digital
- G3202443
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Emprendimiento y plan de negocio
- G3202444
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Fuentes de financiación para el emprendimiento
- G3202445
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Análisis de la viabilidad financiera y el riesgo
- G3202446
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Gestión internacional de la empresa
- G3202447
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Sistemas de información para la contabilidad y finanzas
- G3202448
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Sistemas de información para la dirección
- G3202449
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Tecnología de soporte para nuevos modelos de negocio
- G3202450
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Talleres tecnológicos
- G3202451
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Tecnologías para Big Data
- G3202452
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Sistemas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones financieras
- G3202453
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Gestión de la seguridad de la información
- G3202454
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Gestión de la seguridad de la información
- G3202454
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Diversity management
- G3202455
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Data management for the company
- G3202456
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
The study plan for the Business and Technology Degree consists of 276 credits ECTS, of which students must complete 240, distributed into 4 years of 60 credits, including all the theoretical and practical training acquired by the students.
· Basic training: 60
· Compulsory: 120
· Optional: 40.5
· Compulsory Internship: 12
· Final Dissertation: 7.5
· Total: 240
Nueva economía y tecnología
- G3202101
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Administración y dirección de empresas
- G3202102
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Herramientas tecnológicas para la empresa
- G3202103
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Matemáticas I: álgebra
- G3202104
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Gestión comercial
- G3202105
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Fundamentos de contabilidad
- G3202106
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Herramientas de análisis económico
- G3202107
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Fundamentos de programación
- G3202108
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Estadística empresarial
- G3202201
- Basic Training
- 6 Credits
Fundamentos de derecho
- G3202202
- Basic Training
- 6 Credits
Inglés para la gestión empresarial I
- G3202121
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Matemáticas II: cálculo
- G3202122
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Economía digital
- G3202221
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Dirección estratégica y gestión de la innovación
- G3202222
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Sistemas integrados de gestión
- G3202223
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Inglés para la gestión empresarial II
- G3202224
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Introducción a las finanzas
- G3202225
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Dirección de operaciones
- G3202226
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Análisis de estados financieros
- G3202227
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Fiscalidad de la empresa
- G3202228
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Aplicaciones web y aplicaciones móviles
- G3202229
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Dirección comercial
- G3202230
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Marketing digital
- G3202321
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Gestión de personas
- G3202322
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Minería de datos e inteligencia de negocios
- G3202323
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Aprendizaje automático para la empresa
- G3202324
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Modelos de toma de decisiones
- G3202325
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Derecho de la contratación electrónica
- G3202326
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Comercio electrónico
- G3202327
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Gestión financiera de la empresa
- G3202328
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Investigación comercial
- G3202329
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Habilidades directivas
- G3202330
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Tecnología para procesos en industrias inteligentes
- G3202331
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Contabilidad de gestión
- G3202332
- Compulsory Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Comunicación digital
- G3202421
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Undergraduate Dissertation (Mention in Business Development)
- G3202423
- Compulsory Credits
- 7,5 Credits
Desarrollo de nuevos productos y marcas
- G3202442
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Fiscalidad en el entorno digital
- G3202443
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Emprendimiento y plan de negocio
- G3202444
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Fuentes de financiación para el emprendimiento
- G3202445
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Análisis de la viabilidad financiera y el riesgo
- G3202446
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Gestión internacional de la empresa
- G3202447
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Gestión de la seguridad de la información
- G3202454
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Diversity management
- G3202455
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Undergraduate Dissertation (Mention in Information Management)
- G3202424
- Compulsory Credits
- 7,5 Credits
Gestión de proyectos
- G3202441
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Sistemas de información para la contabilidad y finanzas
- G3202448
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Sistemas de información para la dirección
- G3202449
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Tecnología de soporte para nuevos modelos de negocio
- G3202450
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Talleres tecnológicos
- G3202451
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Tecnologías para Big Data
- G3202452
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Sistemas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones financieras
- G3202453
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Gestión de la seguridad de la información
- G3202454
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Data management for the company
- G3202456
- Elective Credits
- 4,5 Credits
Prácticas externas
- G3202422
- Compulsory Credits
- 12 Credits
Trabajo fin de grado
- G3202425
- Compulsory Credits
- 7,5 Credits
Reconocimiento de créditos optativos sin equivalencia en el grado
- Elective Credits
- 1 Credits
The study plan has been organized into 5 modules:
• Basic training module: 60 credits, which are offered through 10 subjects of 6 credits each in the first half of the study plan. Of them, 36 credits are linked to the basic subjects in the field of knowledge Economic sciences, business administration and management, marketing, commerce, accounting, and tourism.
• Mandatory training subjects: 120 credits corresponding to mandatory subjects that are distributed throughout the entire Degree depending on the results of the training and learning process that the students must acquire.
• Optional training module: 40.5 credits offered in the last year.
• External Practices Module.
• Final Dissertation Module.
· The student has the possibility of choosing between two mentions:
• Business Development and Entrepreneurship
• Information and Technology Management.
Students who do not want to obtain a specific specialization can choose among the 17 elective subjects offered.
Given that no specific prior training is required, students may be admitted to the Degree in Business and Technology if they meet the access requirements established in current regulations, but it would be desirable for them to possess the following personal and academic characteristics:
• interest in economic reality and its implications for the business world.
• social commitment.
• analytical and critical capacity.
• technological curiosity and entrepreneurial concerns.
• ability to adapt to a changing and competitive environment.
• linguistic skills (oral and written) in Spanish, Galician and English.
• use of basic computer tools.
• basic knowledge of economics and business.
Given that no specific prior training is required, students may be admitted to the Degree in Business and Technology if they meet the access requirements established in current regulations, but it would be desirable for them to possess the following personal and academic characteristics:
• interest in economic reality and its implications for the business world.
• social commitment.
• analytical and critical capacity.
• technological curiosity and entrepreneurial concerns.
• ability to adapt to a changing and competitive environment.
• linguistic skills (oral and written) in Spanish, Galician and English.
• use of basic computer tools.
• basic knowledge of economics and business.
• Plan de Acción Tutorial de la Facultad:
o Orientación a estudiantes de nuevo ingreso:
-Presentación de la Facultad. El primer día lectivo del curso el equipo de gobierno de la Facultad organiza una sesión informativa dirigida especialmente a los estudiantes de primer curso con la finalidad de favorecer su integración. En esta sesión se realiza una presentación de los órganos de gobierno, de los servicios e infraestructuras de los que dispone el centro y de las normativas más importantes de la USC en materia de estudiantes.
-Presentación de la Biblioteca Intercentros. El personal de la Biblioteca Intercentros del Campus de Lugo hace una presentación en la Facultad de los distintos servicios que ofrece al alumnado.
-Jornada de bienvenida a los nuevos estudiantes del Campus. El Vicerrectorado de Coordinación del Campus de Lugo organiza una jornada de bienvenida dirigida a los alumnos/as de nuevo ingreso en el Campus. En esta jornada, entre otras actividades, los responsables de los distintos servicios con que cuenta la USC en el Campus se presentan y se ponen a disposición de los alumnos/as.
-Conferencia en la Facultad sobre el proceso de adaptación al sistema de Bolonia bajo la perspectiva del trabajo del estudiante.
-Acompañamiento a través del Programa de Alumnos Tutores de la USC. Este programa tiene como objetivo que los estudiantes seleccionados asesoren y orienten a los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso. Para ello realizan previamente un curso de formación.
o Orientación a lo largo de los estudios:
-Sesión informativa sobre programas de movilidad.
-Sesión informativa sobre el Trabajo de Fin de Grado.
-Sesión informativa sobre el programa de prácticas externas.
-Programa de Apoyo Tutorial Extraordinario de la USC para ayudar a los estudiantes a superar las materias que les presentan especiales dificultades.
o Orientación para la toma de decisiones al finalizar los estudios:
-Conferencias sobre búsqueda de empleo y emprendimiento.
-Sesión informativa sobre oferta de formación de posgrado.
• Tutor/a Personal
Consiste en el acompañamiento y seguimiento del alumnado a lo largo de todo el proceso formativo. El Tutor/a Personal es una figura común a las dos modalidades de docencia, presencial y virtual. Además, en la modalidad virtual este tutor/a se encargará de asesorar al alumnado sobre aquellos aspectos del funcionamiento de la Facultad y/o del grado como: programas de movilidad, prácticas externas, trabajo fin de grado, servicio de biblioteca, entre otros.
• Además el alumnado recibirá apoyo a través de la Unidad de Gestión de la Facultad, así como de la Unidad de Gestión Académica del Campus de Lugo, tanto de manera presencial como telemática. También cuentan con el apoyo de la Oficina de Información Universitaria para cualquier cuestión genérica que deseen consultar.
• A nivel técnico, será el Centro de Atención a Usuarios (CAU) el responsable de dar soporte para el acceso a la red, y también de recibir y solucionar incidencias de acceso al Campus Virtual, en contacto con el Centro de Tecnologías para el Aprendizaje.
• el Área de Orientación Laboral de la USC tiene un papel importante en todo lo relacionado con la inserción laboral de los universitarios:
o información sobre recursos de interés profesional, actividades formativas en habilidades para la búsqueda de empleo, intermediación entre las empresas y estudiantes, y titulados/as, etc.
• Para los alumnos de último curso del Grado se colaborará con el Proyecto Mentoring de la USC. Dicho proyecto pone en contacto a los mentorizados (alumnos de último año de grado, pero también de máster y egresados) con los mentores (directivos/as de empresas, profesionales o emprendedores/as con amplio bagaje profesional y preparación de áreas afines al alumnado que participa), con el fin de que estos puedan orientarlos y apoyarlos en el desarrollo de su carrera profesional. De esta forma los mentores comparten con los mentorizados sus conocimientos y experiencias, aconsejándolos para que puedan explotar mejor sus fortalezas y aprovechar las oportunidades de su entorno.
• Los estudiantes con necesidades especiales cuentan con el Servicio de Participación e Integración Universitaria (SEPIU) que se encarga de la coordinación y puesta en marcha de las actuaciones necesarias para favorecer la igualdad y la equidad entre todos los miembros de la comunidad universitaria.
When a degree suspension occurs, the USC guarantees the adequate development of teachings that were initiated by their students until its suspension. For that, the Government Council approves the criteria related with the admission of new degree entry registration and the gradual suspension of teaching impartation, among others.
If the suspended degree is substituted for a similar one —modifying the nature of the degree—, the new degree regulations will set the conditions to facilitate students the continuity of the new degree’s studies. These regulations will also set subject equivalences in both programs.
The entrance tests to the three Galician universities (Baccalaureate Evaluation for access to the University (ABAU) and for people over 25 and 45 years old) are organized by the Interuniversity Commission of Galicia (CIUG). To apply for a place, students must meet one of the following access requirements established in article 3 of RD 412/2014:
• Have a high school diploma or equivalent and pass the university entrance test.
• Meet the requirements for access to university in the educational systems of Member States of the European Union or other States with which Spain has signed international agreements on this matter.
• Have passed the university entrance test for those over 25 years of age, for those over 40 years of age with work or professional experience or the test for those over 45 years of age.
• Possess a degree in higher vocational training, teaching of plastic arts and design or higher sports technician, or equivalent qualifications.
• Have an official university degree, master's degree or a title corresponding to the previous organization of university education (university diploma, technical architect, technical engineer, graduate, architect, engineer) or equivalent titles.
• Have completed partial foreign or Spanish university studies, or who, upon completing foreign university studies, have not obtained their homologation in Spain and wish to continue studies at a Spanish university. In this case, it will be an essential requirement that the corresponding university recognize at least 30 ECTS credits.
• Be able to access the university according to educational regulations prior to Organic Law 8/2013, not included in the previous sections.
In general, there are the following access routes to the University:
- University access test (ABAU) Once you have finished high school, in order to access a university degree, you must pass the Baccalaureate Evaluation for access to the University.
- Access from Vocational Training If you have an official title of higher vocational training technician, higher plastic arts and design technician or higher sports technician, or titles, diplomas or studies declared equivalent or approved in the Spanish educational system, you can access to study a degree at the university. Applications will be ordered according
to the average grade of the higher technical degree completed out of a maximum of 10. If you wish to improve your admission grade for degree studies, you can take the voluntary part of the ABAU test.…
- Access test for people over 25 years of age This test can be taken by people who are over 25 years of age in the year in which the test is held and who do not have any academic qualifications that give access to the university through another means.
- People over 45 years of age Those over 45 years of age can study official degree qualifications after passing an adapted entrance test.
- Access over 40 through validation of work experience.
Access for those over 40 years of age to the Degree in Business and Technology through validation of the professional experience that has been designed will be carried out taking into account the suitable professional profiles and the personal interview.
The level of professional qualification required of the applicant will be that corresponding to the professional qualifications of the professional families and levels of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications (CNCP), prepared by the National Institute of Qualifications (INCUAL).
On the part of the University, the following list of professional families and levels with access to the degree in Business and Technology has been established:
List of professional families and levels with access to the degree
· Administration and Management: Level 2 and 3.
· Commerce and Marketing: Level 2 and 3.
· Image and Sound: Levels 2 and 3.
· Computer Science and Communications: Levels 2 and 3.
· Rest of professional families: Level 3
The degree in Business and Technology offers the students the training to:
1. Know the fundamentals of the integration of technology in business management.
2. Enable them to handle calculation and analysis tools that enable us to understand the economic and social environment and its legal frame.
3. Acquire the skills necessary for decision making and execution in the fundamental areas for business management and direction.
4. Know and teach how to plan and implement technological solutions to multiple areas of business management.
Training objectives of the mentions
The mention in Business development and entrepreneurship aims at enabling the students to analyse and develop new business opportunities on a global context.
The mention in Information and Technology Management aims at enabling the students to apply advanced technological solutions to multiple areas of business management.
CP1 - Apply the legal fundamentals of the economy and tax Spanish and international systems that have an impact on business activities.
CP2 - Interpret the relevant information employing the analysis techniques and available tools to help in business decision making.
CP3 - Manage the human resources strategy developing the necessary management skills.
CP4 - Analyse the use of Big Data and artificial and business intelligence for the improvement of business processes.
CP5 - Manage the business information systems implied in decision making based on their specification, design and implantation.
CP6 - Design the integration of information systems and its application to the multiple areas of business management.
CP7 - Manage product or processes creation or transformation projects.
CP8 - Develop the strategic analysis of the company and its environment to make decisions in the different functional areas.
CP9 - Approach the problems and challenges from different perspectives with the ability to adapt to new situations and realities.
CP10 - Act with ethic responsibility and respect to the fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values.
CP11 - Act in the economic and business field valuing the social, economic and environmental impact of the business and technology decisions.
CP12 - Act in the economy and business field assessing the inequalities based on sex/gender.
A/S1 - Use, create and communicate information in a foreign language.
A/S2 - Manage information from different sources that enable the acquisition of new knowledge and its application to face challenges, solve problems and make decisions.
A/S3 - Plan the work taking into account the objectives and available resources.
A/S4 - Work in teams, sharing and discussing the information, integrating different approaches, showing negotiation skills, conflict resolution and emotional intelligence.
A/S5 - Manage oral and written communication in a clear and exact manner in order to share knowledge, methodologies, information, findings, problems and solutions.
A/S6 - Prove the skills for autonomous learning and self-assessment.
A/S7 - Prove creativity, initiative and entrepreneurial and innovative spirit.
A/S8 - Use the calculus and analysis tools from different types of languages and information and communication technologies (ICT).
K1 - Apply the effective communication skills in the business and technological environment, both in their native language and in foreign languages.
K2 - Identify the fundamental concepts of digital economy and their impact on business organisation.
K3 - Manage numerical methods to solve specific problems.
K4 - Define the commercial strategy of the company.
K5 - Identify the functional areas within the company and their functioning.
K6 - Identify the legal and tax policies in business management
K7 - Select the statistical sources to make business decisions.
K8 - Apply the abilities acquired during the degree to identify problems and develop effective solutions in business management.
K9 - Analyse the relevant information in order to make business decisions.
K10 - Develop technological solutions customised to the business needs.
K11 - Identify the financial and accounting information in order to make business decisions.
K12 - Handle the report writing, technological and management presentations techniques in different formats and media.
K13 - Identify the best practices on leadership and human resources management in order to improve productivity and promote a strong company culture.
K14 - Understand how the current globalisation process is affected by the development of new knowledge and technology.
Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programmes are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programmes (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):
Students of the Degree must take 12 credits of internships carried out in companies related to the degree. This subject is offered in the last semester. These internships can be carried out both in person and virtually depending on the way the company works.
The degree trains students for the following professional profiles:
Business and technology administration specialist: manage a company focusing on achieving high efficiency, formulating and analysing organisation strategies by applying new technologies.
Responsible of the management of the different functional areas of the company: manage and direct any of the functional areas of a company: accounting, finances, marketing, human resources...
Innovation and new business models generation responsible: propel an innovative business culture, easing the identification, development and implantation of new ways of doing things.
E-business and ICT consultant: advise and support companies in the area of design of new digital business strategies.
Technological director of the company: look for and analyse the best strategies to gradually introduce innovative technological solutions; advise other executives and create future plans for the company.
Marketing and digital communication director: direct and manage the marketing department of a company, as well as create, implant and execute the Digital Marketing Plan.
Project manager: manage resources, monitor the execution and lead teams oriented to the design of projects in innovative companies.
Business intelligence analyst: analyse the data employed by the company to support in the process of decision making. Acts as a link between the different areas of a company and management.
The Final Dissertation is 7.5 credits offered in the last semester. The topic of the TFG will be related to the major that the students take, if they opt for a minor, or with a topic related to the results of the training and learning process, if they do not take a minor.