Ninguén Queda: autofiction and memory
Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion (blended learning)
Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion (blended learning)
Defense date
07.17.2024 17:45
07.17.2024 17:45
This work presents a study of autofiction as a literary mechanism in the work Ninguén Queda de Brais Lamela, assuming the lack of definition of the concept itself and the debate in academia. In this way, we review the idea of autofiction, its presence and way of expressing itself in the work and its relationship with its main themes: memory and roots.
This work presents a study of autofiction as a literary mechanism in the work Ninguén Queda de Brais Lamela, assuming the lack of definition of the concept itself and the debate in academia. In this way, we review the idea of autofiction, its presence and way of expressing itself in the work and its relationship with its main themes: memory and roots.
Blanco Garcia, Carmen (Tutorships)
Blanco Garcia, Carmen (Tutorships)
González Pereira, Miguel (Secretary)
González Pereira, Miguel (Secretary)
Little angels, Carnival and corn: A Study of Sociability Spaces in Contemporary Galician Rural Communities of the Baixo Miño Region
Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion
Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion
Defense date
07.17.2024 19:00
07.17.2024 19:00
This Final Degree Project will be structured around the study of the practices and spaces of sociability of contemporary Galician communities. The research will focus on the period from the Spanish Civil War and the postwar period to the present day, a time of profound transformations within. This project will focus on the rural communities of the Baixo Miño region, mainly the municipality of Tomiño. The main objective of this work is to carry out research on the changes and continuities of sociability practices that were organized around the agricultural cycles, festivities, rites and domestic tasks. At the same time, the incidences of gender, age and social class factors on the different collective practices and community meeting places will be investigated. This study will be carried out through bibliographic consultation, analysis of documentary and newspaper sources, and the preparation and analysis of oral interviews. Based on this research on community sociability, we aim to approach the understanding of the social change experienced by contemporary rural society.
This Final Degree Project will be structured around the study of the practices and spaces of sociability of contemporary Galician communities. The research will focus on the period from the Spanish Civil War and the postwar period to the present day, a time of profound transformations within. This project will focus on the rural communities of the Baixo Miño region, mainly the municipality of Tomiño. The main objective of this work is to carry out research on the changes and continuities of sociability practices that were organized around the agricultural cycles, festivities, rites and domestic tasks. At the same time, the incidences of gender, age and social class factors on the different collective practices and community meeting places will be investigated. This study will be carried out through bibliographic consultation, analysis of documentary and newspaper sources, and the preparation and analysis of oral interviews. Based on this research on community sociability, we aim to approach the understanding of the social change experienced by contemporary rural society.
DIAZ GEADA, ALBA (Tutorships)
DIAZ GEADA, ALBA (Tutorships)
González Pereira, Miguel (Secretary)
González Pereira, Miguel (Secretary)
Cultural habits from a gender perspective in Spain today
Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion
Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion
Defense date
07.19.2024 11:00
07.19.2024 11:00
This study consists of analyzing the habits and practices of the Spanish population related to culture nowadays from a gender perspective, that is, analyzing the role that gender plays in this cultural issue and its influence. Considering that culture encompasses a wide range of activities and spheres, we will initially focus on the consumption of literature (including novels, essays, poetry…) and general reading habits. The objective is to identify any differences or similarities that may exist between genders in these cultural practices and to explain the reasons behind these situations and how they affect culture. Another objective is to analyze whether the results on these cultural habits show stereotypes or reinforce gender roles and whether there is a difference between the generally widespread image and reality. The methodology we will use will consist of an exhaustive analysis of the data on purchases, consumption, and visits in this cultural sphere. To achieve this, a study and analysis of primary sources will be carried out and the statistics of the Ministry of Culture will be used to carry out an in-depth analysis of these, together with other documentary and newspaper sources.
This study consists of analyzing the habits and practices of the Spanish population related to culture nowadays from a gender perspective, that is, analyzing the role that gender plays in this cultural issue and its influence. Considering that culture encompasses a wide range of activities and spheres, we will initially focus on the consumption of literature (including novels, essays, poetry…) and general reading habits. The objective is to identify any differences or similarities that may exist between genders in these cultural practices and to explain the reasons behind these situations and how they affect culture. Another objective is to analyze whether the results on these cultural habits show stereotypes or reinforce gender roles and whether there is a difference between the generally widespread image and reality. The methodology we will use will consist of an exhaustive analysis of the data on purchases, consumption, and visits in this cultural sphere. To achieve this, a study and analysis of primary sources will be carried out and the statistics of the Ministry of Culture will be used to carry out an in-depth analysis of these, together with other documentary and newspaper sources.
González Pereira, Miguel (Secretary)
Anderson McGuire, JoDee (Member)
González Pereira, Miguel (Secretary)
Anderson McGuire, JoDee (Member)
Autism, diversity and Human Rights
Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion
Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion
Defense date
07.17.2024 16:30
07.17.2024 16:30
Starting from universality's concept of human rights, in this document we will focus on some specific ones such as the right of culture, freedom of speech and the right to education for autistic individuals. The purpose is to gather the perspective of people with ASD while conducting a research project on the regulations that are in effect of the organization Raiolas, and to collect the users' experiences of the association. At the same time, we will also keep in mind autistic individuals' references in audiovisual or artistic content and the social media, their role and influence in dissemination of rights. All of this will help us to do an overview of the autism evolution these days, specifically in Lugo.
Starting from universality's concept of human rights, in this document we will focus on some specific ones such as the right of culture, freedom of speech and the right to education for autistic individuals. The purpose is to gather the perspective of people with ASD while conducting a research project on the regulations that are in effect of the organization Raiolas, and to collect the users' experiences of the association. At the same time, we will also keep in mind autistic individuals' references in audiovisual or artistic content and the social media, their role and influence in dissemination of rights. All of this will help us to do an overview of the autism evolution these days, specifically in Lugo.
González Pereira, Miguel (Secretary)
González Pereira, Miguel (Secretary)
Planning the Asturian Language: Progress and Difficulties.
Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion (blended learning)
Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion (blended learning)
Defense date
09.10.2024 10:00
09.10.2024 10:00
This final degree project aims to analyze the planning of the Asturias language, highlighting the progress made and the difficulties encountered in its implementation and regulation. The research focuses on examining the language policies adopted, the social and educational impact, and the attitudes of public institutions towards the Asturian language. To carry out this research, various sources of information have been analyzed, including reports, laws, official bulletins of the Principality of Asturias, press releases, news, magazines, the Charter of Fundamental Rights or educational research. The results have revealed that, although significant progress has been made in the promotion and teaching of the Asturian language, numerous difficulties persist. Among the progress we find the implementation of pilot plans to promote the use of Asturian, legal references such as Organic Law 7/1981, of December 30, on the Statute of Autonomy or Law 1/1998 of March 23, on the use and promotion of Bable/Asturian. The active participation of different institutions and artists for cultural development. However, difficulties include diglossia due to the predominance of Spanish, limitations in teaching and limited resources. This work concludes that, despite the progress, an extraordinary effort is necessary on the part of public institutions given that linguistic diversity is fundamental in any community.
This final degree project aims to analyze the planning of the Asturias language, highlighting the progress made and the difficulties encountered in its implementation and regulation. The research focuses on examining the language policies adopted, the social and educational impact, and the attitudes of public institutions towards the Asturian language. To carry out this research, various sources of information have been analyzed, including reports, laws, official bulletins of the Principality of Asturias, press releases, news, magazines, the Charter of Fundamental Rights or educational research. The results have revealed that, although significant progress has been made in the promotion and teaching of the Asturian language, numerous difficulties persist. Among the progress we find the implementation of pilot plans to promote the use of Asturian, legal references such as Organic Law 7/1981, of December 30, on the Statute of Autonomy or Law 1/1998 of March 23, on the use and promotion of Bable/Asturian. The active participation of different institutions and artists for cultural development. However, difficulties include diglossia due to the predominance of Spanish, limitations in teaching and limited resources. This work concludes that, despite the progress, an extraordinary effort is necessary on the part of public institutions given that linguistic diversity is fundamental in any community.
González Pereira, Miguel (Secretary)
Anderson McGuire, JoDee (Member)
González Pereira, Miguel (Secretary)
Anderson McGuire, JoDee (Member)
Middle-earth's influence on culture: From Frodo Lives! to The Rings of Power
Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion (blended learning)
Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion (blended learning)
Defense date
07.19.2024 12:15
07.19.2024 12:15
The Hobbit was first published in the UK in 1937 and The Lord Of The Rings in the mid-1950s; but it was in the 1960s and in the United States that these works found their audience among a youth watching the Vietnam War with horror and helplessness. The influence of these works would then begin to be felt in the most varied areas of culture. From trends in fantasy literature to tabletop role-playing games, the hippie movement, New Age music and cinema, among others. The popularity of these works would continue in good health during the remaining decades of the 20th century and, at the beginning of the 21st century, it would enjoy a new peak at the hands of Peter Jackson, who would adapt The Lord Of The Rings to the big screen, obtaining an enormous success. In the literary field, The Lord of The Rings paved the way for later fantasy literature, being considered by Brian Attebery as the paradigmatic work of fantasy. In this sense, many of its tropes, archetypes and elements are repeated in later fantasy literature. Thus, many of the later fantasy worlds (whether in literary works, TV series, video games or role-playing games) tend to be inhabited by the same magical races: elves and dwarves (more similar to those described by Tolkien than to the creatures of European folklore), orcs and half-orcs, and even hobbits, the latter under the name of halflings. Tolkien's work also had an impact on the course of the fantasy genre in such a way that later authors responded through their works to what Tolkien had established, either by breaking directly with it, as in the case of George R. R. Martin and his A Song of Ice and Fire, or by commenting on it, as Patrick Rothfuss does in Kingkiller Chronicle; or by parodying it, as in the case of Terry Pratchett and his Discworld. This paper seeks to address Tolkien's imprint on this and other areas of our culture.
The Hobbit was first published in the UK in 1937 and The Lord Of The Rings in the mid-1950s; but it was in the 1960s and in the United States that these works found their audience among a youth watching the Vietnam War with horror and helplessness. The influence of these works would then begin to be felt in the most varied areas of culture. From trends in fantasy literature to tabletop role-playing games, the hippie movement, New Age music and cinema, among others. The popularity of these works would continue in good health during the remaining decades of the 20th century and, at the beginning of the 21st century, it would enjoy a new peak at the hands of Peter Jackson, who would adapt The Lord Of The Rings to the big screen, obtaining an enormous success. In the literary field, The Lord of The Rings paved the way for later fantasy literature, being considered by Brian Attebery as the paradigmatic work of fantasy. In this sense, many of its tropes, archetypes and elements are repeated in later fantasy literature. Thus, many of the later fantasy worlds (whether in literary works, TV series, video games or role-playing games) tend to be inhabited by the same magical races: elves and dwarves (more similar to those described by Tolkien than to the creatures of European folklore), orcs and half-orcs, and even hobbits, the latter under the name of halflings. Tolkien's work also had an impact on the course of the fantasy genre in such a way that later authors responded through their works to what Tolkien had established, either by breaking directly with it, as in the case of George R. R. Martin and his A Song of Ice and Fire, or by commenting on it, as Patrick Rothfuss does in Kingkiller Chronicle; or by parodying it, as in the case of Terry Pratchett and his Discworld. This paper seeks to address Tolkien's imprint on this and other areas of our culture.
González Pereira, Miguel (Secretary)
Anderson McGuire, JoDee (Member)
González Pereira, Miguel (Secretary)
Anderson McGuire, JoDee (Member)
Otherness during Francoism. The situation and repression of the LGBTIQ+ community during the Franco regime.
Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion
Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion
Defense date
07.18.2024 11:30
07.18.2024 11:30
This paper aims to analyse the situation of the LGBTIQ+ community during Franco dictatorship in Spain and Galicia. To this end, the study of the context and conditions of life in which the members of this community found themselves will be carried out, in addition to analyzing some of the most relevant figures of this time for the LGBTIQ+ community. The specific laws and forms of repression that regulated the existence of this group of people will also be discussed. And, based on the connection with culture that our studies have, the representation of LGBTIQ+ people in different fields of culture, such as cinema or literature, will be examined through some of the most emblematic pieces of popular culture and some of the propagandistic works from the regime. The purpose of this work is to get a deeper approach to the reality experienced by the different parts of one of the most unknown, invisibilized and mistreated groups in Spanish society, as well as what part of this managed to survive the Franco dictatorship.
This paper aims to analyse the situation of the LGBTIQ+ community during Franco dictatorship in Spain and Galicia. To this end, the study of the context and conditions of life in which the members of this community found themselves will be carried out, in addition to analyzing some of the most relevant figures of this time for the LGBTIQ+ community. The specific laws and forms of repression that regulated the existence of this group of people will also be discussed. And, based on the connection with culture that our studies have, the representation of LGBTIQ+ people in different fields of culture, such as cinema or literature, will be examined through some of the most emblematic pieces of popular culture and some of the propagandistic works from the regime. The purpose of this work is to get a deeper approach to the reality experienced by the different parts of one of the most unknown, invisibilized and mistreated groups in Spanish society, as well as what part of this managed to survive the Franco dictatorship.
DIAZ GEADA, ALBA (Secretary)
DIAZ GEADA, ALBA (Secretary)