- Phone
- 881811762
- filoloxia.decanato [at] usc.gal
Decanal team
Rosalía Meitín Suárez
Faculty Committee
a) The election of the Dean and, where appropriate, his or her removal by means of a constructive motion of censure which, in any case, must be approved by an absolute majority of the members of the Faculty Committee.
b) The drafting and approval of its Internal Regulations.
c) The supervision of the management of the other governing and administrative bodies of the faculty.
d) Drawing up and approving the draft syllabuses for the degree programmes assigned to the faculty, in accordance with current legislation and the general regulations issued by the University Senate.
e) Approval of the academic policy of the faculty and, among them, the proposal and implementation of new official qualifications, the creation of professional specialisation schools dependent on the faculty and the organisation of teaching leading to the award of other diplomas and qualifications.
f) The organisation of teaching services for the awarding of academic qualifications within its scope, as well as the coordination and supervision of the teaching activity of the teaching staff who teach at the centre, and also the supervision of their compliance.
g) The programming of the centre's spaces, services and equipment and the supervision of their management.
h) The distribution of the budget allocations granted to the centre and the monitoring of their application.
i) Reporting on proposals for the creation, modification or suppression of departments related to the centre in terms of teaching and research.
j) The organisation of continuing education and cultural extension activities.
k) The expression of its opinion on any matter related to the Centre or its activities.
l) The creation of as many non-permanent delegated committees as it deems appropriate, as well as the determination of their composition, functions and competences.
m) Any other powers attributed to it by the Statutes or entrusted to it by a competent body or by current legislation.
Permanent Committee
a) To decide on all matters that the dean and the Faculty Committee submit to its consideration in the exercise of its powers.
b) To resolve procedural matters that do not correspond to the delegated committees of the Faculty Committee or that the latter submit to the Permanent Committee.
c) To report on applications for validation and recognition. In cases where this is necessary, a prior report shall be requested from the corresponding Bachelor's or Master's Degree Committee.
d) To hear and decide on any matter that falls within the competence of the Faculty Board and is not expressly reserved to it.
a) The dean who will chair it: Elias José Feijó Torres
b) The Vice-Deans:
- Rosa Marta Gómez Pato
- Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo
- Elsa María González Álvarez
c) The secretary of the Faculty, who will also be the secretary of this commission: Eduardo Moscoso Mato
d) The person in charge of the Centre and Department Management Unit: Rosalía Meitín Suárez
e) The directors of the departments based in the Faculty or persons delegated by them:
- Department of Classical, French and Italian Philology: Virgilio García Trabazo
- Department of Galician Philology: Francisco Antonio Cidrás Escáneo
- Department of English and German Philology: Susana María Doval Suárez
- Department of Spanish Language and Literature, Literary Theory and General Linguistics: María José Rodríguez Espiñeira
f) One member of the teaching and research staff for each centre based department:
- Department of Classical, French and Italian Philology: Montserrat López Díaz
- Department of Galician Philology: Elvira Fidalgo Francisco
- Department of English and German Language and Literature: Susana María Jiménez Placer
- Department of Spanish Language and Literature, Theory of Literature and General Linguistics: Victor Manuel Longa Martínez
g) Seven members of the undergraduate and/or master's degree students:
- Nuria García García
- Manuel González García
- Iria Liñares Cerixo
- Helio Marcial Marcet Rodríguez
- Daniel Martínez Almeida
- Aitana Pérez Caballero
- Mónica Leonor Rodríguez Blanco
h) One member of the administration and services staff:
End of Degree Project Committee
a) To draw up the annual teaching guide for the Final Degree Project for each of the Faculty's degree programmes.
b) To establish the annual call and calendar for the Final Degree Project.
c) To update the documentation relating to the process of preparation, defence and assessment of the Final Degree Project.
d) To annually request proposals for subject areas and tutors from the departments that teach in the degree programmes, ensuring that the offer is sufficient to cover teaching needs.
e) To approve the proposals for subject lines and tutors.
f) Approving and assigning the applications for subject lines, tutors, degrees and abstracts submitted by students.
g) To approve requests for extensions.
h) To authorise changes of subject and/or tutor arising from exceptional situations.
i) To approve the assessment tribunals and establish the rotation system, following a proposal from the committee for each of the degrees.
j) To authorise the presentation and public defence of Final Degree Projects in exceptional cases.
k) To authorise, in exceptional cases, the defence of the Final Degree Project by telematic means and to establish the process for carrying it out.
l) To decide on and award the corresponding honours and to propose the Final Degree Projects to be published in the repository of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
m) Resolving any incidents related to the Final Degree Project.
n) Any other management related to the Final Degree Project or that the Faculty Board may entrust to it.
Rosalía Meitín Suárez: vice-dean and president of the committee
Rosa Marta Gómez Pato: vice-dean
Isabel Hernando Morata: coordinator of the Spanish Language and Literature Degree
Xosé Luis Regueira Fernández: coordinator of the Galician Language and Literature Degree
María Alonso Alonso: coordinator of the English Language and Literature Degree
María Teresa Amado Rodríguez: coordinator of the Classical Philology Degree
Marilena Ceccarelli: coordinator of the Modern Languages and Literatures Degree
Víctor Manuel Longa Martínez: representative of the General Linguistics area
Nuria García García: representative of students
Manuel González García: representative of students
Iria Liñares Cereixo: representative of students
Alén Touza Gómez: representative of students
Work Placement and Mobility Committee
a) To coordinate the offer of places for external placements on the centre's official bachelor's and master's degree courses, including the promotion of new agreements.
b) To establish the criteria and procedures for the allocation of external work experience placements and the calendars for the annual calls for applications.
c) To draw up the teaching guides for external placements for official bachelor's and master's degree programmes.
d) To establish the basic protocols for relations between the different agents involved in the external placement process: academic tutors, professional tutors and students on placement.
e) To propose and manage the establishment of exchange agreements with other universities for the mobility of students, teaching and research staff and administration and services staff.
f) To establish the framework criteria for the drawing up of study agreements for students participating in mobility programmes.
g) To advise on the establishment of the conditions and quality criteria required of the entities, companies and institutions with which agreements are signed for external placements and mobility exchanges.
h) To make proposals for improvement in the organisation and development of external work experience and mobility programmes in which the Faculty participates.
i) To promote participation in external work experience and mobility programmes among the students of the degrees taught at the Faculty.
Rosa Marta Gómez Pato: vice-dean and president of the committee
Rosalía Meitín Suárez: head of the Centre and Department Management Unit
One member of the teaching and research staff representing each of the degree and master's degrees taught at the centre:
- Degree in Classical Philology: José Virgilio García Trabazo
- Degree in Spanish Language and Literature: Yolanda Iglesias Cancela
- Degree in Galician Language and Literature: Xosé Luis Regueira Fernández
- Degree in English Language and Literature: Noemí Pereira Ares (secretary of the Commission)
- Degree in Modern Languages and Literature: Esther Corral Díaz
- Master's Degree in Literature and Cultural Studies: María José Alonso Veloso
- Master's Degree in Medieval European Studies: David Chao Castro
- Master's Degree in Advanced English Studies and their Applications: José Carlos Acuña Fariña
- Master in Applied Linguistics: Gabriela Prego Vázquez
- Erasmus Mundus Master in Lexicography: María Álvarez de la Granja
Students' representatives:
- Pablo Costas Salinas
- Helio Marcial Marcet Rodríguez
- Aitana Pérez Caballero
- Iván Porto Iglesias
Economic and Infrastructure Committee
a) To make the proposal for the distribution of the decentralised budget in all its concepts.
b) To analyse the possibilities for an optimal use of the budgets within the competences of the Faculty.
c) To draw up the financial report for the immediately preceding financial year.
d) To monitor the projects in the area of Infrastructures in the centre and the state of the Faculty building and to make proposals for their improvement.
e) To propose the programming of the Faculty's spaces and equipment and to supervise their management.
The dean or vice-dean to whom he/she delegates: Elias José Feijó Torres
One member of the teaching and research staff for each department based in the Faculty:
- Department of Classical, French and Italian Philology: Benedict Buono
- Department of Galician Philology: Esther Corral Díaz
- Department of English and German Philology: Meike Meliss.
- Department of Spanish Language and Literature, Literary Theory and General Linguistics: María José Rodríguez Espiñeira
Three members of the undergraduate and/or master's student body:
- Pablo Costas Salinas
- Nuria García García
- Manuel González García
Representative of the administration and services staff of the centre:
- Rosalía Meitín Suárez: head of the Centre and Department Management Unit
- Mónica Barcia Requeijo(guest): Responsible for Economic Management of the Centre.
Cultural Activities Committee
a) To promote cultural activities that complement teaching and discourse in the Faculty, giving priority to activities of special interest to students and that are transversal to all areas of knowledge of the centre.
b) To distribute the budget allocated to such activities.
c) To inform the Dean and the Faculty Board about the organisation of seminars, symposiums, conferences, extraordinary courses and any other activity of a social, cultural or sporting nature that may be organised or promoted by the Faculty or any of its sectors.
The dean or vice-dean to whom he/she delegates: Elsa María González Álvarez
One member of the teaching and research staff for each department based in the Faculty:
- Department of Classical, French and Italian Philology: Benedit Buono
- Department of Galician Philology: María Isabel Morán Cabanas
- Department of English and German Language and Literature: Carmen Mellado Blanco
- Department of Spanish Language and Literature, Theory of Literature and General Linguistics: María Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro
Three members of the undergraduate and/or master's degree student body
- Lucía González Vázquez
- Hélio Marcet Rodríguez
- Aitana Pérez Caballero
One member of the administration and services staff:
Library Committee
a) Approve the guidelines for the development of the bibliographic collections and propose the distribution of the budget within the scope of its competence, in such a way as to ensure that the collections are kept up to date.
b) To participate in the drafting of the operating rules of the library services within the framework of the University Library Regulations. These rules shall be available to users at the Faculty Library.
c) To approve the annual report of the Faculty Library and submit it to the management of the University Library.
d) To advise on any differences of opinion that may arise between the library management and any of the users of the service.
e) To propose the measures envisaged in Article 38 of the University Library Regulations against offenders of the user rules.
f) To guarantee, on a consultation or loan basis, an adequate number of copies of the compulsory bibliography of all subjects taught in the Faculty.
g) To advise on all matters which, due to their importance, it is considered necessary to submit to its consideration.
a) The dean or deputy dean to whom he/she delegates: Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo
b) The Director of the Faculty Library: María Flor Pilar Díez Jambrina
c) One member of the teaching and research staff for each department based at the centre:
- Department of Classical, French and Italian Philology: Cristina Marchisio
- Department of Galician Philology: Francisco Xosé Dubert García
- Department of English and German Language and Literature: Emilio González Miranda
- Department of Spanish Language and Literature, Theory of Literature and General Linguistics: Ana Isabel Codesido García
d) Three members of the undergraduate and/or master's degree students:
- Lucía González Vázquez
- Helio Marcial Marcet Rodríguez
- Alén Touza Gómez
e) One member of the administration and services staff: Daniel Cuevas Linera
Equality Committee
a) To ensure effective compliance with the principle of equal opportunities between women and men in all areas of the Faculty, within the framework of the specific policies designed in this field by the University of Santiago de Compostela and in collaboration with the competent bodies of the latter.
b) To promote the integration of the gender perspective in all areas of the Faculty, as well as the implementation of activities aimed at raising awareness of gender equality issues.
a) The dean or deputy dean to whom he/she delegates: Elsa María González Álvarez
b) One member of the teaching and research staff for each department based at the centre:
- Department of Classical, French and Italian Language and Literature: Helena de Carlos Villamarín
- Department of Galician Philology: María Felisa Rodríguez Prado
- Department of English and German Language and Literature: María Alonso Alonso
- Department of Spanish Language and Literature, Literary Theory and General Linguistics: Teresa Moure Pereiro
c) Three members of the undergraduate and/or master's degree students:
- Helio Marcial Marcet Rodríguez
- Aitana Pérez Caballero
d) One member of the administration and services staff: Fernando José López Casal
Committee for Linguistic Normalisation
a) Velar pola aplicación do Plan de normalización lingüística da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela e impulsa-lo cumprimento da normativa en materia de normalización lingüística.
b) Fomenta-lo uso do galego en tódalas actividades que se desenvolvan na Facultade ou que se promovan dende ela.
c) Promover e vehicular actividades de dinamización lingüística e fomenta-la transmisión de valores positivos sobre a lingua.
a) O/A decano/a ou vicedecano/a en quen delegue: Elsa María González Álvarez
b) Un membro do persoal docente e investigador por cada departamento con sede no centro:
- Departamento de Filoloxía Clásica, Francesa e Italiana: Carlos Pérez Varela
- Departamento de Filoloxía Galega: Ana Isabel Boullón Agrelo
- Departamento de Filoloxía Inglesa e Alemá: Tamara Bouso Rivas
- Departamento de Lingua e Literatura Españolas, Teoría da Literatura e Lingüística Xeral: Paulo Gamalho Otero
c) Tres membros do estudantado de grao e/ou mestrado:
- Lucía González Vázquez
- Iria Liñares Cereixo
- Nuria García García
d) Un membro do persoal de administración e servizos: Carlos Xavier Pena Caamaño