Centre's Quality Committee
a) To design, implement, monitor and improve the Centre's Internal Quality Assurance System.
b) To elaborate the Quality Report of the Centre.
c) To encourage the implementation and regular monitoring of the school's annual improvement plan.
d) To stimulate the participation of all groups involved in the evaluation and to improve the quality of the degrees taught at the centre.
e) To monitoring the centre's performance.
f) To propose the information for publication to the management team.
g) To report favourably, or propose modifications where appropriate, of the results or the monitoring/accreditation reports drawn up by the degree committees.
Elias José Feijó Torres. Dean and chairman of the committee
Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo. Vice-Dean and Quality Manager of the centre
Rosalía Meitín Suárez. Support Unit Manager for the Management of Centres and Departments
María do Mar Campos Souto. Coordinator of the Degree in Modern Languages and Literature and Quality Manager of the Centre
María Teresa Amado Rodríguez. Coordinator of the Degree in Classical Philology
Isabel Hernando Morata. Coordinator of the Degree in Spanish Language and Literature
Xosé Luis Regueira Fernández. Coordinator of the Degree in Galician Language and Literature
María Alonso Alonso. Coordinator of the Degree in English Language and Literature and secretary of the Committee
Marilena Ceccarelli: Coordinator of the Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures
José Carlos Acuña Fariña. Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Advanced English Studies and its Applications
César Pablo Domínguez Prieto. Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Literature and Culture Studies
Israel Sanmartín Barros. Coordinator of the Master’s degree in European Medieval Studies: Images, Texts and Contexts
Gabriela Prego Vázquez. Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Applied Linguistics
María José Domínguez Vázquez. Coordinator of the Master's Degree Erasmus Mundus in Lexicography
Laura González Vidal. Undergraduate students' representative
Laura González-Portela Cartea. Undergraduate students' representative
Pablo Costa Salinas. Undergraduate students' representative
Iria Liñares Cereixo. Undergraduate students' representative
Consultative Committee of the Centre
The Consultative Committee is a body linked to the quality policy and objectives of the Faculty of Philology. Its creation was approved by the Faculty Board on 26 June 2019, at the request of the Centre's Quality Committee.
As stated in the USC Quality Assurance System, the main objectives of the Advisory Committees are:
- To debate the trends and social changes of interest for the Centre’s teaching and research activity.
- To channel information about the Centre to society in order to achieve a greater projection in its environment.
- To provide advice on the preparation and implementation of the Centre's Strategic Plan.
The Consultative Committee is made up of representatives of stakeholders outside the Faculty. Its composition and the appointment of its members is proposed by the Dean and submitted to the approval of the Faculty Board.
The participation of its members is voluntary and unpaid, and their contributions are not binding.
The members of the Consultative Committee are appointed for a period of 4 years, with the possibility of renewal. In the case of graduates of degrees, there is a limitation of 6 years from graduation at the time of incorporation into the Committee. For graduates of masters' degrees, the limitation is set at 3 years from the end of the studies.
The renewal of the members of the Committee will be partially carried out biannually (at least one third of its members).
The Consultative Committee shall meet at least once a year and shall keep a record of its meetings in the form of minutes. In addition, in order to facilitate the collection of information, other mechanisms may be used to allow members to participate (request for reports, surveys, etc.).
The follow-up and accountability of the reports derived from the meetings of the Consultative Committee will be incorporated annually into the Centre's Quality Report.
- Elias José Feijó Torres. Dean of the Faculty
- Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo. Quality Manager of the Centre
- Rosario Álvarez Blanco. Chairwoman of the Consello da Cultura Galega.
- Gabriel Ángel Botana Penas. Galicia-Asturias area manager of Macmillan Education Iberia
- Laura Torrado Mariñas. Head of the Official Language School of Vigo
- David Lombao Rodríguez. Head of Praza.gal
- Victor F. Freixanes. Chairman of the Royal Galician Academy
- Carmen Calviño Rodríguez. Deputy Director-General of Archives and Museums
- Xosé Luís Villaverde Acuña. Representative of Emprendia
- Xosé Luís González Iglesias. Director of IES Guitiriz
- Xavier Freire Chico. Representative of the Association of Businessmen of the Polygon of the Tambre
- Chamber of Commerce representative
- Pablo Montaña Prieto. Graduate from the University Master of Applied Linguistics
- Iago Fraga Vilas. Graduate of the Degree in Classical Philology
- Goretti Sanmartín Rei. Mayor of the Town Hall of Santiago de Compostela
Academic Committee of Spanish Language and Literature Degree
- To ensure the correct development of the academic activity of the degree.
- To supervise the adaptation of the course syllabi to the corresponding official curriculum and to the University's regulations.
- To ensure coordination among the different course syllabi of the degree.
- To report, if so requested, on the recognition of competences of the students enrolled in the degree.
- To monitor the degree periodically and draw up the corresponding reports, as well as to devise proposals for improvement derived from this monitoring.
- To make proposals, if necessary, for the modification or suppression of the degree according to the results of its periodic monitoring.
- All other functions of an academic nature necessary for the correct development of the degree which do not fall within the competence of any other committee or office.
Elias José Feijó Torres: dean and president of Commission
Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo: vice-dean and head of quality of the Center
Rosalía Meitín Suárez: head of the Center and Department Management Unit
Isabel Hernando Morata: coordinator of the degree and secretary of the Commission
Margarita García Candeira: professor/lecturer of Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature area
María Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro: professor/lecturer of Spanish Literature area
Montserrat Recalde Fernández: professor/lecturer of the Spanish Language area
Mar do Mar Campos Souto: professor/lecturer of the Spanish Language area
Pablo Gamallo Otero: professor/lecturer of General Linguistics area
Pablo Costas Salinas: students' representative
Manuel González García: students' representative
Academic Committee of Galician Language and Literature Degree
- To ensure the correct development of the academic activity of the degree.
- To supervise the adaptation of the course syllabi to the corresponding official curriculum and to the University's regulations.
- To ensure coordination among the different course syllabi of the degree.
- To report, if so requested, on the recognition of competences of the students enrolled in the degree.
- To monitor the degree periodically and draw up the corresponding reports, as well as to devise proposals for improvement derived from this monitoring.
- To make proposals, if necessary, for the modification or suppression of the degree according to the results of its periodic monitoring.
- All other functions of an academic nature necessary for the correct development of the degree which do not fall within the competence of any other committee or office.
Elias José Feijó Torres: dean and president of Commission
Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo: vice-dean and head of quality of the Center
Rosalía Meitín Suárez: head of the Center and Department Management Unit
Xosé Luis Regueira Fernández: coordinator of the degree and secretary of the Commission
Ana Isabel Boullón Agrelo: profesor/lecturer of Galician Philology area
Elisa Fernández Rey: profesor/lecturer of Galician Philology area
Xosé Manuel Salgado Rodríguez: profesor/lecturer of Galician Philology area
Fernando Cabo Aseguinolaza: professor/lecturer os Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature area
Iria Liñares Cereixo: students' representative
Lucía González Vázquez: students' representative
Academic Committee of the English Language and Literature Degree
- To ensure the correct development of the academic activity of the degree.
- To supervise the adaptation of the course syllabi to the corresponding official curriculum and to the University's regulations.
- To ensure coordination among the different course syllabi of the degree.
- To report, if so requested, on the recognition of competences of the students enrolled in the degree.
- To monitor the degree periodically and draw up the corresponding reports, as well as to devise proposals for improvement derived from this monitoring.
- To make proposals, if necessary, for the modification or suppression of the degree according to the results of its periodic monitoring.
- All other functions of an academic nature necessary for the correct development of the degree which do not fall within the competence of any other committee or office.
Elias José Feijó Torres: dean and president of Commission
Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo: vice-dean and head of quality of the Center
Rosalía Meitín Suárez: head of the Center and Department Management Unit
María Alonso Alonso: coordinator of the degree and secretary of the Commission
María de los Ángeles Gómez González: professor/lecturer of English Philology
Tamara Bouso Rivas: professor/lecturer of English Philology
Susana Jiménez Placer: professor/lecturer of English Philology
Rubén Jarazo Álvarez: professor/lecturer of English Philology
Marcos García González: professor/lecturer of General Linguistics
Pablo Pazos Paz: students' representative
David Rodríguez Blanco: students' representative
Academic Committee of the Classical Philology Degree
- To ensure the correct development of the academic activity of the degree.
- To supervise the adaptation of the course syllabi to the corresponding official curriculum and to the University's regulations.
- To ensure coordination among the different course syllabi of the degree.
- To report, if so requested, on the recognition of competences of the students enrolled in the degree.
- To monitor the degree periodically and draw up the corresponding reports, as well as to devise proposals for improvement derived from this monitoring.
- To make proposals, if necessary, for the modification or suppression of the degree according to the results of its periodic monitoring.
- All other functions of an academic nature necessary for the correct development of the degree which do not fall within the competence of any other committee or office.
Elias José Feijó Torres: dean and president of Commission
Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo: vice-dean and head of quality of the Center
Rosalía Meitín Suárez: head of the Center and Department Management Unit
María Teresa Amado Rodríguez: coordinator of the degree and secretary of the Commission
José Carracedo Fraga: professor/lecturer of Latin Philology area
Virgilio García Trabazo: professor/lecturer of Indo-European Linguistics area
Ángel Ruíz Pérez: professor/lecturer of Greek Philology area
María do Cebreiro Rábade Villar: professor/lecturer of Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature area
Andrea Redondo Mosquera: students' representative
Pedro Miguel Torres Guzmán: students' representative
Academic Committee of the Modern Languages and Literatures Degree
- To ensure the correct development of the academic activity of the degree.
- To supervise the adaptation of the course syllabi to the corresponding official curriculum and to the University's regulations.
- To ensure coordination among the different course syllabi of the degree.
- To report, if so requested, on the recognition of competences of the students enrolled in the degree.
- To monitor the degree periodically and draw up the corresponding reports, as well as to devise proposals for improvement derived from this monitoring.
- To make proposals, if necessary, for the modification or suppression of the degree according to the results of its periodic monitoring.
- All other functions of an academic nature necessary for the correct development of the degree which do not fall within the competence of any other committee or office.
Elias José Feijó Torres: dean and president of Commission
Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo: vice-dean and head of quality of the Center
Rosalía Meitín Suárez: head of the Center and Department Management Unit
Marilena Ceccarelli: coordinator of the degree, coordinator of Italian mention and secretary of the Commission
Nuria Rodríguez Pedreira: coordinator of the French mention
Carmen Mellado Blanco: coordinator of the German mention
José Antonio Souto Cabo: coordinator of the Portuguese mention
Santiago Gutiérrez García: coordinator of the Romance mention
Juan José López Rivera: professor/lecturer of General Linguistics area
Nuria García García: students' representative
Silvana Verónica Lameiro Micciche: students' representative
Academic Committee of the Master in Literary and Culture Studies
- To ensure the correct development of the academic activity of the degree.
- To supervise the adaptation of the course syllabi to the corresponding official curriculum and to the University's regulations.
- To ensure coordination among the different course syllabi of the degree.
- To report, if so requested, on the recognition of competences of the students enrolled in the degree.
- To monitor the degree periodically and draw up the corresponding reports, as well as to devise proposals for improvement derived from this monitoring.
- To make proposals, if necessary, for the modification or suppression of the degree according to the results of its periodic monitoring.
- To approve the proposals of teaching collaboration by staff external to the University of Santiago de Compostela, for their further processing by the corresponding Vice-Rector's Office, indicating the costs and resources available for this purpose.
- To determine, when necessary, the additional training that students enrolled in the degree must undertake depending on their access profile, provided that this is so established in the corresponding curriculum.
- All other functions of an academic nature necessary for the correct development of the degree which do not fall within the competence of any other committee or office.
Elias José Feijó Torres: dean and president of Commission
Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo: vice-dean and head of quality of the Center
Rosalía Meitín Suárez: head of the Center and Department Management Unit
Cesar Pablo Domínguez Prieto:Coordinator of the Master's Degree
Anxo Abuín González: professor/lecturer of Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature area
María José Alonso Veloso: professor/lecturer of Spanish Literature area
Helena de Carlos Villamarín: professor/lecturer of Latin Philology area
Manuel García Martínez: professor/lecturer of French Philology area
Antonio Jesús Gil González: professor/lecturer of Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature area
Rosa Marta Gómez Pato: professor/lecturer of German Philology area
Carlos Quiroga Díaz: profesor/lecturer of Galician and Portuguese Philology area
María Xesús Nogueira Pereira: profesor/lecturer of Galician and Portuguese Philology area and secretary of the Commission
Javier Gutiérrez Carou: Professor/ Lecturer in Classical French and Italian Philology
Ana Gloria Chouciño Fernández: professor/lecturer of Spanish Literature area
Xosé Nogueira Otero: professor/lecturer of art history
Marcos Amado Rodríguez: students' representative
Andrea Ocampo Caseiro: students' representative
Academic Committee of the Interuniversity master's degree in Advanced English Studies and its Applications
- To ensure the correct development of the academic activity of the degree.
- To supervise the adaptation of the course syllabi to the corresponding official curriculum and to the University's regulations.
- To ensure coordination among the different course syllabi of the degree.
- To report, if so requested, on the recognition of competences of the students enrolled in the degree.
- To monitor the degree periodically and draw up the corresponding reports, as well as to devise proposals for improvement derived from this monitoring.
- To make proposals, if necessary, for the modification or suppression of the degree according to the results of its periodic monitoring.
- To approve the proposals of teaching collaboration by staff external to the University of Santiago de Compostela, for their further processing by the corresponding Vice-Rector's Office, indicating the costs and resources available for this purpose.
- To determine, when necessary, the additional training that students enrolled in the degree must undertake depending on their access profile, provided that this is so established in the corresponding curriculum.
- All other functions of an academic nature necessary for the correct development of the degree which do not fall within the competence of any other committee or office.
Elias José Feijó Torres: dean and president of Commission
Juán Carlos Acuña Fariña: Coordinator of the Master's Degree and secretary of the Commission
Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo: vice-dean and head of quality of the Center
Rosalía Meitín Suárez: head of the Center and Department Management Unit
Laura María Lojo Rodríguez: professor/lecturer of English Philology
Paloma NúAlejandñez Pertejo: professor/lecturer of English Philology
Ignacio Palacios Martínez: professor/lecturer of English Philology
Jorge Sacido Romero: professor/lecturer of English Philology
Fernando Apolinar Rodríguez: students' representative
Claudia Fernández Estrada: students' representative
Interuniversity Academic Committee of the Interuniversity Master's Degree in Advanced English Studies and its Applications
It occupies the highest level of coordination, above the three local Master’s Academic Committees (UDC, USC and Uvigo).
Its tasks are:
• Measurement, analysis and improvement of the degree
•Approval of all the actions related to the Master's Thesis (TFM), external internships and mobility, which require coordination between universities.
•Courses’ planning for the 3 universities as a whole, providing solutions to possible gaps and duplicities in the contents of subjects.
•Discussion and approval of the degree’s annual follow-up reports, renewal of accreditation reports, and improvement actions.
•Discussion and search for solutions to problems caused by disparities between the regulations of the three participating universities.
Juán Carlos Acuña Fariña: chairman of the commission and representative of the USC
José Manuel Estévez Saá: secretary of the commission and representative of the UDC
Jorge Figueroa Dorrego: member of the commission and representative of the UVigo
María Jesús Lorenzo Modia: member of the commission and representative of the UDC
Isabel Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño: member of the commission and representative of the UDC
Ignacio Palacios Martínez: member of the commission and representative of the USC
Rosalía Rodríguez Vázquez: member of the commission and representative of the UVigo
Jorge Sacido Romero: member of the commission and representative of the USC
Martín Urdiales Shaw: member of the commission and representative of the UVigo
Academic Committee of the Master's degree in European Medieval Studies: Images, Texts and Contexts
- To ensure the correct development of the academic activity of the degree.
- To supervise the adaptation of the course syllabi to the corresponding official curriculum and to the University's regulations.
- To ensure coordination among the different course syllabi of the degree.
- To report, if so requested, on the recognition of competences of the students enrolled in the degree.
- To monitor the degree periodically and draw up the corresponding reports, as well as to devise proposals for improvement derived from this monitoring.
- To make proposals, if necessary, for the modification or suppression of the degree according to the results of its periodic monitoring.
- To approve the proposals of teaching collaboration by staff external to the University of Santiago de Compostela, for their further processing by the corresponding Vice-Rector's Office, indicating the costs and resources available for this purpose.
- To determine, when necessary, the additional training that students enrolled in the degree must undertake depending on their access profile, provided that this is so established in the corresponding curriculum.
- All other functions of an academic nature necessary for the correct development of the degree which do not fall within the competence of any other committee or office.
Elias José Feijó Torres: dean and president of Commission
Marco Virgilio García Quintela: dean of the Faculty of Geography and History
Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo: vice-dean and head of quality of the Center
Rosalía Meitín Suárez: head of the Center and Department Management Unit
Israel Sanmartín Barros: coordinator of the Master's Degree
María Dolores Barral Rivadulla: professor/lecturer of History of Art area
José Carracedo Fraga: professor/lecturer of Latin Philology area and secretary of the Commission
Marta Cendón Fernández: professor/lecturer of History of Art area
Esther Corral Díaz: professor/lecturer of Romance Philology area
Elvira Fidalgo Francisco: professor/lecturer of Romance Philology area
Emilio González Miranda: professor/lecturer of German Language area
Antía Rodríguez Barreiro: students' representative
Diana Tarrío Reboredo: students' representative
Academic Committee of the Interuniversity Master's Degree in Applied Linguistics
- To ensure the correct development of the academic activity of the degree.
- To supervise the adaptation of the course syllabi to the corresponding official curriculum and to the University's regulations.
- To ensure coordination among the different course syllabi of the degree.
- To report, if so requested, on the recognition of competences of the students enrolled in the degree.
- To monitor the degree periodically and draw up the corresponding reports, as well as to devise proposals for improvement derived from this monitoring.
- To make proposals, if necessary, for the modification or suppression of the degree according to the results of its periodic monitoring.
- To approve the proposals of teaching collaboration by staff external to the University of Santiago de Compostela, for their further processing by the corresponding Vice-Rector's Office, indicating the costs and resources available for this purpose.
- To determine, when necessary, the additional training that students enrolled in the degree must undertake depending on their access profile, provided that this is so established in the corresponding curriculum.
- All other functions of an academic nature necessary for the correct development of the degree which do not fall within the competence of any other committee or office.
Elias José Feijó Torres: dean and president of Commission
Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo: vice-dean and head of quality of the Center
Rosalía Meitín Suárez: head of the Center and Department Management Unit
Gabriela Prego Vázquez: Coordinator of the Master's Degree
Benedict Buono: professor/lecturer of Italian Philology Art area
Ana Isabel Codesido García: professor/lecturer of General Linguistics area
Mercedes Díaz de Cerio Díez: profesor/lecturer of Galician and Portuguese Philology area
Irene Doval Reixa: profesor/lecturer of German Philology area
Elisa Fernández Rei: profesor/lecturer of Galician and Portuguese Philology area
Paulo Gamalho Otero: professor/lecturer of General Linguistics area
Xosé Luís Regueira Fernández: profesor/lecturer of Galician and Portuguese Philology area
Victoria Vázquez Rozas: professor/lecturer of the Spanish Language area
Fiana Leilía Lamas Rodríguez: students' representative
Emanuel Moreira Rodríguez: students' representative
Academic Committee of the European Master's Degree in Lexicography
- To ensure the correct development of the academic activity of the degree.
- To supervise the adaptation of the course syllabi to the corresponding official curriculum and to the University's regulations.
- To ensure coordination among the different course syllabi of the degree.
- To report, if so requested, on the recognition of competences of the students enrolled in the degree.
- To monitor the degree periodically and draw up the corresponding reports, as well as to devise proposals for improvement derived from this monitoring.
- To make proposals, if necessary, for the modification or suppression of the degree according to the results of its periodic monitoring.
- To approve the proposals of teaching collaboration by staff external to the University of Santiago de Compostela, for their further processing by the corresponding Vice-Rector's Office, indicating the costs and resources available for this purpose.
- To determine, when necessary, the additional training that students enrolled in the degree must undertake depending on their access profile, provided that this is so established in the corresponding curriculum.
- All other functions of an academic nature necessary for the correct development of the degree which do not fall within the competence of any other committee or office.
Elias José Feijó Torres: dean and president of Commission
Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo: vice-dean and head of quality of the Center
Rosalía Meitín Suárez: head of the Center and Department Management Unit
María José Domínguez Vázquez: coordinator of the degree
María Álvarez de la Granja: profesor/lecturer of Galician and Portuguese Philology area
Mario Cal Varela: professor/lecturer of English Philology and secretary of the Commission
Víctor Millet Schröder: profesor/lecturer of German Philology area
Ernesto González Seoane: profesor/lecturer of Galician and Portuguese Philology area
Martín Pereira Fariña: professor/lecturer of Lóxica e Filosofía Moral
María Teresa Sanmarco Bande: professor/lecturer of Italian Philology
Xulio Cesar Sousa Fernández: profesor/lecturer of Galician and Portuguese Philology area
Emmanuel Sylvain Fomat: students' representative