Indicator |
2022-2023 |
Offer |
IN01 Places offered. Number of Places Offered for Each Academic Year Scale info: Whole Number |
50,0 |
Enrolment |
IN02 Enrolment. Number of Students Enrolled in an Academic Year Excluding Incoming Mobility Program Students Scale info: Whole Number |
54,0 |
IN03 New enrolments. Number of Students Enrolling in a Study Program for the First Time, Including Those Transferring Their Academic Records, Accessing Through Partial Recognition of Foreign Studies, or Transitioning from Phasing-Out Programs Scale info: Whole Number |
54,0 |
IN04 Enrolment for start of studies. Number of Students Enrolling in the First Year of a Study Program for the First Time, Excluding Those Accessing Through Partial Recognition of Foreign Studies, Transfers, or Transitions from Phasing-Out Programs Scale info: Whole Number |
54,0 |
Admittance profile |
IN06 Average pre-enrolment access score. Average Admission Grade through Pre-registration for Students Beginning Studies, Determining the Entry Profile. Scale info: Rational number with two decimals. The range goes from 0 to the maximum value that can be obtained in each academic year for pre-registration (some historical values were 10.00 points, 12.00 points, or 14.00 points). |
11,8682 |
IN08 Percentage of foreign students over enrolled students. Percentage of foreign students among enrolled students, excluding those enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
0,0 |
IN09 Percentage of national students from outside Galicia over enrolled students. Percentage of national students from outside Galicia among enrolled students, excluding those enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
0,0 |
Adaptation to demand |
IN10 Ratio of students pre-enrolled in 1st option over the places offered. Number of first-time enrolled students who pre-registered as their first choice divided by the number of available seats. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
72,0 |
IN12 Occupancy rate Number of new enrollment students through pre-registration divided by the number of available seats. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
108,0 |
Indicator |
2022-2023 |
External mobility |
IN18 Percentage of students received by the USC from mobility programmes over the total number of enrolled students. Number of students received at USC in that degree from other universities (mobility programs) divided by the number of students enrolled in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
0,0 |
Indicator |
2022-2023 |
Assessment |
IN36 Assessment rate. Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits students presented themselves for and the total number of ordinary credits they enrolled in. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
92,72 |
Students per group |
IN32 Average number of students per interactive teaching group. Ratio between the number of enrolled students and the number of interactive teaching groups. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. |
26,8 |
IN55 Average number of students enrolled in subjects (FB and OB) per theory (lecture) group. Ratio between the number of students enrolled in compulsory basic training subjects and the number of theory groups for those subjects. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. |
53,6 |
Success |
IN35 Success rate. Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits passed by students and the total number of ordinary credits they presented themselves for. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
86,32 |
Performance |
IN34 Performance rate. Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits passed by students and the total number of ordinary credits in which they enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
80,04 |
Satisfaction |
IN46 Student satisfaction with the teaching received. Average rating of the student satisfaction survey with the teaching received. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00. |
3,86 |
IN47 Satisfaction of the teaching staff with the teaching given. Average rating of the faculty satisfaction survey with the teaching provided. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00. |
4,1481 |
IN48 Response rate in the survey on student satisfaction with the teaching received. Percentage of responses in the student satisfaction survey. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
41,8182 |
Indicator |
2022-2023 |
IN24 Percentage of teaching and research staff with six-year terms over the total teaching and research staff in the degree. Percentage ratio between the PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) with research periods (sexenios) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree who may have research periods. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
83,33 |
IN25 Percentage of PhD teaching and research staff over total teaching and research staff. Percentage ratio between the doctoral PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
100,0 |
IN26 Percentage of civil servant teaching and research staff over total teaching and research staff. Percentage ratio between the tenured PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
62,5 |