Galician lineage archives.
This section is made up of the documentary collections of different Galician families and lineages purchased, donated and deposited in the archive over the years. Of particular note are those of the Marquisate of Montaos and the Sierra.
This is made up of series mostly related to the administration of estates, together with others of a private and family nature.
The basic dates range from the 14th century to the middle of the 20th century.
- Conde de Ximonde
- Casa de Montaos
- Casa de la Sierra
- Casa de Vilasante
- Cea Naharro
- Letters patent of nobility
- Bolaño-Ribadeneira Family
- Valcarce Family
- Garra Goyanes
- Casa de Altamira
- Casa de Camarasa
- Casa de Candendo
- Casa de Regodeigón
- Vilar de Ferreiros
- Houses of A Coruña, Anceis, Parada and aggregates
- Houses of Carballedo, Lugo and aggregates