This is made up of the notarial protocols older than 100 years from the districts of Arzúa, Corcubión, Melide, Muros, Negreira, Noia, Ordes, Padrón and Santiago. It was enriched, from 1959 onwards, with the documentation of the old mortgage accounts of Santiago and with the documentation from the Property Registry of Santiago.
Notarial protocols
This is made up of notarial records more than 100 years old from the districts of Arzúa, Corcubión, Melide, Muros, Negreira, Noia, Ordes, Padrón and Santiago.
The Santiago collection, incorporated into the Archive in 1969, belongs mostly to the city, although there is documentation from the old jurisdictions of the province of Santiago.
In 1993, the records of the remaining districts from the Notarial Association of A Coruña were added to the archive.
This collection is increasing with the periodic transfers made by the notary archivists of the different notarial districts.
Mortgage accounting and Property Registry.
Entered into the Archive in 1959. This includes the documentation of the former mortgage accounts of Santiago de Compostela. The documentation of the mortgage accounts is of interest for the study of the legal and economic evolution of real estate in the former jurisdiction of Santiago de Compostela.
Its chronology goes from 1768 to 1870.
It is divided into two main groups:
- Books for transfer of encumbrances of the town councils of Santiago de Compostela, Boqueixón and Vedra.
- Books for transfer of ownership of the town councils of Santiago de Compostela, Boqueixón, Conxo, Enfesta and Vedra.
We also found documentation from the Santiago Property Register, which was created in 1862, when the Accounts Office disappeared.
- Notarial District of Arzúa
- Notarial District of Corcubión
- Notarial District of Muros
- Notarial District of Negreira
- Notarial District of Noia
- Notarial District of Ordes
- Notarial District of Padron
- Notarial District of Santiago
- Mortgage Accounts Office
- Property Register of Santiago