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Project file
  • Coordination: Emilio Carral Vilariño 
  • Title: Forest certification.
  • Subject: Management of the natural environment. 
  • Collaborating entity: Communities of communal forests of Froxán and Entrimo. 
  • Description: The group of students in the subject worked with the sustainability criteria (social, economic and environmental) of the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) Forest Certification standard. A selection of the basic indicators related to the three issues mentioned above was performed and an information document was designed for the members of the corresponding Forestry Community. The students visited the Froxan community, and worked with the Froxan Secretary’s Office to organise a working day to identify the community's interests in relation to the certification process and their provision of technical information. In addition, they collected information derived from the relationship of the community members with the Administration and forestry companies related to production-marketing and resource management.

    The project ended with the presentation of an audiovisual document that was analysed in a classroom exhibition of the work.

The contents of this page were updated on 06.13.2024.