List of volunteering initiatives in the university sphere on the Lugo Campus.
Troya Mentoring
Troya Mentoring, successful job placement for people with Down's syndrome and/or intellectual disabilities.
Down Lugo - Campus Opportunities
The Asociación Down Lugo is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to contribute to improving the quality of life of people with Down syndrome (DS) and, in…
Erasmus Student Network (ESN) é unha organización estudantil sen ánimo de lucro que opera a nivel internacional, nacional e local desde 1989, co obxectivo pri…
ESF - Electronic Recycling Banks
ESF is an independent, non-profit association based on transformative volunteering, which seeks to contribute to the collective construction of a just, critica…
ESF - Mulleres Tecnólogas polo Ben Común
ESF é unha asociación independente, sen ánimo de lucro, baseada no voluntariado transformador, que busca contribuír á construción colectiva dunha sociedade mun…
ESF - Development Cooperation
ESF (Engineering Without Frontiers) is an independent, non-profit association based on transformative volunteering, which seeks to contribute to the collective…
Youth, Participation and Volunteering Department
Volunteering action of the Xunta de Galicia for the dissemination of its programmes and initiatives among the students of the three Galician universities.