- To know and identify the structure and function of the human body. To understand the molecular and physiological bases of cells and tissues.
- To know the use and indication of medical devices related to nursing care.
- Know the different groups of drugs, the principles of their authorization, use and indication, and their mechanisms of action.
- Use of medications, evaluating the expected benefits and associated risks and/or effects derived from their administration and consumption.
- Know and assess the nutritional needs of healthy people and people with health problems throughout the life cycle, to promote and reinforce healthy eating behavior patterns. Identify nutrients and the foods in which they are found. Identify the most prevalent nutritional problems and select the appropriate dietary recommendations.
- Apply health care information and communication technologies and systems.
- Know the pathophysiological processes and their manifestations and the risk factors that determine the states of health and disease in the different stages of the life cycle.
- Identify the psychosocial responses of people in different health situations (in particular, illness and suffering), selecting the appropriate actions to provide help in these situations. Establish an empathic and respectful relationship with the patient and family, according to the person's situation, health problem and stage of development. Use strategies and skills that allow effective communication with patients, families and social groups, as well as the expression of their concerns and interests.
- Know and identify the psychological and physical problems derived from gender violence in order to train the student in prevention, early detection, assistance, and rehabilitation of the victims of this form of violence.
- Identify, integrate and relate the concept of health and care, from a historical perspective, to understand the evolution of nursing care.
- Understand from an ontological and epistemological perspective, the evolution of the central concepts that make up the nursing discipline, as well as the most relevant theoretical models, applying the scientific methodology in the process of caring and developing the corresponding care plans.
- Apply the nursing process to provide and guarantee the wellbeing, quality and safety of the people cared for.
- Know and apply the principles that support integral nursing care.
- Direct, evaluate and provide comprehensive nursing care to the individual, family and community.
- Ability to describe the fundamentals of the primary health level and the activities to be developed to provide comprehensive nursing care to the individual, the family and the community. Understand the role and activities and cooperative attitude that the professional has to develop in a Primary Health Care team. Promote the participation of individuals, families and groups in their health-illness process. Identify the factors related to health and environmental problems, to care for people in situations of health and disease as members of a community. Identify and analyze the influence of internal and external factors on the level of health of individuals and groups. Apply the necessary methods and procedures in their field to identify the most relevant health problems in a community. Analyze statistical data referred to population studies, identifying the possible causes of health problems. Educate, facilitate and support the health and well-being of community members whose lives are affected by health problems, risk, suffering, illness, disability or death.
- To know the health alterations of the adult, identifying the manifestations that appear in their different phases. Identify the care needs derived from health problems. Analyze the data collected in the assessment, prioritize the problems of the adult patient, establish and implement the care plan and perform its evaluation. Perform nursing care techniques and procedures, establishing a therapeutic relationship with patients and family members. Select interventions aimed at treating or preventing problems derived from health deviations. Have a cooperative attitude with the different members of the team.
- Identify the characteristics of women in the different stages of the reproductive cycle and in the climacteric and in the alterations that may occur, providing the necessary care at each stage. Apply general care during the maternity process to facilitate the adaptation of women and newborns to new demands and prevent complications.
- To know the specific aspects of neonatal care. To identify the characteristics of the different stages of childhood and adolescence and the factors that condition the normal pattern of growth and development. To know the most frequent health problems in childhood and identify their manifestations. Analyze the assessment data of the child, identifying the nursing problems and complications that may occur. Apply the techniques that integrate nursing care, establishing a therapeutic relationship with children and their caregivers. Select interventions directed to the healthy and sick child, as well as those derived from diagnostic and treatment methods. Be able to provide health education to parents or primary caregivers.
- Understand the changes associated with the aging process and their impact on health. Identify the structural, functional, psychological and lifestyle changes associated with the aging process.
- To know the most frequent health problems in the elderly. To select caregiving interventions aimed at treating or preventing health problems and their adaptation to daily life through proximity resources and support for the elderly person.