Geography provides the essential cultural elements to achieve a wide view of the Earth, its realities, its problems and the risks faced by its inhabitants. Notwithstanding, besides this wide general view, it offers an extensive theoretical and methodological basis, as well as techniques and instruments to analyse and recommend solutions to decrease or solve the multiple territorial problems.
Before the question: which can be the scientific contributions of geography and territorial planning? The answer must be oriented to a wide and inclusive perception of the space object of planning and a comprehensive vision of the physical-natural and socio-economic or cultural elements existent in the whole territory.
The degree plan, from its origins, was designed taking into consideration the indications from various studies of labour integration, where it is noted the need for specialised professionals in the geography area, with the skills to work in multidisciplinary teams and to counsel or create specific reports, both for the public and private companies.
Geography and territorial planning Degree (3rd Ed.)
4 academic years
RUCT code: 2503949
ECTS Number: 240
Seats number: 50
Dean or center director:
antonio.miguez [at]
Title coordinator:
Valerià Paül Carril
v.paul.carril [at]
Use languages:
Galician, Spanish
MECES Level: 2
Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
Orde do 5 de agosto de 2019 (DOG 14/08/2019)
BOE publication date:
Last accreditation date:
Physical Geography I
- G3053101
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Human Geography I
- G3053102
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Introduction to regional geography
- G3053103
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Basic Cartography
- G3053104
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Environmental history
- G3053105
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Physical Geography II
- G3053106
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Human Geography II
- G3053107
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
GIS (Geographical Information System) Fundamentals
- G3053108
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
History of present time
- G3053109
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Urbanism History
- G3053110
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Treatment of geographical information
- G3053221
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Photointerpretation and remote sensing
- G3053222
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Methods and techniques of field and laboratory work in physical geography
- G3053223
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
GIS applications and projects
- G3053224
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Regional geography of the world I
- G3053225
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
- G3053226
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Economic geography
- G3053227
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Regional geography of the world II
- G3053228
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of Europe
- G3053229
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of the population
- G3053230
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
GIS advanced tools
- G3053321
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of Spain
- G3053322
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
- G3053323
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Urban Geography
- G3053324
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
- G3053325
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Rural geography
- G3053326
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Territorial planning fundamentals
- G3053327
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Social geography
- G3053341
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of marine resources
- G3053342
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Political geography
- G3053343
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of poverty and development cooperation
- G3053344
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Cultural geography
- G3053345
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Tourism geography
- G3053346
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of transport and mobility
- G3053347
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Geodiversity and natural heritage
- G3053348
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Fluvial systems and river restoration
- G3053349
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Paleoenvironment and climate change
- G3053350
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Natural landscapes and geography
- G3053351
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Coastal systems
- G3053352
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Applied climatology
- G3053353
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Environmental management applied to territorial planning
- G3053354
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Theory and history of geography
- G3053421
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of Galicia
- G3053422
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Territorial and environmental planning instruments
- G3053423
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Landscape, geography and planning
- G3053424
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of natural and environmental risks
- G3053425
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Final Dissertation (no mention)
- G3053426
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Final dissertation (Mention in territorial planning and human activities)
- G3053427
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Final dissertation (Mention in territorial planning and environment)
- G3053428
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Internship (Mention in Territorial planning and human activities)
- G3053441
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Internship (Mention in territorial planning and environment)
- G3053442
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
The degree in Geography and territorial planning is organised into four years of 60 ECTS each, which makes a total of 240 ECTS to be completed by the students to complete the Degree.
Every year must be distributed into two semesters each, resulting in 30 ECTS in eight semesters.
· Basic training: 60
· Compulsory: 132
· Optional: 42
· Final Dissertation: 6
o Total: 240
Physical Geography I
- G3053101
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Human Geography I
- G3053102
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Introduction to regional geography
- G3053103
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Basic Cartography
- G3053104
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Environmental history
- G3053105
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Physical Geography II
- G3053106
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Human Geography II
- G3053107
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
GIS (Geographical Information System) Fundamentals
- G3053108
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
History of present time
- G3053109
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Urbanism History
- G3053110
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Treatment of geographical information
- G3053221
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Photointerpretation and remote sensing
- G3053222
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Methods and techniques of field and laboratory work in physical geography
- G3053223
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
GIS applications and projects
- G3053224
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
GIS advanced tools
- G3053321
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Regional geography of the world I
- G3053225
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
- G3053226
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Economic geography
- G3053227
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Regional geography of the world II
- G3053228
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of Europe
- G3053229
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of the population
- G3053230
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of Spain
- G3053322
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
- G3053323
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Urban Geography
- G3053324
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
- G3053325
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Rural geography
- G3053326
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Theory and history of geography
- G3053421
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of Galicia
- G3053422
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Territorial planning fundamentals
- G3053327
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Territorial and environmental planning instruments
- G3053423
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Landscape, geography and planning
- G3053424
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of natural and environmental risks
- G3053425
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Social geography
- G3053341
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of marine resources
- G3053342
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Political geography
- G3053343
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of poverty and development cooperation
- G3053344
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Cultural geography
- G3053345
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Tourism geography
- G3053346
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of transport and mobility
- G3053347
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Final dissertation (Mention in territorial planning and human activities)
- G3053427
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Internship (Mention in Territorial planning and human activities)
- G3053441
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Geodiversity and natural heritage
- G3053348
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Fluvial systems and river restoration
- G3053349
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Paleoenvironment and climate change
- G3053350
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Natural landscapes and geography
- G3053351
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Coastal systems
- G3053352
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Applied climatology
- G3053353
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Environmental management applied to territorial planning
- G3053354
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Final dissertation (Mention in territorial planning and environment)
- G3053428
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Internship (Mention in territorial planning and environment)
- G3053442
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Final Dissertation (no mention)
- G3053426
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Reconocimiento de créditos optativos sin equivalencia en el grado
- Elective Credits
- 1 Credits
The study plan is structured in the following modules:
· Basic training
· Geographic techniques and methods
· Natural and anthropic dynamics of the territory
· Territorial Planning
· Mention “Territorial planning and human activities”
· Mention “Territorial and environmental planning”
· Final dissertation (without mention)
The Degree offers 2 mentions:
• Mention Territorial planning and human activities.
• Mention Territorial and environmental planning.
The two mentions of the Degree consist of 48 ECTS, distributed as follows:
• 42 ECTS of optional subjects, one of which can be the 6 ECTS of Internships.
• 6 ECTS corresponding to the Final Dissertation.
There is no specific prior training for entry into the Degree in Geography and Territorial Planning from Baccalaureate.
There is no specific prior training for entry into the Degree in Geography and Territorial Planning from Baccalaureate.
The Faculty of Geography and History of the USC has a Tutorial Action Plan for the center's degrees under which activities are organised, some of them collectively and others more personalized, aimed at guiding students in different aspects of their academic life and professional future.…
When a degree suspension occurs, the USC guarantees the adequate development of teachings that were initiated by their students until its suspension. For that, the Government Council approves the criteria related with the admission of new degree entry registration and the gradual suspension of teaching impartation, among others.
If the suspended degree is substituted for a similar one —modifying the nature of the degree—, the new degree regulations will set the conditions to facilitate students the continuity of the new degree’s studies. These regulations will also set subject equivalences in both programs.
The entrance tests to the three Galician universities (Baccalaureate Evaluation for access to the University (ABAU) and for people over 25 and 45 years old) are organized by the Interuniversity Commission of Galicia (CIUG). To apply for a place, students must meet one of the following access requirements established in article 3 of RD 412/2014:
• Have a high school diploma or equivalent and pass the university entrance test.
• Meet the requirements for access to university in the educational systems of Member States of the European Union or other States with which Spain has signed international agreements on this matter.
• Have passed the university entrance test for those over 25 years of age, for those over 40 years of age with work or professional experience or the test for those over 45 years of age.
• Possess a degree in higher vocational training, teaching of plastic arts and design or higher sports technician, or equivalent qualifications.
• Have an official university degree, master's degree or a title corresponding to the previous organization of university education (university diploma, technical architect, technical engineer, graduate, architect, engineer) or equivalent titles.
• Have completed partial foreign or Spanish university studies, or who, upon completing foreign university studies, have not obtained their homologation in Spain and wish to continue studies at a Spanish university. In this case, it will be an essential requirement that the corresponding university recognize at least 30 ECTS credits.
• Be able to access the university according to educational regulations prior to Organic Law 8/2013, not included in the previous sections.
In general, there are the following access routes to the University:
- University access test (ABAU) Once you have finished high school, in order to access a university degree, you must pass the Baccalaureate Evaluation for access to the University.
- Access from Vocational Training If you have an official title of higher vocational training technician, higher plastic arts and design technician or higher sports technician, or titles, diplomas or studies declared equivalent or approved in the Spanish educational system, you can access to study a degree at the university. Applications will be ordered according to the average grade of the higher technical degree completed out of a maximum of 10. If you wish to improve your admission grade for degree studies, you can take the voluntary part of the ABAU test.…
- Access test for people over 25 years of age This test can be taken by people who are over 25 years of age in the year in which the test is held and who do not have any academic qualifications that give access to the university through another means.
- People over 45 years of age Those over 45 years of age can study official degree qualifications after passing an adapted entrance test.
- Access over 40 through validation of work experience.
The Regulation of access and admission to official university degrees for people over 40 years of age who demonstrate work and professional experience, approved by the USC Governing Council on 03/23/2011, stipulates in its Annex II the following relationship of professional families and level of qualifications for access to the Degrees for the Degree in Geography and Territorial Planning.
List of professional family members and levels with access to the degree
· Administration and management: level 2.
· Graphic arts: level 2.
· Hospitality and Tourism: level 2.
· Communication, image, and sound: level 2.
· Sociocultural and community services: level 2.
1. Ensure an integral, multidimensional and holistic training in Geography.
2. Interpret the diversity and complexity of territories, environments, landscapes, cities and places.
3. Enable the understanding of the phenomena on different territorial scales, from the global/planetary to the local.
4. Interrelate the Physico-natural environment and the human and social sphere present in territories, environments, landscapes, cities and places, within the global/climate change in which we find ourselves and with a perspective of present and future human sustainability.
5. Develop specific skills related to the work techniques exclusive to Geography, especially those related to the gathering, organisation, analysis, treatment, synthesis and representation of geographical information: field work, cartography, and geographic Information Technologies (GIT), including specially the Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
6. Enable to professionally apply the geographic knowledge to the analysis and management of territories, environments, landscapes, cities and places, identifying the process/dynamic nature of all of them.
7. Enable the positive application of Geography in terms of creation of diagnosis and proposals for territories, environments, landscapes, cities and places.
Training objectives of the mentions
Mention in territorial planning and human activity:
1. Enable to professionally apply the geographic knowledge to the analysis and management of territories and cities.
2. Enable the proactive application of the discipline in terms of elaboration of diagnosis and proposals for the territory and cities from a sustainable perspective.
Mention in territorial planning and environment:
1. Enable to professionally apply the geographic knowledge to the environmental analysis and management.
2. Enable the proactive application of the discipline in terms of elaboration of environmental and sustainability diagnosis and proposals
Comp1 - Know, understand, analyse and interpret the territory, the Physico-natural environment, the environment and the landscape.
Comp2 - Make integrated territorial and environmental diagnosis.
Comp3 - Make territorial, environment and landscape planning and management proposals.
Comp4 - Cartographically express information through geographic information systems.
Comp5 - Learn to directly know and interpret the territory, environment and landscape by means of field work.
Comp6 - Elaborate and interpret quantitative y qualitative information within Geography.
Comp7 - Explain the diversity of places, environments, cities and regions.
A/S1 - Manage complexity.
A/S2 - Understand the geographical problems in a multidimensional manner, interrelating the Physico-natural and environmental context to the human and social sphere.
A/S3 - Interrelate phenomena on different territorial scales.
A/S4 - Look for, generate, organise and synthesize geographic information.
A/S5 - Autonomously present and share geographic knowledge, methods and findings.
A/S6 - Manage geographic information systems.
A/S7 - Generate agreements in interdisciplinary teams in territorial planning, understanding the language and proposals of other specialists.
K1 - History and thought within the geographic discipline.
K2 - Great regions and world geopolitics.
K3 - Human geography.
K4 - Physical geography and environment.
K5 - Territorial planning and urbanism.
K6 - Geographic information technologies and systems.
K7 - Methods and field work within the geographic discipline.
Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programmes are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programmes (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):
Internships in companies will be optional. They will involve the implementation and experimentation of the contents, skills and competencies acquired in the Degree and, in particular, in Territorial and environmental planning: geodiversity, natural heritage, land planning and management, conservation and management of protected areas, meteorology, bioclimatology, environmental reports, etc.
Every five years, the Observatory of the Profession of the College of Geographers produces a report that indicates the "professional profiles" of Geography grouped into five large "areas of work."
1. Geographic Information Technologies, especially GIS and thematic cartography, but also database management (Big Data), "Neo-geographies" and Remote Sensing.
2. Territorial and urban planning, which includes the preparation of territorial plans (supra-municipal plans), urban plans (general plans, special plans, etc.) and landscape plans (catalogues), but also consolidated areas such as the drafting, management and/or evaluation of instruments related to equipment, mobility and housing, with the new field of comprehensive urban regeneration (IUR).
3. Environment: environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment, protected natural spaces, environmental education, water resources, risks, meteorology, Agendas 21, environmental quality systems, etc.
4. Territorial development. Citizen participation is one of the main components of this profile, along with strategic planning. Local development and cultural heritage management follow. Also included in this profile are territorial organization, territorial cooperation, the promotion of local commerce and geo-marketing.
5. Knowledge society. It is a very plural profile, with a notable participation in training, both regulated (university and secondary school) and non-regulated (workshops on active employment policies or other initiatives, especially at the municipal level).
It will consist of the preparation of a work in which the knowledge, competencies and skills acquired during the studies carried out in the Bachelor's degree are accredited. It will include, at a minimum, bibliographic search, and review tasks, reading and integration of information, preparation of relevant information, writing and presentation.
Enrolment will take place within the periods established for ordinary enrolment, together with the subjects that have yet to be passed to complete the Degree studies, if applicable. In order to formalize registration for the TFG, students may have a maximum of 75 pending credits to complete the studies, excluding those corresponding to the TFG.
4 academic years
RUCT code: 2503949
ECTS Number: 240
Seats number: 50
Dean or center director:
antonio.miguez [at]
Title coordinator:
Valerià Paül Carril
v.paul.carril [at]
Use languages:
Galician, Spanish
MECES Level: 2
Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
Orde do 5 de agosto de 2019 (DOG 14/08/2019)
BOE publication date:
Last accreditation date:
Physical Geography I
- G3053101
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Human Geography I
- G3053102
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Introduction to regional geography
- G3053103
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Basic Cartography
- G3053104
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Environmental history
- G3053105
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Physical Geography II
- G3053106
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Human Geography II
- G3053107
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
GIS (Geographical Information System) Fundamentals
- G3053108
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
History of present time
- G3053109
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Urbanism History
- G3053110
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Treatment of geographical information
- G3053221
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Photointerpretation and remote sensing
- G3053222
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Methods and techniques of field and laboratory work in physical geography
- G3053223
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
GIS applications and projects
- G3053224
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Regional geography of the world I
- G3053225
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
- G3053226
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Economic geography
- G3053227
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Regional geography of the world II
- G3053228
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of Europe
- G3053229
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of the population
- G3053230
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
GIS advanced tools
- G3053321
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of Spain
- G3053322
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
- G3053323
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Urban Geography
- G3053324
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
- G3053325
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Rural geography
- G3053326
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Territorial planning fundamentals
- G3053327
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Social geography
- G3053341
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of marine resources
- G3053342
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Political geography
- G3053343
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of poverty and development cooperation
- G3053344
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Cultural geography
- G3053345
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Tourism geography
- G3053346
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of transport and mobility
- G3053347
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Geodiversity and natural heritage
- G3053348
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Fluvial systems and river restoration
- G3053349
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Paleoenvironment and climate change
- G3053350
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Natural landscapes and geography
- G3053351
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Coastal systems
- G3053352
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Applied climatology
- G3053353
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Environmental management applied to territorial planning
- G3053354
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Theory and history of geography
- G3053421
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of Galicia
- G3053422
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Territorial and environmental planning instruments
- G3053423
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Landscape, geography and planning
- G3053424
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of natural and environmental risks
- G3053425
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Final Dissertation (no mention)
- G3053426
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Final dissertation (Mention in territorial planning and human activities)
- G3053427
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Final dissertation (Mention in territorial planning and environment)
- G3053428
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Internship (Mention in Territorial planning and human activities)
- G3053441
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Internship (Mention in territorial planning and environment)
- G3053442
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
The degree in Geography and territorial planning is organised into four years of 60 ECTS each, which makes a total of 240 ECTS to be completed by the students to complete the Degree.
Every year must be distributed into two semesters each, resulting in 30 ECTS in eight semesters.
· Basic training: 60
· Compulsory: 132
· Optional: 42
· Final Dissertation: 6
o Total: 240
Physical Geography I
- G3053101
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Human Geography I
- G3053102
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Introduction to regional geography
- G3053103
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Basic Cartography
- G3053104
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Environmental history
- G3053105
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Physical Geography II
- G3053106
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Human Geography II
- G3053107
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
GIS (Geographical Information System) Fundamentals
- G3053108
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
History of present time
- G3053109
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Urbanism History
- G3053110
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Treatment of geographical information
- G3053221
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Photointerpretation and remote sensing
- G3053222
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Methods and techniques of field and laboratory work in physical geography
- G3053223
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
GIS applications and projects
- G3053224
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
GIS advanced tools
- G3053321
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Regional geography of the world I
- G3053225
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
- G3053226
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Economic geography
- G3053227
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Regional geography of the world II
- G3053228
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of Europe
- G3053229
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of the population
- G3053230
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of Spain
- G3053322
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
- G3053323
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Urban Geography
- G3053324
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
- G3053325
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Rural geography
- G3053326
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Theory and history of geography
- G3053421
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of Galicia
- G3053422
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Territorial planning fundamentals
- G3053327
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Territorial and environmental planning instruments
- G3053423
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Landscape, geography and planning
- G3053424
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of natural and environmental risks
- G3053425
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Social geography
- G3053341
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of marine resources
- G3053342
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Political geography
- G3053343
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of poverty and development cooperation
- G3053344
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Cultural geography
- G3053345
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Tourism geography
- G3053346
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Geography of transport and mobility
- G3053347
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Final dissertation (Mention in territorial planning and human activities)
- G3053427
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Internship (Mention in Territorial planning and human activities)
- G3053441
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Geodiversity and natural heritage
- G3053348
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Fluvial systems and river restoration
- G3053349
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Paleoenvironment and climate change
- G3053350
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Natural landscapes and geography
- G3053351
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Coastal systems
- G3053352
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Applied climatology
- G3053353
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Environmental management applied to territorial planning
- G3053354
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Final dissertation (Mention in territorial planning and environment)
- G3053428
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Internship (Mention in territorial planning and environment)
- G3053442
- Elective Credits
- 6 Credits
Final Dissertation (no mention)
- G3053426
- Compulsory Credits
- 6 Credits
Reconocimiento de créditos optativos sin equivalencia en el grado
- Elective Credits
- 1 Credits
The study plan is structured in the following modules:
· Basic training
· Geographic techniques and methods
· Natural and anthropic dynamics of the territory
· Territorial Planning
· Mention “Territorial planning and human activities”
· Mention “Territorial and environmental planning”
· Final dissertation (without mention)
The Degree offers 2 mentions:
• Mention Territorial planning and human activities.
• Mention Territorial and environmental planning.
The two mentions of the Degree consist of 48 ECTS, distributed as follows:
• 42 ECTS of optional subjects, one of which can be the 6 ECTS of Internships.
• 6 ECTS corresponding to the Final Dissertation.
There is no specific prior training for entry into the Degree in Geography and Territorial Planning from Baccalaureate.
There is no specific prior training for entry into the Degree in Geography and Territorial Planning from Baccalaureate.
The Faculty of Geography and History of the USC has a Tutorial Action Plan for the center's degrees under which activities are organised, some of them collectively and others more personalized, aimed at guiding students in different aspects of their academic life and professional future.…
When a degree suspension occurs, the USC guarantees the adequate development of teachings that were initiated by their students until its suspension. For that, the Government Council approves the criteria related with the admission of new degree entry registration and the gradual suspension of teaching impartation, among others.
If the suspended degree is substituted for a similar one —modifying the nature of the degree—, the new degree regulations will set the conditions to facilitate students the continuity of the new degree’s studies. These regulations will also set subject equivalences in both programs.
The entrance tests to the three Galician universities (Baccalaureate Evaluation for access to the University (ABAU) and for people over 25 and 45 years old) are organized by the Interuniversity Commission of Galicia (CIUG). To apply for a place, students must meet one of the following access requirements established in article 3 of RD 412/2014:
• Have a high school diploma or equivalent and pass the university entrance test.
• Meet the requirements for access to university in the educational systems of Member States of the European Union or other States with which Spain has signed international agreements on this matter.
• Have passed the university entrance test for those over 25 years of age, for those over 40 years of age with work or professional experience or the test for those over 45 years of age.
• Possess a degree in higher vocational training, teaching of plastic arts and design or higher sports technician, or equivalent qualifications.
• Have an official university degree, master's degree or a title corresponding to the previous organization of university education (university diploma, technical architect, technical engineer, graduate, architect, engineer) or equivalent titles.
• Have completed partial foreign or Spanish university studies, or who, upon completing foreign university studies, have not obtained their homologation in Spain and wish to continue studies at a Spanish university. In this case, it will be an essential requirement that the corresponding university recognize at least 30 ECTS credits.
• Be able to access the university according to educational regulations prior to Organic Law 8/2013, not included in the previous sections.
In general, there are the following access routes to the University:
- University access test (ABAU) Once you have finished high school, in order to access a university degree, you must pass the Baccalaureate Evaluation for access to the University.
- Access from Vocational Training If you have an official title of higher vocational training technician, higher plastic arts and design technician or higher sports technician, or titles, diplomas or studies declared equivalent or approved in the Spanish educational system, you can access to study a degree at the university. Applications will be ordered according to the average grade of the higher technical degree completed out of a maximum of 10. If you wish to improve your admission grade for degree studies, you can take the voluntary part of the ABAU test.…
- Access test for people over 25 years of age This test can be taken by people who are over 25 years of age in the year in which the test is held and who do not have any academic qualifications that give access to the university through another means.
- People over 45 years of age Those over 45 years of age can study official degree qualifications after passing an adapted entrance test.
- Access over 40 through validation of work experience.
The Regulation of access and admission to official university degrees for people over 40 years of age who demonstrate work and professional experience, approved by the USC Governing Council on 03/23/2011, stipulates in its Annex II the following relationship of professional families and level of qualifications for access to the Degrees for the Degree in Geography and Territorial Planning.
List of professional family members and levels with access to the degree
· Administration and management: level 2.
· Graphic arts: level 2.
· Hospitality and Tourism: level 2.
· Communication, image, and sound: level 2.
· Sociocultural and community services: level 2.
1. Ensure an integral, multidimensional and holistic training in Geography.
2. Interpret the diversity and complexity of territories, environments, landscapes, cities and places.
3. Enable the understanding of the phenomena on different territorial scales, from the global/planetary to the local.
4. Interrelate the Physico-natural environment and the human and social sphere present in territories, environments, landscapes, cities and places, within the global/climate change in which we find ourselves and with a perspective of present and future human sustainability.
5. Develop specific skills related to the work techniques exclusive to Geography, especially those related to the gathering, organisation, analysis, treatment, synthesis and representation of geographical information: field work, cartography, and geographic Information Technologies (GIT), including specially the Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
6. Enable to professionally apply the geographic knowledge to the analysis and management of territories, environments, landscapes, cities and places, identifying the process/dynamic nature of all of them.
7. Enable the positive application of Geography in terms of creation of diagnosis and proposals for territories, environments, landscapes, cities and places.
Training objectives of the mentions
Mention in territorial planning and human activity:
1. Enable to professionally apply the geographic knowledge to the analysis and management of territories and cities.
2. Enable the proactive application of the discipline in terms of elaboration of diagnosis and proposals for the territory and cities from a sustainable perspective.
Mention in territorial planning and environment:
1. Enable to professionally apply the geographic knowledge to the environmental analysis and management.
2. Enable the proactive application of the discipline in terms of elaboration of environmental and sustainability diagnosis and proposals
Comp1 - Know, understand, analyse and interpret the territory, the Physico-natural environment, the environment and the landscape.
Comp2 - Make integrated territorial and environmental diagnosis.
Comp3 - Make territorial, environment and landscape planning and management proposals.
Comp4 - Cartographically express information through geographic information systems.
Comp5 - Learn to directly know and interpret the territory, environment and landscape by means of field work.
Comp6 - Elaborate and interpret quantitative y qualitative information within Geography.
Comp7 - Explain the diversity of places, environments, cities and regions.
A/S1 - Manage complexity.
A/S2 - Understand the geographical problems in a multidimensional manner, interrelating the Physico-natural and environmental context to the human and social sphere.
A/S3 - Interrelate phenomena on different territorial scales.
A/S4 - Look for, generate, organise and synthesize geographic information.
A/S5 - Autonomously present and share geographic knowledge, methods and findings.
A/S6 - Manage geographic information systems.
A/S7 - Generate agreements in interdisciplinary teams in territorial planning, understanding the language and proposals of other specialists.
K1 - History and thought within the geographic discipline.
K2 - Great regions and world geopolitics.
K3 - Human geography.
K4 - Physical geography and environment.
K5 - Territorial planning and urbanism.
K6 - Geographic information technologies and systems.
K7 - Methods and field work within the geographic discipline.
Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programmes are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programmes (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):
Internships in companies will be optional. They will involve the implementation and experimentation of the contents, skills and competencies acquired in the Degree and, in particular, in Territorial and environmental planning: geodiversity, natural heritage, land planning and management, conservation and management of protected areas, meteorology, bioclimatology, environmental reports, etc.
Every five years, the Observatory of the Profession of the College of Geographers produces a report that indicates the "professional profiles" of Geography grouped into five large "areas of work."
1. Geographic Information Technologies, especially GIS and thematic cartography, but also database management (Big Data), "Neo-geographies" and Remote Sensing.
2. Territorial and urban planning, which includes the preparation of territorial plans (supra-municipal plans), urban plans (general plans, special plans, etc.) and landscape plans (catalogues), but also consolidated areas such as the drafting, management and/or evaluation of instruments related to equipment, mobility and housing, with the new field of comprehensive urban regeneration (IUR).
3. Environment: environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment, protected natural spaces, environmental education, water resources, risks, meteorology, Agendas 21, environmental quality systems, etc.
4. Territorial development. Citizen participation is one of the main components of this profile, along with strategic planning. Local development and cultural heritage management follow. Also included in this profile are territorial organization, territorial cooperation, the promotion of local commerce and geo-marketing.
5. Knowledge society. It is a very plural profile, with a notable participation in training, both regulated (university and secondary school) and non-regulated (workshops on active employment policies or other initiatives, especially at the municipal level).
It will consist of the preparation of a work in which the knowledge, competencies and skills acquired during the studies carried out in the Bachelor's degree are accredited. It will include, at a minimum, bibliographic search, and review tasks, reading and integration of information, preparation of relevant information, writing and presentation.
Enrolment will take place within the periods established for ordinary enrolment, together with the subjects that have yet to be passed to complete the Degree studies, if applicable. In order to formalize registration for the TFG, students may have a maximum of 75 pending credits to complete the studies, excluding those corresponding to the TFG.