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Teaching Primary Education Degree

Branch of knowledge
Social and Legal Sciences
Ambit of knowledge
Ciencias de la educación.
Faculty of Education Sciences
Rúa Prof. Vicente Fráiz Andón, s/n, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
881813879 (Decanato)
educacion.decanato [at]
Faculty of Education Sciences (North Campus)
Avda. Xoan XXIII, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela
alumnado traballando

The Degree in Teaching Primary Education leads to the regulated profession of Teacher of Primary Education. The degree is designed to train professionals who know the curricular areas of Primary Education and interdisciplinary relationship between them, who are able to design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals. This Degree is taught in the Faculty of Education Sciences. Avda de Xoán XXIII, s/n. Campus Norte.

Duration: 4 academic years
RUCT code: 2502229
Seats number: 112

Dean or center director:

Title coordinator:
Marta Neira Rodriguez
marta.neira [at]

Use languages:
Spanish, Galician

MECES Level: 2

Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela

Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela

Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:

BOE publication date:
23 de marzo de 2015

Last accreditation date:

Professional qualification:
This qualification enables in Spain the exercise of the regulated profession of Teacher in Primary Education.

The Degree in Teaching Primary Education leads to the regulated profession of Teacher of Primary Education. The degree is designed to train professionals who know the curricular areas of Primary Education and interdisciplinary relationship between them, who are able to design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals, to effectively tackle language learning situations in multicultural and multilingual contexts.

At the Santiago Campus three qualifying mentions are offered: Foreign Language: Attention to diversity, Music Education and Foreign Language: English.


  • G3141101
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Childhood,Family and School

  • G3141102
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

The History and Theory of School Education

  • G3141103
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Didactics and teaching activities

  • G3141104
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Educational Psychology

  • G3141105
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Developmental Pyschology (6-12 years)

  • G3141106
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Learning Difficulties and Developmental Disorders

  • G3141107
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

School,Community and ICT

  • G3141108
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Languages in a Multilingual Context.

  • G3141120
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Fundamentals of physical education

  • G3141122
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Arithmetic

  • G3141121
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

School Management and Planning

  • G3141201
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Curriculum Design, Development and Innovation

  • G3141202
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Visual Education and Art I: Art Methology and Contexts

  • G3141222
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Communicative Skills (English)

  • G3141223
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Communicative Skills (French)

  • G3141224
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Experimental Science I

  • G3141226
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Social Sciences I

  • G3141228
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Communication Skills (German)

  • G3141229
  • Compulsory Credits
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Cmmunication Skills (Portuguese)

  • G3141230
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

The Didactics of Physical Education

  • G3141327
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Music in Primary Education

  • G3141328
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Communicative Skills:Galician Language and Literature

  • G3141422
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Geometry

  • G3141227
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Social Sciences II

  • G3141321
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Experimental Science II

  • G3141322
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Visual Education and Art II: Art Projects and Processes

  • G3141323
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Practicum I

  • G3141329
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 18 Credits

Education in a Rural Context

  • G3141441
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Catholic Teology and its Pedagogy

  • G3141445
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Emotional Education

  • G3141448
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Education in Citizenship and Values

  • G3141449
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

History, Heritage and Education in Galicia

  • G3141451
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Galician Language for Teaching

  • G3141452
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Tutoring and Career Guidance

  • G3141453
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

English: Comprehension and Written Expression

  • G3141455
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

French: Comprehension and Written Expression

  • G3141456
  • Elective Credits
  • 4,5 Credits

Inglish: Comprehension and Oral Expression

  • G3141457
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

French: Comprehension and Oral Expression

  • G3141458
  • Elective Credits
  • 4,5 Credits

Voice and Auditory Training

  • G3141463
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Musical Language

  • G3141464
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Designing digital learning material

  • G3141467
  • Elective Credits
  • 4,5 Credits

Learning Experiences in the Digital Age

  • G3141468
  • Elective Credits
  • 4,5 Credits

German: Written Expression and Reading Comprehension

  • G3141472
  • Elective Credits
  • 4,5 Credits

German: Oral Expression and Listening Comprehension

  • G3141473
  • Elective Credits
  • 4,5 Credits

Portuguese: Written Expression and Reading Comprehension

  • G3141476
  • Elective Credits
  • 4,5 Credits

Portuguese: Oral Expression and Listening Comprehension

  • G3141477
  • Elective Credits
  • 4,5 Credits

Diversity and Inclusive Education

  • G3141479
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Educational Intervention for Cognitive Diversity: Mental Disability and Intellectual Giftedness

  • G3141480
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Teaching and Learning Communicative Skills: Galician Language and Literature

  • G3141324
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Measurement, Probability and Statistics

  • G3141325
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Undergraduate dissertation

  • G3141424
  • Compulsory Credits
  • End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
  • 9 Credits

Voice Training for Teachers

  • G3141442
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Learning Experiences in the Digital Age

  • G3141443
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Infant games

  • G3141444
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Designing and Elaborating Didactic Materials

  • G3141446
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

The Didactics of Environmental Education

  • G3141447
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Gender Identity and Education

  • G3141450
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Literature , Reading and Creativity

  • G3141454
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Content and Language Integrated Learning (English)

  • G3141459
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Content and Language Integrated Learning: French

  • G3141460
  • Elective Credits
  • 4,5 Credits

English: Cultural Diversity and its Manifestations

  • G3141461
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

French: Cultural Diversity and its Manifestations

  • G3141462
  • Elective Credits
  • 4,5 Credits

Rhythmic and Instrumental Training

  • G3141465
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Musical Education : Didactic Procedures and Projects

  • G3141466
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

digital citizen,communication and colaboration with ICT

  • G3141469
  • Elective Credits
  • 4,5 Credits

Social and Educational Media Communication:

  • G3141470
  • Elective Credits
  • 4,5 Credits

Content and Foreign Language Integrated Learning: German

  • G3141471
  • Elective Credits
  • 4,5 Credits

German: Cultural Diversity and its Manifestations

  • G3141474
  • Elective Credits
  • 4,5 Credits

Content and Foreign Language Integrated Learning: Portuguese

  • G3141475
  • Elective Credits
  • 4,5 Credits

Portuguese: Cultural Diversity and its Manifestations

  • G3141478
  • Elective Credits
  • 4,5 Credits

Educational Intervention for Developmental Disorders: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • G3141481
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Educational Intervention for Oral and Written Language Disorders

  • G3141482
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Teaching and learning of natural and social sciences in primary education

  • G3141483
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Practicum II: Attention to Diversity branch

  • G3141484
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 24 Credits

Practicum II: Musical Education branch

  • G3141485
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 24 Credits

Practicum II: Information Technology (IT) branch

  • G3141486
  • Compulsory Credits
  • 24 Credits

Practicum II: French as a Foreign Laguage branch

  • G3141487
  • Compulsory Credits
  • 24 Credits

Practicum II: English as a Foreign Laguage branch

  • G3141488
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 24 Credits

Practicum II: German as a Foreign Language branch

  • G3141489
  • Compulsory Credits
  • 24 Credits

Practicum II: Portugese as a Foreign Language

  • G3141490
  • Compulsory Credits
  • 24 Credits

Practicum II: average

  • G3141491
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 24 Credits

Para poder matricularse en la asignatura Practicum I será requisito tener superados al menos 48 créditos del segundo curso

Para poder matricularse en la asignatura Practicum II será requisito tener superados al menos 48 créditos del tercer curso, entre los que se incluyen necesariamente los del Practicum I


  • G3141101
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Childhood,Family and School

  • G3141102
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

The History and Theory of School Education

  • G3141103
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Didactics and teaching activities

  • G3141104
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Educational Psychology

  • G3141105
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Developmental Pyschology (6-12 years)

  • G3141106
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Learning Difficulties and Developmental Disorders

  • G3141107
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

School,Community and ICT

  • G3141108
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

School Management and Planning

  • G3141201
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Curriculum Design, Development and Innovation

  • G3141202
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Languages in a Multilingual Context.

  • G3141120
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Arithmetic

  • G3141121
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Fundamentals of physical education

  • G3141122
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Visual Education and Art I: Art Methology and Contexts

  • G3141222
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Communicative Skills (English)

  • G3141223
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Communicative Skills (French)

  • G3141224
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Experimental Science I

  • G3141226
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Geometry

  • G3141227
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Social Sciences I

  • G3141228
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Communication Skills (German)

  • G3141229
  • Compulsory Credits
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Cmmunication Skills (Portuguese)

  • G3141230
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Social Sciences II

  • G3141321
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Experimental Science II

  • G3141322
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Visual Education and Art II: Art Projects and Processes

  • G3141323
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Communicative Skills: Galician Language and Literature

  • G3141324
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Measurement, Probability and Statistics

  • G3141325
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

The Didactics of Physical Education

  • G3141327
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Music in Primary Education

  • G3141328
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and Learning Communicative Skills:Galician Language and Literature

  • G3141422
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Teaching and learning of natural and social sciences in primary education

  • G3141483
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Education in a Rural Context

  • G3141441
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Voice Training for Teachers

  • G3141442
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Learning Experiences in the Digital Age

  • G3141443
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Infant games

  • G3141444
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Designing and Elaborating Didactic Materials

  • G3141446
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

The Didactics of Environmental Education

  • G3141447
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Emotional Education

  • G3141448
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Education in Citizenship and Values

  • G3141449
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Gender Identity and Education

  • G3141450
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

History, Heritage and Education in Galicia

  • G3141451
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Galician Language for Teaching

  • G3141452
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Tutoring and Career Guidance

  • G3141453
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Literature , Reading and Creativity

  • G3141454
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Diversity and Inclusive Education

  • G3141479
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Educational Intervention for Cognitive Diversity: Mental Disability and Intellectual Giftedness

  • G3141480
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Educational Intervention for Developmental Disorders: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • G3141481
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Educational Intervention for Oral and Written Language Disorders

  • G3141482
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Practicum II: Attention to Diversity branch

  • G3141484
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 24 Credits

English: Comprehension and Written Expression

  • G3141455
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Inglish: Comprehension and Oral Expression

  • G3141457
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Content and Language Integrated Learning (English)

  • G3141459
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

English: Cultural Diversity and its Manifestations

  • G3141461
  • Elective Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Practicum II: English as a Foreign Laguage branch

  • G3141488
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 24 Credits

Practicum I

  • G3141329
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 18 Credits

In the second edition of the degree, there are seven qualifying mentions in the Santiago campus:

- Mention in Attention to Diversity
- Mention in Musical Education
- Mention in Education and ICT (not implemented)
- Mention in Foreign Language: English
- Mention in foreign language: French (not implemented)
- Mention in foreign language: Portuguese (not implemented)
- Mention in Foreign Language: German (not implemented)

To obtain the Degree with one of the mentions, the student must take the optional subjects of the corresponding module. In addition, during the Practicum II, they must carry out a work project linked to the mention, which is awarded 6 credits out of the total of 24 included in this Practicum.

The curriculum includes several compulsory subjects linked to the mention. Students who opt for a foreign language mention must take the subject "Teaching and learning communicative skills" in the language of the mention chosen.

Students may choose the optional subjects that do or do not form qualifying mentions, so that they may also obtain the degree without mention.

En cuanto al perfil de acceso/ingreso, es recomendable que el/la aspirante posea las siguientes características personales y académicas:
- Interés por todos los aspectos relacionados con la cultura y la infancia.
- Compromiso social.
- Compromiso ético.
- Curiosidad científica.
- Habilidad para las relaciones interpersonales.

1.- El alumnado de primer curso por primera vez a tiempo completo tienen que matricular 60 créditos. Un 15% del alumnado podrá cursar estudios a tiempo parcial (30 créditos).
2.- Continuación de estudios: libre con un máximo de 75 créditos

La USC tiene un programa de alumnos tutores para las titulaciones de grao, de forma que alumnos de últimos cursos, despues de una formación que les facilita la Universidad, realizan tareas de orientación a los alumnos que inician los estudios.

Información programa alumnos tutores:

Programa alumnos titores

Cuando se produzca la suspensión de un Título oficial, la USC garantiza el adecuado desarrollo efectivo de las enseñanzas que hubieran iniciado sus estudiantes hasta su finalización. Para ello, el Consejo de Gobierno aprueba los criterios relacionados, entre otros, con:
• La admisión de matrículas de nuevo ingreso en la titulación.
• La supresión gradual de la impartición de la docencia.
• Si el título extinguido es sustituido por otro similar (modificando la naturaleza del título), fija las condiciones que facilitan a los/las estudiantes la continuidad de estudios en el nuevo título y las equivalencias entre las materias de uno y otro plan.

Access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is granted to students with the following degrees/ diplomas or studies, or any other recognized as equivalent to these:
A.1. Spanish Bachiller, European Baccalaureate or International Baccalaureate.
A.2. Baccalaureate from European Union Member States’ education systems or other countries withinternational agreements.
A.3. Advanced Technician in Vocational Training, Advanced Technician in Plastic Arts and Design orAdvanced Technician in Sports Education, from the Spanish Education System.
A.4.Studies carried out in European Union Member States or in other countries with international reciprocal agreements which meet the academic requirements in those States to access their university study programmes.
A.5. Official Spanish university degrees of Diplomado, Arquitecto Técnico, Ingeniero Técnico, Licenciado, Arquitecto, Ingeniero, Graduado or Máster Universitario.
A.6. Partial (foreign or Spanish) university studies.
Access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is also possible for:
B.1. People over twenty-five after successfully passing a specific access test.
B.2. People over forty with work or professional experience related to a university field of knowledge.
B.3. People over forty-five after successfully passing a specific access test.
Likewise, access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is granted to:
C.1. People meeting the requirements to enter university according to the Spanish Education System regulations prior to Ley Orgánica 8/2013, of December 9.

The center has 9 classrooms for general use, with capacity between 90 and 230 seats and 8 classrooms that are equipped with specific resources to teach certain subjects, such as music or new technologies. It also has a seminar room, 2 laboratories, and a sports hall.

There are also several areas with suitable equipment so that students can do group work.

In the north campus, the library is on the ground floor of the Faculty, and has more than 80 reading stations. In the south campus, the Library is located in the central module that the Faculties of Education and Psychology share.

Train teachers according to the principles of the Organic Law of Education 2/2006 of May 3rd (BOE 04/05/2006).
This degree qualification enables to educate children holistically at the stage of primary education as a generalist teacher in public and private schools of primary education, support services for school and leisure centers. You can carry out activities in public administration and private companies as well as in teaching.

-Que los estudiantes hayan demostrado poseer y comprender conocimientos en un área de estudio que parte de la base de la educación secundaria general, y se suele encontrar a un nivel que, si bien se apoya en libros de texto avanzados, incluye también algunos aspectos que implican conocimientos procedentes de la vanguardia de su campo de estudio;
-Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar sus conocimientos a su trabajo o vocación de una forma profesional y posean las competencias que suelen demostrarse por medio de la elaboración y defensa de argumentos y la resolución de problemas dentro de su área de estudio;
-Que los estudiantes tengan la capacidad de reunir e interpretar datos relevantes (normalmente dentro de su área de estudio) para emitir juicios que incluyan una reflexión sobre temas relevantes de índole social, científica o ética;
-Que los estudiantes puedan transmitir información, ideas, problemas y soluciones a un público tanto especializado como no especializado;
-Que los estudiantes hayan desarrollado aquellas habilidades de aprendizaje necesarias para emprender estudios posteriores con un alto grado de autonomía.

1. Know the curriculum areas of primary education, the evaluation view and procedures for teaching and learning.
2. Design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning individually and in cooperation with other professionals.
3. Addressing language-learning situations in multicultural and multilingual contexts. Encourage reading and critical analysis of scientific and cultural texts.
4. Design and regulate learning spaces in diverse contexts that attend to gender equality, equity and respect for human rights.
5. Promote coexistence in the classroom and beyond, resolve discipline problems and contribute to peaceful conflict resolution.
6. Understand the organization and functioning of primary schools. Perform functions tutoring and counselling with students and families.
7. Collaborate with the sectors of the educational community and the social environment. Taking the educational dimension of the teaching profession and education for active citizenship.
8. Maintain a critical and autonomous relationship towards knowledge, values and social institutions.
9. Assess individual and collective responsibility in achieving a sustainable future
10. To reflect on classroom practices to innovate and improve teaching. Purchasing habits and skills for independent and cooperative learning.
11. Know and apply the technologies of information and communication. Discerning audiovisual information that contributes to learning and civic education.
12. Understand the role, possibilities and limits of education in today's society. Knowing models of improving the quality of schools

 - Comprender los procesos de aprendizaje relativos al período 6-12 en el contexto familiar, social y escolar
- Conocer las características de estos estudianes, así como las características de sus contextos motivacionales y sociales
- Dominar los conocimientos necesarios para comprender el desarrollo de la personalidad de estos estudiantes e identificar disfunciones
- Identificar dificultades de aprendizaje, informalas y colaborar en su tratamiento
- Conocer las propuestas y desarrollos actuales basados en el aprendizaje de competencias
- Identificar y planificar la resolución de situaciones educativas que afectan a estudiantes con diferentes capacidades y distrintos ritmos de aprendizaje
- Analizar y comprender los procesos educativos en el aula y fuera de ella relativos al período 6-12
- Conocer los fundamentos de la educación primaria
- Analizar la práctica docente y las condiciones institucionales que la enmarcan
- Conocer la evolución histórica del sistema educativo en nuestro país y los condicionantes políticos y legislativos de la actividad educativa
- Conocer los procesos de interacción y comunicacion en el aula
- Abordar y resolver problemas de disciplina
- Promover el trabajo cooperativo y el trabajo y esfuerzo individuales
- Promover acciones de educación en valores orientados a la preparación de una educación activa y democrática
- Conocer y abordar situaciones escolares en contextos multiculturales
- Diseñar, planificar y evaluar la actividad docente y el aprendizaje en el aula
- Conocer y aplicar experiencias innovadoras en educación primaria
- Participar en la definición del proyecto educativo y en la actividad general del centro atendiendo a criterios de gestión de calidad
- Conocer y aplicar metodologías y técnicas básicas de investigación educativa y ser capaz de diseñar proyectos de innovación identificando indicadores de evaluación

- Conocimiento instrumental de lenguas extranjeras
- Conocimiento instrumental de la lengua gallega
- Conocimiento instrumental de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación
- Competencia informacional


La movilidad de los/as estudiantes está regulada a través del “Reglamento de intercambios interuniversitarios”. A través de la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores se gestionan programas de intercambio tanto nacionales (SICUE), como europeos (ERASMUS) y extracomunitarios (intercambios con países de América Latina o países de habla inglesa):

Portal Internacional


2ª edición

Las Prácticas se distribuyen en dos períodos con la intención de aprovechar su potencial al largo de la formación de los estudiantes. Los períodos de Practicum propuestos se desarrollan progresivamente conforme a la siguiente secuencia:

- PRACTICUM I (18 créditos. 3º curso, 5º cuatrimestre): El sentido general de este Practicum es centrarse en la observación en torno a la vida del aula y a las tareas del profesorado, el proceso del aprendizaje de la tarea docente, los proyectos y prácticas desarrollados en el centro escolar y en su contexto, así como en el proceso de aprendizaje en la enseñanza.

-PRACTICUM II (24 créditos. 4º Curso 8º cuadrimestre): el sentido general de este Practicum es centrarse en los proyectos y prácticas desarrollados en el centro escolar y en su contexto, y en el proceso de aprendizaje de la enseñanza y en los procesos de avance de aula y centro. A lo largo del Prácticum II el alumno deberá realizar un Proyecto de trabajo vinculado a la mención, al que se le otorga un valor de 6 créditos del total de 24 que comprende este Prácticum.

1ª edición

Las Prácticas se distribuyen en tres periodos con la intención de aprovechar su potencial a lo largo de la formación de los estudiantes. Los periodos de Practicum propuestos se desarrollan progresivamente conforme la siguiente secuencia:

- PRACTICUM I. Vida de aula y tareas del profesorado. (12 créditos. 2º curso, 3ºcuatrimestre): El sentido de este Practicum es centrarse en las tareas que el docente realiza en relación al contexto inmediato del aula, así como en analizar y reflexionar sobre lo que allí acontece. Será requisito tener superados al menos 48 créditos del primer curso.

- PRACTICUM II. El centro escolar y su contexto: proyectos y prácticas. (18 créditos. 3º Curso 6º cuatrimestre): contextualizando las prácticas del docente en un centro y una localidad, se trata de diseñar, desarrollar y evaluar proyectos de centro y de aula y de comprender que los límites de la función del profesor no están delimitados por el espacio físico inmediato en el que trabaja habitualmente con los alumnos y que forma parte de un equipo docente, por lo que debe estar atento al conjunto de la Comunidad Educativa, siempre desde una actitud crítica y reflexiva. Se procurará, en la medida de lo posible, que el alumnado realice, uno de estos dos periodos de prácticas en el ciclo 0-3. Será requisito tener superados al menos 48 créditos del segundo curso, entre los que se incluyen necesariamente los del Practicum I.

- PRACTICUM III. Procesos de mejora de aula y centro. (12 créditos. 4º curso, 7º cuatrimestre): En este último practicum se trata de enfatizar el perfil de maestro innovador, reflexivo e investigador, añadiendo al trabajo en los periodos anteriores elementos de mejora de proyectos de centro y aula en procesos de investigación-acción. Será requisito tener superados al menos 48 créditos del tercer curso, entre los que se incluyen necesariamente los del Practicum II.

El Trabajo de Fin de Grado se articula como una asignatura anual en el último curso con una distribución en 3 créditos en el 7º cuatrimestre y 6 en el 8º. Su programación anual permitirá, por una parte diferenciarlo del Prácticum, y por otra facilitar al alumno el tiempo necesario para planificar, desarrollar e integrar las competencias adquiridas a lo largo de la formación del grado. Para ser admitido en el Trabajo Fin de Grado, será requisito tener superados al menos 150 créditos de los tres primeros cursos del Grado.

Those who hold the Diploma in Teaching, specialising in Primary Education can obtain the Degree in Teaching Primary Education, upon successful completion of a bridging course of 39 credits in which they must take the compulsory subject «Final Year Project", of 9 credits and the 30 credits corresponding to one of the mentions offered.

Those who hold the Diploma in Teaching, specialising in Musical Education, Foreign Language, Physical Education, Hearing and Language, Special Education, etc. except Teaching Primary Education can obtain the Degree in Teaching Primary Education, upon successful completion of a bridging course of 39 credits.


Nuria Abal Alonso
Cristina Abeal Pereira
Cristian Abelairas Gómez
Maite Abilleira Gonzalez
Jorge Albella Martinez
Francisco Javier Alcala Rodriguez
Diego Allen-Perkins Avendaño
Patricia Alonso Ruido
David Alvarez Caneda
Lorena Añon Loureiro
Francisco Jose Armas Quinta
Martin Barcala Furelos
Silvia Basanta Camiño
Paloma Blanco Anaya
Vanessa Blanco Seoane
Natalia Rosa Bohorquez Villanueva
Pablo Brocos Mosquera
Maria Jose Caamaño Rojo
Francisco Javier Cabo Villaverde
Maria Do Carmen Cambeiro Lourido
Lorena Casal Otero
Lucia Casas Quiroga
Valentin Tomas Castellano Mendez
Gonzalo Castiñeira Veiga
Belén María Castro Fernández
Carmen Gloria Cernadas Lema
Susana Cid Fernandez
Sergio Clavero Ibañez De Garayo
Olalla Cortizas Varela
Ana Isabel Couce Santalla
Julia Maria Crespo Comesaña
Beatriz Crujeiras Pérez
Mario Diz Otero
Andres Dominguez Almansa
Raúl Eirín Nemiña
Iris Estevez Blanco
Serxio Estevez Souto
Fatima Maria Faya Cerqueiro
Julia Feijóo Outumuro
Jorge Fernández Avilés
Maria Teresa Fernandez Blanco
Antía Fernández López
Isabel Fernandez Lopez
Maria Del Carmen Fernandez Morante
Elena Fernandez Rey
Fernando Fraga Varela
Luis Manuel Garcia Bernadal
Laura Garcia Docampo
Jorge Garcia Marin
Pablo Gayo Perez
Carol Jean Gillanders
Begoña Gomez Vazquez
Elsa Maria Gonzalez Alvarez
Sara González Bernárdez
Irene Gonzalez Costa
María Adelina Guisande Couñago
María Do Carme Hermida Gulías
Alfonso Iglesias Amorin
Patricia Maria Iglesias Souto
Guadalupe Jimenez Esquinas
Mariana Killner
Xosé María Lopez Carretero
Carme Lopez Fernandez
Silvia Lopez Gomez
Maria Leticia Lopez Mondejar
Zosimo Lopez Pena
Sabela Carme Mallo López
Irina Malyuchenko
Zeltia Martínez López
Maria Isabel Moran Cabanas
Remigio Moreira Arincon
Marta Neira Rodriguez
Ana Nieto Vieites
Maria Xesus Nogueira Pereira
Cristina Nuñez Garcia
Paula Outon Oviedo
Ana Parada Gañete
Juan Carlos Pardo Perez
Lucía Peixoto Pino
Raquel Pereira Romasanta
Eulogio Pernas Morado
Blanca Puig Mauriz
Ana Maria De La Concepcion Rabe
Javier Rico Diaz
Paula Rodriguez Abruñeiras
Alexandra Miroslava Rodriguez Gil
Sandra Rodriguez Nieto
Ana Belen Rodriguez Raposo
Jesus Rodriguez Rodriguez
Maria Salgado Somoza
Maria Carmen Santos Gonzalez
Eva María Taboada Ares
Cristina Trigo Martínez
Jose Felipe Trillo Alonso
Esther Vila Couñago
Elisa Teresa Zamora Rodriguez









Places offered.

Number of Places Offered for Each Academic Year

Scale info: Whole Number









Number of Students Enrolled in an Academic Year Excluding Incoming Mobility Program Students

Scale info: Whole Number







New enrolments.

Number of Students Enrolling in a Study Program for the First Time, Including Those Transferring Their Academic Records, Accessing Through Partial Recognition of Foreign Studies, or Transitioning from Phasing-Out Programs

Scale info: Whole Number







Enrolment for start of studies.

Number of Students Enrolling in the First Year of a Study Program for the First Time, Excluding Those Accessing Through Partial Recognition of Foreign Studies, Transfers, or Transitions from Phasing-Out Programs

Scale info: Whole Number







Variation of enrolment at the start of studies.

Relative Variation Rate of New Enrollment through Pre-registration

Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places







Admittance profile

Average pre-enrolment access score.

Average Admission Grade through Pre-registration for Students Beginning Studies, Determining the Entry Profile.

Scale info: Rational number with two decimals. The range goes from 0 to the maximum value that can be obtained in each academic year for pre-registration (some historical values were 10.00 points, 12.00 points, or 14.00 points).







Percentage of foreign students over enrolled students.

Percentage of foreign students among enrolled students, excluding those enrolled in incoming mobility programs.

Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places







Percentage of national students from outside Galicia over enrolled students.

Percentage of national students from outside Galicia among enrolled students, excluding those enrolled in incoming mobility programs.

Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places







Adaptation to demand

Ratio of students pre-enrolled in 1st option over the places offered.

Number of first-time enrolled students who pre-registered as their first choice divided by the number of available seats.

Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places







Occupancy rate

Number of new enrollment students through pre-registration divided by the number of available seats.

Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places













External mobility

Percentage of students received by the USC from mobility programmes over the total number of enrolled students.

Number of students received at USC in that degree from other universities (mobility programs) divided by the number of students enrolled in the degree.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.













Percentage of graduates who completed external work placements.

Percentage ratio between the graduates of a degree in an academic year who, during their studies, completed internships in companies and institutions, and the total number of graduates in that degree in the same academic year.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.















Drop-out rate during the first year.

Percentage ratio between the students of an entry cohort enrolled in the degree in academic year X, who did not enroll in academic years X+1 and X+2, and the total number of students in that entry cohort who entered in academic year X.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.







Drop-out rate RD 1393.

Percentage ratio between the students of a new entry cohort who were supposed to obtain the degree in the previous academic year but did not enroll in either that academic year or the one before.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.








Assessment rate.

Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits students presented themselves for and the total number of ordinary credits they enrolled in.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.







Average duration of studies

Average duration of studies.

Average duration (in years) in which students take to complete the credits corresponding to the curriculum.

Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places.







Efficiency of graduates

Efficiency rate (graduates' performance).

Percentage ratio between the total number of credits a student passed throughout the degree they graduated from and the total number of credits they enrolled in.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.







Students per group

Average number of students per interactive teaching group.

Ratio between the number of enrolled students and the number of interactive teaching groups.

Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places.







Average number of students enrolled in subjects (FB and OB) per theory (lecture) group.

Ratio between the number of students enrolled in compulsory basic training subjects and the number of theory groups for those subjects.

Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places.







Average number of students enrolled in optional subjects per theory (lecture) group.

Ratio between the number of students enrolled in elective subjects and the number of theory groups for those subjects.

Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places.








Success rate.

Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits passed by students and the total number of ordinary credits they presented themselves for.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.








Graduation rate.

Percentage ratio between the students who completed their studies within the time planned in the curriculum or in one additional academic year and their cohort of entry.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.







Graduation suitability rate.

Percentage ratio between the students who completed their studies within the time planned in the curriculum or earlier and their entry cohort.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.








Performance rate.

Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits passed by students and the total number of ordinary credits in which they enrolled.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.








Satisfaction of outgoing students with mobility programmes.

Average rating of the satisfaction survey for outgoing students with mobility programs.

Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00.







Student satisfaction with external work placement programmes.

Average rating of the satisfaction survey for students with external internships.

Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00.







Satisfaction of external tutors with external work placement programmes.

Average rating of the satisfaction survey for professional tutors with external internships.

Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00.







Satisfaction of academic tutors with external work placement programmes.

Average rating of the satisfaction survey for academic tutors with external internships.

Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00.







Graduate satisfaction with publicly available information.

Average rating of the satisfaction survey for graduates with the available public information.

Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00.







Level of satisfaction of graduates with services.

Average rating of the questions related to satisfaction with services in the graduates' survey.

Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00.







Overall level of satisfaction of graduates with the degree.

Average rating of the questions related to satisfaction with the degree in the graduates' survey.

Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00.







Student satisfaction with the teaching received.

Average rating of the student satisfaction survey with the teaching received.

Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00.







Satisfaction of the teaching staff with the teaching given.

Average rating of the faculty satisfaction survey with the teaching provided.

Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00.







Response rate in the survey on student satisfaction with the teaching received.

Percentage of responses in the student satisfaction survey.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.














Percentage of teaching and research staff with six-year terms over the total teaching and research staff in the degree.

Percentage ratio between the PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) with research periods (sexenios) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree who may have research periods.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.







Percentage of PhD teaching and research staff over total teaching and research staff.

Percentage ratio between the doctoral PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.







Percentage of civil servant teaching and research staff over total teaching and research staff.

Percentage ratio between the tenured PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree.

Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places.







The contents of this page were updated on 07.03.2023.