ECTS credits ECTS credits: 15
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 255 Hours of tutorials: 15 Expository Class: 45 Interactive Classroom: 60 Total: 375
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: End of master’s Degree Project RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Pedagogy and Didactics
Areas: Theory and History of Education.
Center Faculty of Education Sciences
Call: End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
Initiating in the investigation through a work that, through the use of the methodology of pertinent investigation, replies to the conceptual analysis, to the knowledge of the issue raised's present state and to the possibility of formulating questions, hypothesis or questions that open future value lines of inquiry for the doctoral thesis.
The contents of the end work of master will be linked to subject matters of draw lines them of investigation developed by each groups that participate in the same one, whose enunciated product names appear formulated in the following ends:
- Education and society in Galicia
- Social pedagogy, Social and fields Education of the intervention member-educational
- Educational and social times
- Methodological and development processes of educational softwares and social
- Environmental Education, Environmental and sustainable development Pedagogy
- Social education, Public Administration and Cultural policies
- Education, Immigration and Cultural Diversity
- Methodology of the intervention member-European Union and evaluation of programs
- Education, Service Citizenship and Apprenticeship
- Work and Working groups pedagogy in the Organizations
- Family education and civil society
- Applied anthropology, education and cultural heritage
- Development of education systems
- Knowledge of the education, pedagogical and career development duty
- Education for the citizenship
- Lifelong education and adult education
- Museísmo pedagogical, educational and processes renewal migratory
- Historic origins of European education systems.
- Anthropology, ethnography, relationships intergeracionales and education
- Education in values and meaning of the education
- Affective as part education of the integral education
- Pedagogical and responsibility intervention professional
- School, coexistence and education
He will Be which recommends him to every student the work, according to the topic or the topics chosen.
It Will be tried that the student body achieves:
- Unwrapping the skills of applying investigation models and procedures to specific problems of the educational field
- Promoting skills and abilities to develop and validate models of investigation in the field of education
- Applying methodological procedures in the socioeducational investigation
- Intervening from the perspectives of the Gerontological Pedagogy in favor of the association of elders in several fields: social services, educational, cultural and leisure time, European Union share, financial need satisfaction etc.
- Determining indispensable means and resources for the implementation of a Galician net of centers of interpretation of the migrant culture
PARTICULAR responsibilities OF THE WORK
The student body will be found empowered for:
- Securing in the domain name of documentary detection task works, enquiry of sources, stockpile of details and information processing in the area member-historic-educational.
- Designing and to develop an applied investigation model to a defined subject matter of historic character-educational.
- Elaborating an intended for action model be implemented in a center of indagación of the culture school child or a pedagogical specific museum.
- Favoring the suitable skill implementation for the exercise of the investigation at the service of the new knowledge construction.
- Joint in a coherent different research design methodological and technical principles of qualitative approximation to the reality member-educational.
- Dominating associated instrument construction with basic research techniques in the approach qualitative: field notebook, etiquette design and interview production, observation.
- Applying vigilance criteria and strategies epistemológica for the control of the methodological severity and the scientific validity of the ethnographical investigation and member-biographical.
- Establishing guidelines of planning within the framework of political member - educational related to the immigration
- Planning and to accompany congruous action participatory processes with the developmental perspective integral of people and communities in which are inserted.
- Designing research projects concentrating on the study of the Cultural Policies and Educational municipal
To be specified by tutors responsible for his address, according to general ground rules established by the USC
The set one for the university for the courts responsible for assess these works
Tutorias obrigatorias 40
Deseño do traballo and elaboration of instruments 30
He Tries bibliographic and documentary 50
Recollida of details 50
Análises and tratamento gives information 90
Editorial Office do report 100
Defense do traballo 15
Por sentido de cuidado y de responsabilidad con el entorno natural y humano, en esta materia, de forma OBLIGATORIA, se exige para la presentación de trabajos:
- Evitar tapas de plástico u otros envoltorios externos innecesarios.
- Siempre que sea posible emplear grapas en lugar de encanutillados.
- Imprimir por las dos caras del folio.
- No utilizar hojas de papel en blanco como separadores de capítulos o partes.
- Evitar anexos que no tengan referencia directa con los temas desarrollados.
En atención a criterios de igualdad de género en el ámbito universitario, se recomienda hacer uso de un lenguaje no sexista tanto en el trabajo cotidiano de aula como en las tareas académicas encomendadas. Puede obtenerse información al respecto en el siguiente enlace:…
Es obligatorio que el alumnado emplee el correo electrónico institucional de la universidad ( en su comunicación con el profesorado.
En la realización de las prácticas y trabajos se seguirán las normas de la American Psychological Association (APA) 7ª edición.
El plagio constituye una falta ética grave en el desarrollo del TFM, que será sancionada con la
calificación de suspenso en consonancia con la normativa de la USC.
Otras observaciones:
- Es obligatorio el uso de las herramientas tecnológicas institucionales: Campus Virtual, Microsoft Office 365, y otras facilitadas por la facultad y autorizadas como herramientas institucionales por la universidad.
- Existe la obligatoriedad del cumplimento de la normativa de protección de datos
- En los casos de realización fraudulenta de ejercicios o pruebas se procederá a la aplicación de la Normativa de evaluación del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes y de revisión de calificaciones de la USC.