Quality Manager of the Centre
Ángela Juana Torres Iglesias
- Teléfonos
881 812 314
- Email
- angelajuana.torres [at] usc.es
Quality Committee of the Centre
- Julián Álvarez Escudero. Dean and Chairman
- María del Pilar Fernández Rodríguez. Secretary of the Faculty and Secretary of the Committee
- Ángela Juana Torres Iglesias. Vice-Dean, Quality Manager of the Centre and Coordinator of the Degree in Medicine
- María Jesús José Mora Bermúdez. Vice-Dean of Dentistry and Coordinator of the Degree in Dentistry
- José Antonio Costoya Puente. Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Biomedical Research
- Adolfo Figueiras Guzmán. Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Public Health
- María Rosaura Leis Trabazo. Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Conditions for Growth and Inter university Development
- María Teresa Rodríguez Ares. Coordinator of the Inter-University Master's Degree in Research in Vision Sciences
- Jesusa Rico Picón. Centre Manager
- Camila Hermelo Piñeiro. Medical Degree Student
- Jorge Bernardo Davila. Dentistry Degree Student
- María Teresa Castaño Oreja. Teaching and Research Staff
- M.ª Luz Couce Pico. Teaching and Research Staff
- Juan Antonio Suárez Quintanilla. Teaching and Research Staff
- Mario Pérez-Sayáns García. Teaching and Research Staff
- Juan Bautista Zalvide Torrente. Teaching and Research Staff, representative of the departments teaching at the Faculty
- Julián Álvarez Escudero. Dean and Chairman
- Cecilia Sierra Rey. Chairman of the Social Council of the USC
- Ángela Torres Iglesias. Vice-Dean and Quality Manager of the centre
- Eloina Núnez Masi. Manager of the Clinical Hospital of the University of Santiago
- Jorge Aboal Viñas. General Director of Health Assistance of the Galician Health Service-SERGAS
- M.ª del Pilar Argente Navarro. Spanish Society of Anaesthesiology, Reanimation and Pain Therapy (SEDAR)
- José Luis Atienza Merino. NGO Doctors Without Borders
- José Luis Jiménez Martínez. Chairman of the Galician Council of Medical Associations
- Segundo Rodríguez Grandío. Chairman of the Galician Council of Dentists and Stomatologists.
- Martín Pérez Martelo. Former student of the Degree in Medicine.
- Jesusa Rico Picón. Centre Manager.
- Iria Paramo Parada. Internal Medicine Resident in SERGAS
- Juan Suárez Quintanilla. Stomatologist in SERGAS
- Joaquim Adelino Correia Ferreira Leite Moreira. Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.
- Rafaela Caballero Andaluz. Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Seville.
The contents of this page were updated on 03.08.2022.