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Information about the degree in Spanish Language and Literature

The degree in Spanish Language and Literature is a scientific and humanistic degree whose main objective is the linguistic analysis of Spanish and the study of Spanish and Latin American literary production, its processes of creation and reception, as well as its social contribution within the History of Culture.

The core of the degree is constituted by the major in Spanish Language and Literature, which is made up of 20 subjects of 6 credits grouped into the following modules:

  • Spanish Language
  • History of the Spanish language
  • Classical Spanish literature and its foundations
  • Contemporary Spanish literature and its foundations
  • Spanish-American literature

On the other hand, the basic training module, as well as homogenising the initial level of Spanish language and providing basic training in a second and third language, is designed to provide the knowledge and methodological tools necessary to approach, in general, the study of languages and literatures.

Finally, through the complementary and optional modules, students can acquire basic or intermediate level training in a second or third language and its literature, in General Linguistics, in Literary Theory or in Romance Philology, or combine the initial training in one of these disciplines with an in-depth study of the contents studied in the major.



Structure of the degree


First semester  Second semester
Subjects ECTS Subjects ECTS
Linguistics 1 6 Literary Theory and Criticism     6
Spanish Language 1 6 Spanish Language 2 6
Language B1 6 Language B2     6
Language C1 6 Language C2 6
Introduction to the History of Spanish Literature 6 Medieval Spanish Literature: from its origins to the 14th century 6

For the subjects Language B1 and B2 and Language C1 and C2 the student can choose one of the following options: German Language 1 and German Language 2, French Language 1 and French Language 2, Galician Language 1 and Galician Language 2, Greek Language 1 and Greek Language 2, English Language 1 and English Language 2, Italian Language 1 and Italian Language 2, Latin Language 1 and Latin Language 2, and Portuguese Language 1 and Portuguese Language 2. The options chosen as Language B2 and C2 must be a continuation of those taken as Language B1 and C1, respectively.

Primeiro semestre  Second semester
Subjects ECTS Subjects ECTS
Linguistics 2 6 Fundamental Concepts of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature 6
Spanish Grammar 1: word classes 6 Spanish Grammar 2: syntax 6
Spanish phonetics and phonology 6 Spanish literature of the 16th century: prose and theatre     6
Spanish literature of the 15th century and poetry of the 16th century 6 Spanish literature of the 17th century: theatre and prose     6
Complementary 1 6 Complementary 2 6
First semester Second semester
Subjects  ECTS Subjects  ECTS
Historical phonetics and phonology of Spanish 6 Discourse analysis 6
17th Century Spanish Literature: Poetry 6 Spanish Grammar 3: Morphology 6
Spanish-American Literature up to the 19th century 6 Spanish Literature: Enlightenment and Romanticism  6
Complementary 3 6 Complementary 4 6
Optional 1 6 Optional 2 6
First semester  Second semester
Subjects  ECTS Subjects  ECTS
Historical Grammar of Spanish 6 Diachrony of Grammar and Discourse 6
Lexicology and Lexicography of Spanish 6 Spanish Literature: from the Vanguards to the 21st Century 6
Spanish literature: from Realism to the generation of 1914 6 Optional 4 6
Spanish-American literature of the 20th century 6 Final Degree Project 12
Optional 3 6

Modalities for taking the complementary and optional modules

The degree in Spanish Language and Literature allows you to study in three different modalities:

a. Major/minor mode

This option is recommended for those students who wish to combine the advanced training in Spanish Language and Literature provided by the major (120 credits) with the study of a second discipline, which will give rise to a minor mention (48 credits) in the European Diploma Supplement. This is the list of the minors offered for the Degree in Spanish Language and Literature. By clicking on each one of them you will be able to see the subjects that make them up.

Module  Subject course semester ECTS
Complementary English Language 3 6
Introduction to English Literature 6
Introduction to North American Literature 6
Direct and Reverse Translation (English) 6
Optional History and culture of English-speaking countries 6
English phonetics and phonology 6
Techniques of written expression in English 6
English Literature 1 (18th-19th centuries) 6
Module Subject course semester ECTS
Complementary Portuguese Language Literatures 6
Portuguese culture 6
Portuguese language 6
Portuguese literature 6
Optional Galicia - Lusophony relations 6
Brazilian culture 6
Literatura brasileña 2 6
Culture of the PALOP 6
Module Subject course semester  ECTS
Complementary Greek Literature 1 6
Latin Literature 1 6
Greek Literature 2 6
Latin Literature 2 6
Optional Greek Texts 1 6


Greek Texts 2 6
Latin Texts 1 6
Latin Texts 2 6
Module Subject course semester ECTS
Complementary The Languages of Romania 6
Medieval Romance Literature in the European Context 6
Fundamentals of Medieval Romance Literature 6
Principles of Romance Linguistics  6
Optional New technologies in Romance linguistic and literary studies 6
Medieval Romance literature in contemporary culture 6
The emergence of Romance languages 6
Myths of medieval Romance literature in contemporary culture 6
Module Subject course semester ECTS
Complementary German language 3 6
Culture of the German-speaking countries 6
German language 4 6
German language 5 6
Optional Overview of German Literature 1 6
German grammar 1 6
German language 6 6
Direct and Reverse Translation 1 (German) 6
Module Subject course semestre ECTS
Complementary History of French Literature 1 6
Introduction to French grammar 6
French language 3 6
French culture 1 6
Optional History of French literature 2 6
French language 4 6
French culture 2 6
Direct and reverse translation 1 (French) 6
Module Subject course semester ECTS
Complementary Introduction to Galician Literature 1 6
Introduction to Galician Literature 2 6
Introduction to Galician grammar  6
History of the Galician language  6
Optional Galician dialectology  6
Textual Grammar of Galician 6
Pragmatics of Galician and discourse analysis 6
Galician Sociolinguistics  
Module Subject  course semester ECTS
Complementary Italian Literature: currents and movements 6
Italian Grammar 1 6
Italian Language 3 6
Italian Language 4 6
Optional Italian literary genres: narrative 6
Italian grammar 2 6
Italian literary genres: drama 6
Italian literary genres: lyric poetry 6

There is no priority between the two modules that make up the Minor in Linguistics. Therefore, from the academic year 2012-2013, they can be taken in the order that each student freely decides.

The module taken first will have complementary status on the student's transcript (consequently, it will be able to be included as such in any of the major plus modules offered by the Faculty). The module taken in second place will have the status of optional.

NOTE: The subjects of the modules must be enrolled in the academic year that appears in each of the alternatives.

Alternative 1

Module  Subject course semester  ECTS
Complementary Semiotics of languages and communication 6
Sociolinguistics and language planning 6
Intercultural Pragmatics 6
Translation theory 6
Optional Panorama of linguistic ideas 6
Linguistic typology 6
Psycholinguistics 6
Computational Linguistics 6

Alternative 2

Module Subject course semester ECTS
Complementary Overview of linguistic ideas 6
Linguistic typology 6
Psycholinguistics  6
Computational Linguistics 6
Optional Semiotics of languages and communication 6
Sociolinguistics and language planning 6
Intercultural Pragmatics 6
Translation Theory 6

There is no priority between the two modules that make up the Minor in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature. Therefore, from the academic year 2012-2013 they can be taken in the order that each student freely chooses.

The module taken first will have complementary status on the student's transcript (consequently, it will be able to be included as such in any of the major plus modules offered in the Faculty). The module taken in second place will have the status of optional.

NOTE: The subjects of the modules must be enrolled in the academic year that appears in each of the alternatives.

Alternative 1

It begins with the module Literary Studies Today and continues with the module Comparative Theoretical Applications: Literature, Culture, Theatre.

Module Subject course semester  ECTS
Literary studies today (complementary) Trajectories of European Literature 6
Film and Literature 6
Contemporary literary theories 6
Comparative Literature 6
Comparative Theoretical Applications: Literature, Culture, Theatre (optional) Theatre Studies 6
Cultural analysis 6
Text, image, cybertext 6
Sociology of literature 6

Alternative 2

It begins with the module Comparative Theoretical Applications: Literature, Culture, Theatre and continues with the module Literary Studies Today.

Module Subject course semester ECTS
Comparative Theoretical Applications: Literature, Culture, Theatre (complementary) Theatre Studies 6
Cultural analysis 6
Text, image, cybertext 6
Sociology of literature 6
Literary studies today  ((optional)  Trajectories of European literature 6
Film and literature 6
Contemporary literary theories 6
Comparative Literature 6

b. Maior plus modality

Especially indicated for those students who wish to study Spanish Language and Literature in greater depth, this modality can be taken by complementing the Maior (120 ECTS) with an optional module of specialisation in Spanish Language and Literature (24 ECTS). To complete it students must choose four of the following subjects:

  • Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (3rd year, 1st semester) (6 ECTS)
  • Texts of Spanish Literature 1 (3rd year, 1st semester) (6 ECTS)
  • Monographic course in Spanish linguistics (3rd year, 2nd semester) (6 ECTS)
  • Texts of Spanish Literature 2 (3rd year, 2nd semester) (6 ECTS)
  • Spanish of America (4th year, 1st semester) (6 ECTS)
  • Literary commentary of Hispanic texts (4th year, 1st semester) (6 ECTS)
  • Variation and change in the Spanish language (4th year, 2nd semester) (6 ECTS)
  • Texts of Spanish Literature 3 (4th year, 2nd semester) (6 ECTS)

In addition, they will have to take one of the following complementary modules (24 ECTS). By clicking on each of them you will be able to see the subjects that make them up:

Subject course semester ECTS
Theatre Studies 6
Cultural analysis 6
Text, image, cybertext 6
Sociology of literature 6
Subject course semester ECTS
English Language 3 6
Introduction to English Literature 6
Introduction to American Literature 6
Direct and Reverse Translation (English) 6
Subject course semester ECTS
Portuguese language literatures 6
Portuguese culture 6
Portuguese language 3 6
Portuguese literature 3 6
Subject course semester ECTS
Greek Literature 1 6
Latin Literature 1 6
Greek Literature 2 6
Latin Literature 2 6
Subject course semester ECTS
The Languages of Romania 6
Medieval Romance Literature in a European Context 6
Fundamentals of Medieval Romance Literature 6
Principles of Romance Linguistics 6
Subject course semester ECTS
Introduction to Galician Literature 1 6
Introduction to Galician Literature 2 6
Introduction to Galician Grammar 3 6
History of the Galician Language 6
Subject course semester ECTS
German language 3 6
Culture of the German-speaking countries 6
German language 4 6
German language 5 6
Subject course semester ECTS
History of French Literature 1 6
Introduction to French grammar 6
French language 3 6
French culture 1 6
Subject course semester ECTS
Semiotics of languages and communication 6
Sociolinguistics and language planning 6
Intercultural Pragmatics 6
Translation theory 6
Subject course semester ECTS
Overview of Linguistic Ideas 6
Linguistic Typology 6
Psycholinguistics 6
Computational Linguistics 6
Subject course semester ECTS
Italian Literature: Currents and Movements 6
Italian Grammar 1 6
Italian language 3 6
Italian Language 4 6
Subject course semester ECTS
Trajectories of European Literature 6
Film and Literature 6
Contemporary Literary Theories 6
Comparative Literature 6

c. Mixed mode

Through this option, the studies carried out in the MA in Spanish Language and Literature (120 ECTS) can be combined with the study of two of the complementary modules (24 ECTS) mentioned in the previous option, or with one of these complementary modules and one of the following optional modules:

Subject course semester ECTS
Catalan language 1 6
Catalan language 2 6
Catalan Culture and Literature 1 6
Catalan Culture and Literature 2 6

Not offered

Subject  course semester     ECTS
Occitan language 1 6
Occitan language 2 6
Occitan Literature 1 6
Occitan Literature 2 6

Not offered