Quality Committee
- Dean. Mª José Sampedro Vizcaya
- Quality Manager. Olalla Cutrín Mosteiro
- Coordinators of the official degrees assigned to the Faculty:
- Paula Pazo Álvarez. Vice-Dean Coordinator of the Degree in Psychology.
- David Facal Mayo. Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Psycho-gerontology
- Ana López Durán. Coordinator of the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology
- Cristina Gómez Román. Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Psychology
- Paula Pazo Álvarez. Vice-Dean Coordinator of the Degree in Psychology.
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre.Mª Luisa Bercero Redondo
- Department directors and area coordinators based at the centre:
- Mónica Alzate García. Directora do Departamento de Psicoloxía Social, Básica e Metodoloxía. Coord. Área Psicoloxía Social
- Mª del Carmen Míguez Varela. Director of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Eva Mª Taboada Ares. Director of the Department and coordinator of the Evolutionary and Educational Psychology Area
- Xose Antón Gómez Fraguela. Coordinator of the Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatments Area
- Santiago Galdo Álvarez. Coordinator of the Psychobiology Area
- Luis Jimenez García. Coordinator of the Basic Psychology Area
- Mª Teresa Braña Tobio. Coordinator of the Behavioural Sciences Methodology Area
- Mónica Alzate García. Directora do Departamento de Psicoloxía Social, Básica e Metodoloxía. Coord. Área Psicoloxía Social
- Representative of knowledge areas of departments not based at the centre. Mercedes Novo Pérez
- Teaching and research staff representative.
- Students’ representatives:
- Mar Baliñas Torreiro
- Sara Bea Rodríguez
- Ismael Bocija Coto
- Mar Baliñas Torreiro
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Degree committees
- Chairman of the committee: Mª José Sampedro Vizcaya. Dean
- Academic coordinator of the degree in Psychology. Paula Pazo Álvarez. Coordinator for the end of degree projects. Vice-Dean. Secretary of the committee
- Quality manager: Olalla Cutrín Mosteiro. Work Placement Coordinator. Vice-Dean
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre. Mª Luisa Bercero Redondo.
- Academic year coordination:
- Teresa Braña Tobio. 1st year Coordinator
- Eduardo Picón Prado. 2nd year Coordinator
- Rosa Rivas Torres. 3rd year Coordinator
- Mª Isabel Vázquez Rodríguez. 4th year Coordinator
- Teresa Braña Tobio. 1st year Coordinator
- Department management and coordination of areas based at the centre:
- Mónica Alzate García. Directora do Departamento de Psicoloxía Social, Básica e Metodoloxía. Coord. Área Psicoloxía Social
- Mª del Carmen Míguez Varela. Director of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Eva Taboada Ares. Director of the Department and coordinator of the Evolutionary and Educational Psychology Area
- Mª Teresa Braña Tobio. Coordinator of the Behavioural Sciences Methodology Area
- Santiago Galdo Álvarez. Coordinator of the Psychobiology Area
- Luis Jiménez García. Coordinator of the Basic Psychology Area
- Xose Antón Gómez Fraguela. Coordinator of the Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatments Area
- Mónica Alzate García. Directora do Departamento de Psicoloxía Social, Básica e Metodoloxía. Coord. Área Psicoloxía Social
- Representative of knowledge areas of departments not based at the centre. Mercedes Novo Pérez.
- Students’ representatives:
- Nuria Aguiar Rodríguez
- Daniel Cabaleiro Gándara
- Nuria Aguiar Rodríguez
2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
- Dean. Mª José Sampedro Vizcaya
- Chairperson of the committee and title coordinator. Cristina Gómez Román
- Quality manager. Olalla Cutrín Mosteiro. Vice-Dean
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre. Mª Luisa Bercero Redondo
- Representatives of the teaching and research staff with teaching in the degree of knowledge areas of departments based at the centre:
- Mónica Alzate García
- Marcos Díaz Lago
- Marcos Dono Martín
- Isabel Fraga Carou
- Luis Jiménez García
- Ana López Durán
- Mª Lourdes Mirón Redondo
- Carlos Montes Piñeiro
- Socorro Rodríguez Holguín. Secretary of the committee
- Mª Soledad Rodríguez González
- Students’ representatives:
- Inés Blanco González
- Nerea Spata Luaces
- Dean. Mª José Sampedro Vizcaya
- Chairman of the committee and Academic coordinator of the degree. Ana López Durán.
- Quality manager. Olalla Cutrín Mosteiro. Vice-Dean
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre.Mª Luisa Bercero Redondo
- Representatives of the teaching and research staff with teaching in the degree of knowledge areas of departments based at the centre:
- Elisardo Becoña Iglesias,
- Montserrat Corral Varela. Secretary of the committee
- Olalla Cutrín Mosteiro
- Jose Antonio Gómez Fraguela
- Carmela Martínez Vispo
- M.ª Carmen Míguez Varela
- Mª Soledad Rodríguez González
- Dolores Rodríguez Salgado
- M.ª Isabel Vázquez Rodríguez
- Paula Villar Torres
- Students’ representatives.
- Elsa Caride Rodríguez
- Alejandro Cerdeira Barral
2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
- Dean. Mª José Sampedro Vizcaya
- Chairman of the committee and Academic coordinator of the degree. David Facal Mayo. Academic coordinator of the degree.
- Quality manager. Olalla Cutrín Mosteiro. Vice-Dean
- Unit Manager for the Management of the Centre. Mª Luisa Bercero Redondo
- Representatives of the teaching and research staff with teaching in the degree of knowledge areas of departments based at the centre:
- Fernando Díaz Fernández
- Cristina Lojo Seoane. Secretary of the committee
- Arturo Xosé Pereiro Rozas
- Eduardo Picón Prado
- Montserrat Zurrón Ocio
- Students’ representatives.
- Paola Borace
- Lucia Fernández Real
2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-2016