The Faculty of Psychology, as a centre providing a public service, has as a priority objective to contribute to the comprehensive and inclusive training of professionals and academics of excellence in the field of Psychology, through quality education based on ethical and scientific principles. To achieve this dual objective, the centre promotes critical thinking, social responsibility and the use of innovative teaching methods that contribute to the training of professionals committed to the health, well-being and psychological and psychosocial development of individuals and the community. On the other hand, it strives for the generation, transmission and dissemination of knowledge in the disciplinary areas that are the axis of this discipline and that guarantee the consolidation of an academic environment of excellence that enables the continuity of its priority work: the training of professionals in the field of Psychology.
The Faculty of Psychology, in its project for the desirable future, intends to consolidate itself as a Faculty:
- Of recognized prestige, both in the university context and in the social environment, which stands out for its academic offer, its research and transfer activity and the creation of social value.
- Committed to society, capable of responding to the changing demands of professional practice and social needs, and of contributing to the economic, social and cultural development of our community.
- With a student-centred orientation, both in their involvement and in their professional, ethical and personal training.
- Committed to updating the training and professional career development of its teaching and research staff and its technical management, administration and service staff, linked to the centre.
- With a functioning focused on people and their skills, in which decision-making is based on effective participation, as well as on the responsibility of the different groups that make it up.
- Capable of promoting and strengthening relations with professional associations and associations and, particularly, with their graduates, in the search for a network that merges the academic and professional fields that favours constant improvement in the quality of teaching and research.
Considering the mission and vision set out above, the Faculty of Psychology is governed by the following ethical and professional principles:
- It seeks excellence and social value in academic, research and transfer activities, preserving and enhancing our own signs of identity.
- Commitment to the deontological code of Psychology.
- Commitment to transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the management of human and material resources.
- Commitment to sustainable development, equality, equity and the elimination of all types of discrimination.
- Commitment to democratic management based on dialogue, effective participation, trust and shared responsibility.
- Commitment to the principle of social justice that should govern a public institution in a democratic society.
- Commitment to the transfer of knowledge and service to society, in the field of health, as a contribution to the integral development of our community.
Taking the USC quality policy as a reference, the Faculty of Psychology sets as its main goal the development of updated and socially relevant training programs, which are endorsed by quality management, respecting the following ethical and professional principles:
- Orientation to students. Guaranteeing the development of training programs, in the search for students who show their academic solvency through the success rate in their studies and graduates with a high rate of labor insertion. These training programmes take the form of orientation activities at the beginning, during and at the end of studies, with attention to diversity and special needs, with the offer of activities for the achievement of transversal competences and with the promotion of external internships and mobility.
- Sustainability. Plan their studies making the most effective use of the available human and material resources. It also ensures the quality of material resources and services, through adequate maintenance and renovation of equipment and facilities that allow them to be at the level required by the training programmes in terms of scientific equipment, ICT, new resources for learning, attention to risk prevention and occupational safety protocols, as well as to the needs related to accessibility and integration of people with specific educational support needs.
- Excellence. It uses the evaluation and monitoring of the results of training and the quality assurance system for the updating and improvement of training processes, in the search for excellence, through the analysis of the achievement of learning outcomes, the adequacy of competencies to professional practice, the satisfaction of stakeholders, etc. the analysis of the effectiveness of the procedures and the incidents and suggestions of the stakeholders.
- Integration, participation and equality. It ensures that all the needs of its stakeholders are met, enabling different systems of expression and opinion that make participation in management simple, guaranteeing accessibility, participation and equality.
- Responsibility. It aims to improve the conditions of the different groups of workers that make up the Faculty, promoting sufficient staffing, as well as the adequate recognition of their activity, promoting the continuous training of teaching staff and technical staff in management, administration and service, and facilitating, in the organisation of work, the reconciliation between personal and work life.
- Transparency. Guarantee the public availability of all relevant information for stakeholders in relation to the Faculty's training offer, in order to facilitate informed decision-making and enable their participation in improvement processes.