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Transversal credits

The curriculum of the Degree in Psychology by the USC contemplates the possibility of students obtaining up to 12 optional credits for the recognition of transversal competences and/or participation in activities.

The USC regulations governing this recognition establish that transversal credits can be obtained through cultural, sports, representation and solidarity/cooperation activities, and also through training in information skills (ICT), languages (foreign languages) or in training activities organised by the Centres that are specific to the degree.

  • Presidenta da Comisión. Dolores Ponte Fernández e repr. área Psicoloxía Básica
  • PDI representante das áreas de coñecemento:
    • Olalla Cutrín Mosteiro (Personalidade, Aval, e Trat. Psicolóxico)
    • Mª José Ferraces Otero (Metodoloxía das CC. do Comportamento)
    • Mauro L. Rodríguez Casal (Psicoloxía Social)
    • Socorro Rodríguez Holguín (Psicobioloxía)
    • Carmen Torres Maroño (Psicol. Evolutiva e da Educación)
  • Responsable da Unidade de Xestión: Mª Luísa Bercero Redondo (secretaria)
The contents of this page were updated on 02.06.2025.