These collections came from the archives of the former Administration of National Assets of Santiago de Compostela district. They were housed in San Agustín Convent until 1920, when it was occupied by the Jesuits and moved to an attic in the Town Council.
In 1946, the General Directorate for Archives and Libraries of the Ministry of Education authorised the transfer of the collections to the University Historical Archive, after consultation with the General Directorate for Property and Land Taxes, with Salvador Parga Pondal being the archivist.
The chronology of the documentation ranges from the 9th century to the 1930s. Among the most voluminous series are the forums, surveys, rates, censuses, lawsuits, letters patent and rent collections.
Regular clergy
- Antealtares, San Paio de Toxosoutos, San Xusto, Clergy 970. Fol. 267r. Forum to Pedro Martínez de Carballido, neighbour of San Tirso de Cando. 1601.
- Belvís, Santa María.
- Bonaval, San Domingos de
- Conxo, Santa María de
- Ensinanza, Nosa Señora da
- Melide, Sancti Spiritus de
- Madres mercedarias (Barefoot Mercedarian Mothers)
- Moraime, San Xiao de
- Pinario, San Martiño
- Pobra do Deán, Santo Antón da
- Poio, San Xoán de
- Samos, San Xulián de
- Santo Agostiño
- Santa Clara
- Toxosoutos, San Xusto de
Secular clergy
- Mitre of Santiago de Compostela
- Chapter of the Cathedral of Santiago
- Chapter of the Collegiate Church of Iria
- Sancti Spiritu College
Parish collections
- Santiago, Santo Ándre
- Santiago, San Bieito
- Santiago, Santa María Salomé
- Santiago, Santa María do Camiño
- Santiago, San Fiz de Solovio
- Santiago, San Fructuoso
- Santiago, Santa María da Corticela
- Brión, San Fins
- Serres, San Xoán
- Urdilde, Santa María
- Brotherhood of Nuestra Señora del Rosario
- Brotherhood of San Joaquín y Santa Ana (San Fiz)
- Brotherhood of los Milagros (San Fiz)
- Brotherhood of los Dolores (San Miguel)
- Brotherhood of San Pedro dos Armeros, Saleros, Pesqueros (San Benito)
- Brotherhood of San Julián of Blacksmiths, Locksmiths and Boilermakers (Santa María Salomé)
- Brotherhood of Santa Polonia of Lacing and Hosiery makers (San Benito)
- Brotherhood of Santo Esteban of Traders and Jewellers’ A Corticela
- Brotherhood of la Quinta Angustia
- Brotherhood of las Ánimas (San Xoán de Calo)
- Brotherhood of Nuestra Señora del Rosario (San Xoán de Calo)
- Brotherhood of Santísimo Sacramento (Cruces, Santa María)
- Brotherhood of Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Carreira, San Paio)
- Brotherhood of las Ánimas (Lampai, Santa María)
- Brotherhood of Santísimo Sacramento (Lampai, Santa María)
- Brotherhood of Rosario (Noia, San Martiño)
- Brotherhood of Rosario (Padrón)
- Brotherhood of las Ánimas (Oza, Santa Baia)
- Brotherhood of Sacramento (Oza, Santa Baia)
- Brotherhood of Sacramento y del Rosario (Teo, Santa María)
- Brotherhood of Sacramento (Rianxo, Santa Comba)
- Brotherhood of Ánimas (Serres, San Xoán)
- Brotherhood of Sacramento (Serres, San Xoán)
- Brotherhood of Rosario (Serres, San Xoán)
- Brotherhood of Carme (Serres, San Xoán)
- Brotherhood of Rosario (Urdilde, Santa María)
- Brotherhood of Sacramento (Urdilde, Santa María)
- Brotherhood of Ánimas (Urdilde, Santa María)
- Brotherhood of Sacramento y del Corazón de Jesús (Rianxo)
- Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de la Peregrina
- Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de Belén in Santa Cristina de Fecha