K 01 - Identify, design, obtain, analyse, control and produce drugs and medicines, as well as other products and raw materials of health interest for human or veterinary use.
K 02 - Evaluate the therapeutic and toxic effects of substances with pharmacological activity.
K 03 - Know how to apply the scientific method and acquire skills in the management of legislation, sources of information, bibliography, development of protocols and other aspects that are considered necessary for the design and critical evaluation of preclinical and clinical trials.
K 04 - Design, prepare, supply and dispense medicines and other products of health interest.
K 05 - Provide therapeutic advice in pharmacotherapy and diet therapy, as well as in the nutritional and food field in the establishments in which they provide services.
K 06 - Promote the rational use of medicines and health products, as well as acquire basic knowledge in clinical management, health economics and efficient use of health resources.
K 07 - Identify, evaluate and assess problems related to drugs and medications, as well as participate in pharmacovigilance activities.
K 08 - Carry out clinical and social pharmacy activities, following the pharmaceutical care cycle.
K 09 - Know the ethical and deontological principles according to the legislative, regulatory and administrative provisions that govern professional practice, understanding the ethical implications of health in a changing social context.
K 10 - Recognize one's own limitations and the need to maintain and update professional competence, paying special importance to self-learning of new knowledge based on available scientific evidence.
K 11. - Identify, design, obtain, analyse and produce active ingredients, drugs and other products and materials of health interest.
K 12 - Know the physical-chemical characteristics of the substances used to manufacture medicines.
K 13. - Know and understand the characteristics of reactions in solution, the different states of matter and the principles of thermodynamics and their application to pharmaceutical sciences.
K 14. - Know and understand the characteristic properties of elements and their compounds, as well as their application in the pharmaceutical field.
K 15. - Know and understand the nature and behaviour of functional groups in organic molecules.
K 16. - Know the origin, nature, design, obtaining, analysis and control of medicines and health products.
K 17. - Know the principles and procedures for the analytical determination of compounds: analytical techniques applied to the analysis of water, food and the environment.
K 18. - Know and apply the main structural research techniques including spectroscopy.
K 19 - Apply knowledge of Physics and Mathematics to pharmaceutical sciences.
K 20. - Apply computational and data processing techniques, in relation to information regarding physical, chemical and biological data.
K 21. - Know the structures of biomolecules and their transformations in the cell.
K 22. - Know and understand the microbiological control of medications.
K 23. - Know the properties of cell membranes and the distribution of drugs.
K 24. - Know the nature and behaviour of infectious agents.
K 25. - Know the main metabolic routes involved in the degradation of drugs.
K 26. -Know medicinal plants: botanical diversity, physiology, use and management.
K 27. - Know the processes of release, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs, and factors that condition absorption and disposition depending on their routes of administration.
K 28. - Program and correct the dosage of medications based on their pharmacokinetic parameters.
K 29. - Know the physicochemical and biopharmaceutical properties of the active ingredients and excipients as well as the possible interactions between the two.
K 30. - Know the stability of the active ingredients and pharmaceutical forms as well as the study methods.
K 31. - Know the basic operations and technological processes related to the preparation and control of medications.
K 32. - Determination of bioavailability, evaluation of bioequivalence and factors that condition them.
K 33. - Use medications safely, taking into account their physical and chemical properties, including any risk associated with their use.
K 34. - Know and understand the basic foundations of clinical analyses and the characteristics and contents of laboratory diagnostic opinions.
K 35. - Evaluate the effects of substances with pharmacological activity.
K 36. - Know and understand the techniques used in the design and evaluation of preclinical and clinical trials.
K 37. - Carry out clinical and social pharmacy activities, following the pharmaceutical care cycle.
K 38. - Understand the relationship between food and health, and the importance of diet in the treatment and prevention of diseases.
K 39. - Know and understand the management and characteristics of pharmaceutical care in Primary Care and Specialized Care Structures in the Health System.
K 40. - Know and understand the structure and function of the human body, as well as the general mechanisms of the disease, molecular, structural and functional alterations, syndromic expression and therapeutic tools to restore health.
K 41. - Know the nature, mechanism of action and effect of toxins, as well as the resources in case of poisoning.
K 42. - Know the analytical techniques related to laboratory diagnosis, toxins, food and the environment.
K 43. - Know and understand the management and characteristics of pharmaceutical care in the office environment and in the pharmaceutical industry.
K 44. - Know the fundamentals of public health and intervene in health promotion activities, disease prevention at the individual and collective levels and contribute to health education, recognising the determinants of health in the population, both genetic as well as those dependent on sex and lifestyle, demographic, environmental, social, economic, psychological and cultural factors.
K 45. - Know, understand and apply the legal, social and economic conditions related to the healthcare field and in particular to medicine.
K 46. - Master information retrieval techniques related to primary and secondary sources of information (including databases with the use of a computer).
K 47. - Know the ethical and deontological principles and act in accordance with the legislative, regulatory and administrative provisions that govern professional practice, collaborating with other health professionals and acquiring teamwork skills.
K 48. - Know and apply management techniques in all aspects of pharmaceutical activities.
K 49. - Know the principles and scientific methodology applied to pharmaceutical sciences, including the history and social function of Pharmacy.
K 50. - Basic knowledge of the National Health System, health legislation in general and specifically that related to medicines, health products and pharmaceutical care.
K 51. - Know oral and written communication techniques, acquiring skills that allow users of pharmaceutical establishments to be informed in intelligible terms appropriate to the various cultural levels and social environments.
K 52. - Know the operation and management of a hospital or primary care pharmacy service, including the personnel assigned to them.