Economic and financial analysis: Adega Condes de Albarei SAU
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Defense date
02.19.2025 13:00
02.19.2025 13:00
This work aims to carry out an economic-financial analysis for the company Adega Condes de Albarei SAU, which is located in the municipality of Cambados and is dedicated to the production of wine. This analysis is intended to make a complete diagnosis of the entity and evaluate its situation. This will be carried out for a specific period of years (2020-2022) and the results obtained by the different percentages and ratios will be compared with those of a comparison group whose characteristics will be similar. In conclusion, this analysis reveals that Adega Condes de Albarei SAU has a financial imbalance, but with a slight improvement in the data for 2022.
This work aims to carry out an economic-financial analysis for the company Adega Condes de Albarei SAU, which is located in the municipality of Cambados and is dedicated to the production of wine. This analysis is intended to make a complete diagnosis of the entity and evaluate its situation. This will be carried out for a specific period of years (2020-2022) and the results obtained by the different percentages and ratios will be compared with those of a comparison group whose characteristics will be similar. In conclusion, this analysis reveals that Adega Condes de Albarei SAU has a financial imbalance, but with a slight improvement in the data for 2022.
Digital Marketing Plan in the Used Car Market
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Defense date
02.19.2025 13:00
02.19.2025 13:00
This Final Degree Project (TFG) develops a Digital Marketing Plan for the fictional company Autos Xacobeo, specialized in the sale of used cars. The main objective is to design an effective digital strategy that increases visibility, optimizes customer acquisition, and strengthens loyalty in a highly competitive market. To achieve this, the work begins with a detailed analysis of the used car market, identifying key trends and factors driving its growth. Subsequently, a SWOT analysis is conducted to evaluate the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, laying the foundation for the digital marketing strategy. The plan is structured around four fundamental pillars: Digital optimization and SEO positioning: Improvement of the website, use of strategic keywords, and optimization for search engines. Social media and digital advertising strategy: Targeted campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads to attract and convert potential customers. Content marketing and email marketing: Creation of relevant content to attract and retain customers through newsletters and informative publications. Measurement and control of results: Implementation of key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies and continuously optimize them. The work concludes by highlighting the importance of an omnichannel approach, combining online sales with the physical experience at the dealership. Additionally, the need for transparency and trust in the purchasing process is emphasized as a differentiating factor in the used car market.
This Final Degree Project (TFG) develops a Digital Marketing Plan for the fictional company Autos Xacobeo, specialized in the sale of used cars. The main objective is to design an effective digital strategy that increases visibility, optimizes customer acquisition, and strengthens loyalty in a highly competitive market. To achieve this, the work begins with a detailed analysis of the used car market, identifying key trends and factors driving its growth. Subsequently, a SWOT analysis is conducted to evaluate the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, laying the foundation for the digital marketing strategy. The plan is structured around four fundamental pillars: Digital optimization and SEO positioning: Improvement of the website, use of strategic keywords, and optimization for search engines. Social media and digital advertising strategy: Targeted campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads to attract and convert potential customers. Content marketing and email marketing: Creation of relevant content to attract and retain customers through newsletters and informative publications. Measurement and control of results: Implementation of key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies and continuously optimize them. The work concludes by highlighting the importance of an omnichannel approach, combining online sales with the physical experience at the dealership. Additionally, the need for transparency and trust in the purchasing process is emphasized as a differentiating factor in the used car market.
Undergraduate dissertation
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Defense date
02.19.2025 13:00
02.19.2025 13:00
Este trabajo utiliza la teoría de juegos para analizar el conflicto comercial entre Estados Unidos y China, examinando conceptos como el equilibrio de Nash y el dilema del prisionero. Aborda cómo las estrategias proteccionistas y la desconfianza mutua han llevado a decisiones subóptimas que afectan a ambas economías. También se estudian las implicaciones políticas, el papel de las instituciones internacionales como mediadoras y los factores económicos que influencian las decisiones estratégicas de ambos países. Finalmente, el análisis destaca el papel de la teoría de juegos para ayudar a comprender las dinámicas de cooperación y conflicto en el comercio internacional.
Este trabajo utiliza la teoría de juegos para analizar el conflicto comercial entre Estados Unidos y China, examinando conceptos como el equilibrio de Nash y el dilema del prisionero. Aborda cómo las estrategias proteccionistas y la desconfianza mutua han llevado a decisiones subóptimas que afectan a ambas economías. También se estudian las implicaciones políticas, el papel de las instituciones internacionales como mediadoras y los factores económicos que influencian las decisiones estratégicas de ambos países. Finalmente, el análisis destaca el papel de la teoría de juegos para ayudar a comprender las dinámicas de cooperación y conflicto en el comercio internacional.
FERNANDEZ CASTRO, María Belén (Tutorships)
FERNANDEZ CASTRO, María Belén (Tutorships)
FERNANDEZ CASTRO, María Belén (Student’s tutor)
FERNANDEZ CASTRO, María Belén (Student’s tutor)
Teleworking, a Theoretical and Empirical Study.
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Defense date
02.19.2025 10:30
02.19.2025 10:30
Teleworking has gained great relevance in recent years, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, which boosted its adoption due to health restrictions. This 9,977-word thesis analyses its evolution, advantages, disadvantages and perceptions from different perspectives, combining a theoretical review with an empirical study based on a survey. The theoretical review is mainly based on the evolution of telework and its regulation in Spain. It also focuses on defining the different existing modalities of telework and analyses the advantages and disadvantages of this working method as well as its current trend. In the empirical part, the results of a survey of people with and without telework experience are presented. The analysis of the data allows the identification of the factors influencing the decision to telework or not, as well as the perceptions of teleworking. For this purpose, different profiles of participants have been established, including teleworkers, non-teleworkers and students, which allows for a broader and more detailed view of opinions on this form of employment. The results show that teleworking is perceived positively in terms of travel savings, work-life balance and flexible working hours. However, significant challenges are also identified, such as lack of social interaction, difficulty in disconnecting from work and lack of social interaction. Telework is a growing modality, despite the setback after the lifting of health restrictions, with important benefits but also challenges to be faced. Its future will depend on the evolution of the labour market, regulations and the adaptation of companies and workers to this form of employment.
Teleworking has gained great relevance in recent years, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, which boosted its adoption due to health restrictions. This 9,977-word thesis analyses its evolution, advantages, disadvantages and perceptions from different perspectives, combining a theoretical review with an empirical study based on a survey. The theoretical review is mainly based on the evolution of telework and its regulation in Spain. It also focuses on defining the different existing modalities of telework and analyses the advantages and disadvantages of this working method as well as its current trend. In the empirical part, the results of a survey of people with and without telework experience are presented. The analysis of the data allows the identification of the factors influencing the decision to telework or not, as well as the perceptions of teleworking. For this purpose, different profiles of participants have been established, including teleworkers, non-teleworkers and students, which allows for a broader and more detailed view of opinions on this form of employment. The results show that teleworking is perceived positively in terms of travel savings, work-life balance and flexible working hours. However, significant challenges are also identified, such as lack of social interaction, difficulty in disconnecting from work and lack of social interaction. Telework is a growing modality, despite the setback after the lifting of health restrictions, with important benefits but also challenges to be faced. Its future will depend on the evolution of the labour market, regulations and the adaptation of companies and workers to this form of employment.
BARRAL BUCETA, BRAN (Student’s tutor)
BARRAL BUCETA, BRAN (Student’s tutor)
Undergraduate dissertation
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Defense date
02.19.2025 13:00
02.19.2025 13:00
En un momento como el actual, caracterizado por la apuesta por la descarbonización de la economía, acompañada de dos procesos tan relevante como el de electrificación y digitalización, resulta de sumo interés estudiar el comportamiento de los territorios en cuanto a la generación y demanda eléctrica. El presente TFG tiene como objetivo general analizar la producción y demanda de energía eléctrica en las comunidades y ciudades autónomas del Estado Español en los años 2011, 2016y 2021. Luego de realizar una breve presentación del marco regulatorio español de la energía eléctrica a modo de contextualización, el análisis pretende verificar la existencia de un proceso de substitución de las fuentes no renovables por las renovables a lo largo del tiempo e identificar los territorios que están contribuyendo con mayor intensidad en esta transición energética. En el ámbito de la demanda, se identifican los factores que podrían explicarla (población, riqueza e intensidad energética), estableciendo una clasificación de comunidades autónomas y comprobando que esta clasificación se mantén a lo largo del tiempo. Se contraponen los comportamientos de los ámbitos de la producción y de la demanda para clasificar los diferentes territorios en deficitarios, excedentarios o equilibrados, reflexionando sobre las implicaciones de cada perfil. Finalmente, se extraen un conjunto de conclusiones estructuradas en función de los objetivos propuestos en este trabajo.
En un momento como el actual, caracterizado por la apuesta por la descarbonización de la economía, acompañada de dos procesos tan relevante como el de electrificación y digitalización, resulta de sumo interés estudiar el comportamiento de los territorios en cuanto a la generación y demanda eléctrica. El presente TFG tiene como objetivo general analizar la producción y demanda de energía eléctrica en las comunidades y ciudades autónomas del Estado Español en los años 2011, 2016y 2021. Luego de realizar una breve presentación del marco regulatorio español de la energía eléctrica a modo de contextualización, el análisis pretende verificar la existencia de un proceso de substitución de las fuentes no renovables por las renovables a lo largo del tiempo e identificar los territorios que están contribuyendo con mayor intensidad en esta transición energética. En el ámbito de la demanda, se identifican los factores que podrían explicarla (población, riqueza e intensidad energética), estableciendo una clasificación de comunidades autónomas y comprobando que esta clasificación se mantén a lo largo del tiempo. Se contraponen los comportamientos de los ámbitos de la producción y de la demanda para clasificar los diferentes territorios en deficitarios, excedentarios o equilibrados, reflexionando sobre las implicaciones de cada perfil. Finalmente, se extraen un conjunto de conclusiones estructuradas en función de los objetivos propuestos en este trabajo.
CHAS AMIL, MARIA LUISA (Student’s tutor)
CHAS AMIL, MARIA LUISA (Student’s tutor)
Asymmetric Information in Financial Systems
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Defense date
02.19.2025 13:00
02.19.2025 13:00
This Final Degree Project is focused on asymmetric information in financial systems, including fundamental concepts such as adverse selection, moral hazard, and incentive design. When one of the parts of a transaction possesses information that the other part is unaware of, the phenomenon known as adverse selection can occur. Moral hazard, by itself, refers to the tendency of a person to take greater risks when they do not face the full consequences of their actions due to the coverage of protection provided by the other part. The creation of mechanisms that align the interests of both parts and minimize the problems caused by asymmetric information is the main objective of incentive design. The main topic of this project is the study of how asymmetric information can impact financial systems, influencing financial stability and efficiency. The transaction costs related to information inequality are examined, as well as the difficulties faced by the financial sector in its attempt to reduce these issues. Additionally, it is important to highlight the opportunities that arise from implementing efficient solutions and the future prospects for improving transparency and reducing information asymmetry. Finally, various examples of adverse selection and moral hazard in financial systems are presented. These examples show how the lack of equitable information can lead to unfavorable outcomes and increase systemic risks, underscoring the need to address these issues and promote greater stability and efficiency in financial systems.
This Final Degree Project is focused on asymmetric information in financial systems, including fundamental concepts such as adverse selection, moral hazard, and incentive design. When one of the parts of a transaction possesses information that the other part is unaware of, the phenomenon known as adverse selection can occur. Moral hazard, by itself, refers to the tendency of a person to take greater risks when they do not face the full consequences of their actions due to the coverage of protection provided by the other part. The creation of mechanisms that align the interests of both parts and minimize the problems caused by asymmetric information is the main objective of incentive design. The main topic of this project is the study of how asymmetric information can impact financial systems, influencing financial stability and efficiency. The transaction costs related to information inequality are examined, as well as the difficulties faced by the financial sector in its attempt to reduce these issues. Additionally, it is important to highlight the opportunities that arise from implementing efficient solutions and the future prospects for improving transparency and reducing information asymmetry. Finally, various examples of adverse selection and moral hazard in financial systems are presented. These examples show how the lack of equitable information can lead to unfavorable outcomes and increase systemic risks, underscoring the need to address these issues and promote greater stability and efficiency in financial systems.
FERNANDEZ CASTRO, María Belén (Tutorships)
FERNANDEZ CASTRO, María Belén (Tutorships)
FERNANDEZ CASTRO, María Belén (Student’s tutor)
FERNANDEZ CASTRO, María Belén (Student’s tutor)
Gender stereotypes: supermarket advertising
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Defense date
02.19.2025 13:00
02.19.2025 13:00
Advertising is a tool present in our daily lives, not only does it have an impact on our consumption, but it also has a great influence on our social habits, conduct and behaviour patterns. It often presents an image of women that does not reflect reality, promoting stereotypes that reinforce gender inequality. In this work, we will study the role of advertising in the creation and perpetuation of these stereotypes. To do so, we will detail the concept of advertising, as well as its elements. We will analyse the history of women in advertising, as well as the evolution of their image during the different stages. Likewise, we will examine the origin and meaning of stereotypes and their functions from the point of view of various authors. We will focus on the representation of women, the traits and attributes attributed to them and the main gender stereotypes linked to both men and women. Finally, we will carry out a qualitative analysis of gender stereotypes in supermarket advertising, examining various advertisements taken from a collection of brochures and catalogues of these chains.
Advertising is a tool present in our daily lives, not only does it have an impact on our consumption, but it also has a great influence on our social habits, conduct and behaviour patterns. It often presents an image of women that does not reflect reality, promoting stereotypes that reinforce gender inequality. In this work, we will study the role of advertising in the creation and perpetuation of these stereotypes. To do so, we will detail the concept of advertising, as well as its elements. We will analyse the history of women in advertising, as well as the evolution of their image during the different stages. Likewise, we will examine the origin and meaning of stereotypes and their functions from the point of view of various authors. We will focus on the representation of women, the traits and attributes attributed to them and the main gender stereotypes linked to both men and women. Finally, we will carry out a qualitative analysis of gender stereotypes in supermarket advertising, examining various advertisements taken from a collection of brochures and catalogues of these chains.
Economic and Financial Analysis of Aluminios Cortizo S.A.
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Defense date
02.19.2025 13:00
02.19.2025 13:00
Aluminios Cortizo is de leading company in the sector at a national level in the manufacture os aluminum and PVC profiles. It has presence in 60 countries an completes the entire production cycle. In the project we will carry ou tan economic and financial analysis os the company and the comparison group. The first part will be about the presentation of the company under study, where we will also carry out an external and internal analysis of it. Afterwards, an economic and financial analysis will be carried out based on the calculation of ratios and percentages for the period 2020-2022. We conclude that Aluminios Cortizo is the most promising company of those analyzed, basing its financing mainly on its own resources. It has higher profitability than the comparison group, which allows it to be positioned as leading company in the sector at a nacional level.
Aluminios Cortizo is de leading company in the sector at a national level in the manufacture os aluminum and PVC profiles. It has presence in 60 countries an completes the entire production cycle. In the project we will carry ou tan economic and financial analysis os the company and the comparison group. The first part will be about the presentation of the company under study, where we will also carry out an external and internal analysis of it. Afterwards, an economic and financial analysis will be carried out based on the calculation of ratios and percentages for the period 2020-2022. We conclude that Aluminios Cortizo is the most promising company of those analyzed, basing its financing mainly on its own resources. It has higher profitability than the comparison group, which allows it to be positioned as leading company in the sector at a nacional level.
Valuation of Non-Market Priced Assets.
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Defense date
02.19.2025 13:00
02.19.2025 13:00
This work focuses on non-market priced assets, which are goods held by companies with operational capacity but lacking a recurring market where regular transactions occur, making their price more difficult and complicated to calculate. Currently, these assets are fundamental to the operation of modern companies. These patrimonial elements have a direct correlation with fostering innovation, creating strategies, and enhancing the financial transparency of companies, within a context without an apparent, exact, or certain market. This study focuses on intangible assets, goodwill, specialized assets, unlisted financial instruments, and other cultural assets. Among these, I place greater emphasis on intangible assets and goodwill, as in an increasingly digitalized and knowledge-based environment, they are crucial for value creation, development, and competitive advantages of an entity. The accounting analysis focuses on the treatment of accounting standards that describe the criteria for recognition, initial, and subsequent measurement. These standards include IAS 38, primarily dedicated to the definition and initial recognition of intangible assets; IFRS 13, concerning the determination of fair value; IFRS 3, related to business combinations; and IAS 36, which establishes impairment tests to ensure proper valuation. The accounting treatment is based on a thorough citation and explanation of the standards, followed by the presentation of simplified practical cases that generally reflect the valuation of these non-market priced assets.
This work focuses on non-market priced assets, which are goods held by companies with operational capacity but lacking a recurring market where regular transactions occur, making their price more difficult and complicated to calculate. Currently, these assets are fundamental to the operation of modern companies. These patrimonial elements have a direct correlation with fostering innovation, creating strategies, and enhancing the financial transparency of companies, within a context without an apparent, exact, or certain market. This study focuses on intangible assets, goodwill, specialized assets, unlisted financial instruments, and other cultural assets. Among these, I place greater emphasis on intangible assets and goodwill, as in an increasingly digitalized and knowledge-based environment, they are crucial for value creation, development, and competitive advantages of an entity. The accounting analysis focuses on the treatment of accounting standards that describe the criteria for recognition, initial, and subsequent measurement. These standards include IAS 38, primarily dedicated to the definition and initial recognition of intangible assets; IFRS 13, concerning the determination of fair value; IFRS 3, related to business combinations; and IAS 36, which establishes impairment tests to ensure proper valuation. The accounting treatment is based on a thorough citation and explanation of the standards, followed by the presentation of simplified practical cases that generally reflect the valuation of these non-market priced assets.
Patents and their impact on innovation
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Degree in Business Administration and Management
Defense date
02.19.2025 13:00
02.19.2025 13:00
This study analyze the impact of patents on innovation. The research analyzed studies how patents may continue to be a fundamental tool for innovation, while granting exclusive rights to inventors. First of all, patentability requirements should not be uniform. Differentiated requirements must be attributed to each sector depending on the inventive pace. Secondly, the duration and breadth of patents must be adjusted to the inventive pace of each sector, seeking compensation. Finally, economic proposals are suggested for improving the patent system. These proposals devise progressive rates that force holders to disclose the private value of their innovations, adjusting protection to avoid blockages to new advances.
This study analyze the impact of patents on innovation. The research analyzed studies how patents may continue to be a fundamental tool for innovation, while granting exclusive rights to inventors. First of all, patentability requirements should not be uniform. Differentiated requirements must be attributed to each sector depending on the inventive pace. Secondly, the duration and breadth of patents must be adjusted to the inventive pace of each sector, seeking compensation. Finally, economic proposals are suggested for improving the patent system. These proposals devise progressive rates that force holders to disclose the private value of their innovations, adjusting protection to avoid blockages to new advances.
The importance of Global Value Chains from the perspective of the electronics industry
Bachelor's degree in Economics
Bachelor's degree in Economics
Defense date
02.19.2025 13:00
02.19.2025 13:00
In this work, we will focus on value chains, which will serve as the starting point from which we will attempt to explain the phenomenon of globalization and the recent sustainability trends added to the production process in order to achieve a cleaner world. Specifically, we have chosen to focus on value chains directed toward the electronics industry, as it is one of the most significant and influential sectors in the economy, alongside the automotive, energy, and food industries. Moreover, within these sectors and in general, we have opted for this one because we find it the most interesting due to its relevance in recent decades, where a strong electronics sector is synonymous with power. We will also delve into the regions that bear the most negative aspects of these production processes, having to deal with the multiple negative externalities of this activity. In summary, the objective of this work is to investigate and learn about the general aspects of global value chains and to explore their impact on the electronics industry, contributing to a better understanding of the technical-organizational complexity and environmental implications of the processes behind the manufacturing of electronic products (computer, mobile phone, etc.). All of this will be approached from a systemic, objective, and up-to-date perspective.
In this work, we will focus on value chains, which will serve as the starting point from which we will attempt to explain the phenomenon of globalization and the recent sustainability trends added to the production process in order to achieve a cleaner world. Specifically, we have chosen to focus on value chains directed toward the electronics industry, as it is one of the most significant and influential sectors in the economy, alongside the automotive, energy, and food industries. Moreover, within these sectors and in general, we have opted for this one because we find it the most interesting due to its relevance in recent decades, where a strong electronics sector is synonymous with power. We will also delve into the regions that bear the most negative aspects of these production processes, having to deal with the multiple negative externalities of this activity. In summary, the objective of this work is to investigate and learn about the general aspects of global value chains and to explore their impact on the electronics industry, contributing to a better understanding of the technical-organizational complexity and environmental implications of the processes behind the manufacturing of electronic products (computer, mobile phone, etc.). All of this will be approached from a systemic, objective, and up-to-date perspective.
RODIL MARZABAL, OSCAR (Student’s tutor)
RODIL MARZABAL, OSCAR (Student’s tutor)
The social economy: non-profit special employment centers.
Bachelor's degree in Economics
Bachelor's degree in Economics
Defense date
02.19.2025 13:00
02.19.2025 13:00
The study analyzes the social economy (SE) and non-profit special employment centers (SEC) in Galicia. The SE is based on values of solidarity and democratic management, which has grown as a key sector in job creation. The SEC facilitate the labor inclusion of people with disabilities, promoting stability and inclusion. However, they face challenges such as reduced funding, wage gaps, and adaptation to new technologies. Despite the difficulties, the SE remains a key tool for sustainable development, with opportunities in emerging sectors.
The study analyzes the social economy (SE) and non-profit special employment centers (SEC) in Galicia. The SE is based on values of solidarity and democratic management, which has grown as a key sector in job creation. The SEC facilitate the labor inclusion of people with disabilities, promoting stability and inclusion. However, they face challenges such as reduced funding, wage gaps, and adaptation to new technologies. Despite the difficulties, the SE remains a key tool for sustainable development, with opportunities in emerging sectors.
EXPOSITO DIAZ, PILAR (Student’s tutor)
EXPOSITO DIAZ, PILAR (Student’s tutor)
Undergraduate dissertation
Bachelor's degree in Economics
Bachelor's degree in Economics
Defense date
02.19.2025 13:00
02.19.2025 13:00
This study analyzes the environmental movement, defining it and contextualizing its historical basis. At the same time it dissociates it from erroneous conceptions. We will also study its main currents before focusing on two fundamental aspects. These approaches focus on the defense of the most vulnerable communities and actors: environmentalism of the poor and ecofeminism. Both denounce and expose territorial and gender inequalities, showing how the environmental impacts caused by the current economic system disproportionately affect the Global South and women.
This study analyzes the environmental movement, defining it and contextualizing its historical basis. At the same time it dissociates it from erroneous conceptions. We will also study its main currents before focusing on two fundamental aspects. These approaches focus on the defense of the most vulnerable communities and actors: environmentalism of the poor and ecofeminism. Both denounce and expose territorial and gender inequalities, showing how the environmental impacts caused by the current economic system disproportionately affect the Global South and women.
The EeMap Project in the context of the Spanish Urban Agenda: Green financing for sustainable housing
Bachelor's degree in Economics
Bachelor's degree in Economics
Defense date
02.19.2025 13:00
02.19.2025 13:00
Sustainable housing occupies a central place in contemporary urban development policies, especially in Spain, where tensions between housing demand and the energy efficiency of the housing stock have posed critical challenges. This work explores how the Spanish Urban Agenda (AUE) articulates a strategic approach to face the challenges of sustainable housing, integrating various tools and key actors. Here, the EeMap Project (Energy Efficient Mortgages Action Plan) is presented as a central element, designed to boost green financing through the development and promotion of mortgages aimed at energy efficiency. The analysis focuses on the transformative potential of green mortgages, designed to facilitate access to energy-efficient homes through targeted financial incentives. Through a review of its implementation in Spain, its environmental and economic benefits are examined, along with the limitations that hinder its mass adoption, such as the lack of regulatory harmonization and the perception of high initial costs. As we will see, to maximize the potential of green mortgages, an enabling environment is required where effective public policies, financial incentives and intersectoral collaboration come together. In this sense, green financing can play a decisive role in the transformation of the residential sector, favoring the creation of sustainable, inclusive cities adapted to the environmental and social challenges of the future. Achieving progress in this area transcends the national level and is aligned with the international commitments assumed to protect the ecological balance of the planet.
Sustainable housing occupies a central place in contemporary urban development policies, especially in Spain, where tensions between housing demand and the energy efficiency of the housing stock have posed critical challenges. This work explores how the Spanish Urban Agenda (AUE) articulates a strategic approach to face the challenges of sustainable housing, integrating various tools and key actors. Here, the EeMap Project (Energy Efficient Mortgages Action Plan) is presented as a central element, designed to boost green financing through the development and promotion of mortgages aimed at energy efficiency. The analysis focuses on the transformative potential of green mortgages, designed to facilitate access to energy-efficient homes through targeted financial incentives. Through a review of its implementation in Spain, its environmental and economic benefits are examined, along with the limitations that hinder its mass adoption, such as the lack of regulatory harmonization and the perception of high initial costs. As we will see, to maximize the potential of green mortgages, an enabling environment is required where effective public policies, financial incentives and intersectoral collaboration come together. In this sense, green financing can play a decisive role in the transformation of the residential sector, favoring the creation of sustainable, inclusive cities adapted to the environmental and social challenges of the future. Achieving progress in this area transcends the national level and is aligned with the international commitments assumed to protect the ecological balance of the planet.
The Portuguese Way and Its Coastal Variant: An Analysis of Pilgrims' Choice
Bachelor's degree in Economics
Bachelor's degree in Economics
Defense date
02.19.2025 13:00
02.19.2025 13:00
This work aims to conduct an exploratory analysis of pilgrims' decision-making on the Portuguese variants of the Camino de Santiago. To achieve this, various statistical tools are used to provide a more empirical perspective on the reality of the Camino. The study is based on data from pilgrims who traveled these routes in 2023, with the goal of examining the different factors influencing their decisions. First, the relevance of the traditional Portuguese Way and the Coastal Route is contextualized, followed by a brief explanation of the methodology used and the definition of the variables considered. Subsequently, two statistical approaches are applied to identify significant trends and relationships. Finally, the results obtained are analyzed and compared, along with a reflection on the study's limitations and possible improvements. This work consists of 8,095 words.
This work aims to conduct an exploratory analysis of pilgrims' decision-making on the Portuguese variants of the Camino de Santiago. To achieve this, various statistical tools are used to provide a more empirical perspective on the reality of the Camino. The study is based on data from pilgrims who traveled these routes in 2023, with the goal of examining the different factors influencing their decisions. First, the relevance of the traditional Portuguese Way and the Coastal Route is contextualized, followed by a brief explanation of the methodology used and the definition of the variables considered. Subsequently, two statistical approaches are applied to identify significant trends and relationships. Finally, the results obtained are analyzed and compared, along with a reflection on the study's limitations and possible improvements. This work consists of 8,095 words.
From the 2008 Crisis to the Post 2020 Polycrisis
Bachelor's degree in Economics
Bachelor's degree in Economics
Defense date
02.19.2025 13:00
02.19.2025 13:00
This paper analyses the evolution of the financial crisis that began in late 2007 with the bursting of the housing bubble in the United States and offers a brief reflection on the polycrisis following 2020, from economic, social, and political perspectives. We start by contextualising the global economic landscape prior to 2008, marked by financialisation processes and structural inequalities that ultimately led to the crisis. We examine the causes of the crisis, as well as its consequences, and the responses of a group of countries: Spain, China, the United States, Germany, and Greece. The second part of the paper focuses on data analysis to clarify the consequences of this crisis by examining GDP, public debt, the trade balance, the unemployment rate, and housing prices. Through this, we observe the differences in economic policies implemented by the different countries. In the conclusions, we explain how the 2008 crisis, combined with the sovereign debt crisis, not only caused economic stagnation but also contributed to the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and the subsequent energy crisis.
This paper analyses the evolution of the financial crisis that began in late 2007 with the bursting of the housing bubble in the United States and offers a brief reflection on the polycrisis following 2020, from economic, social, and political perspectives. We start by contextualising the global economic landscape prior to 2008, marked by financialisation processes and structural inequalities that ultimately led to the crisis. We examine the causes of the crisis, as well as its consequences, and the responses of a group of countries: Spain, China, the United States, Germany, and Greece. The second part of the paper focuses on data analysis to clarify the consequences of this crisis by examining GDP, public debt, the trade balance, the unemployment rate, and housing prices. Through this, we observe the differences in economic policies implemented by the different countries. In the conclusions, we explain how the 2008 crisis, combined with the sovereign debt crisis, not only caused economic stagnation but also contributed to the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and the subsequent energy crisis.
DIOS VICENTE, ADRIAN (Student’s tutor)
DIOS VICENTE, ADRIAN (Student’s tutor)
Developing an experiment: how psychological factors regarding gender differences affect preferences regarding employment attributes
Bachelor's degree in Economics
Bachelor's degree in Economics
Defense date
02.19.2025 12:45
02.19.2025 12:45
This study aims to analyze how gender differences in psychological factors affect preferences for job attributes. The objective of this research is to examine whether these gender differences in psychological factors explain, at least in part, the gender wage gap. To achieve this goal, the study Preference for the Workplace, Investment in Human Capital, and Gender (2016) by Wiswall and Zafar will be used as a reference to design an experiment that could be conducted in the future among university students at the University of Santiago de Compostela. This experiment will serve to compare and verify the results of Wiswall and Zafar’s study. The vast majority of current studies investigating gender differences in psychological factors provide evidence that attributes such as risk aversion or avoidance of competition are traits that contribute to maintaining the gender wage gap, pushing women to choose less competitive work environments that allow for better work-life balance. Finally, we will propose several measures that could be implemented to address the gender wage gap based on the findings that may emerge from this research in the future. The length of this study is 8,825 words.
This study aims to analyze how gender differences in psychological factors affect preferences for job attributes. The objective of this research is to examine whether these gender differences in psychological factors explain, at least in part, the gender wage gap. To achieve this goal, the study Preference for the Workplace, Investment in Human Capital, and Gender (2016) by Wiswall and Zafar will be used as a reference to design an experiment that could be conducted in the future among university students at the University of Santiago de Compostela. This experiment will serve to compare and verify the results of Wiswall and Zafar’s study. The vast majority of current studies investigating gender differences in psychological factors provide evidence that attributes such as risk aversion or avoidance of competition are traits that contribute to maintaining the gender wage gap, pushing women to choose less competitive work environments that allow for better work-life balance. Finally, we will propose several measures that could be implemented to address the gender wage gap based on the findings that may emerge from this research in the future. The length of this study is 8,825 words.
Analysis of housing for tourist use in Santiago de Compostela
Bachelor's degree in Economics
Bachelor's degree in Economics
Defense date
02.19.2025 13:00
02.19.2025 13:00
Homes for tourist use occupy a prominent place on the front pages of newspapers and in public debate in recent years. The growing popularity has established them as a preferred accommodation option for millions of people. This phenomenon is not without controversy, since its expansion has generated a wide variety of effects in cities. This final degree project focuses on analyzing the recent evolution of tourism in Spain and, in particular, in Galicia, through the study of housing for tourist use. The analysis focuses on Santiago de Compostela, a city declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and a prominent point of international interest that attracts a large number of tourists each year. Throughout the study, the evolution of housing for tourist use in the Galician capital will be examined, as well as the various effects that this type of accommodation has on the city. After presenting and discussing the most relevant aspects of the phenomenon, the work will conclude with a series of final reflections that synthesize the main findings and propose future lines of research.
Homes for tourist use occupy a prominent place on the front pages of newspapers and in public debate in recent years. The growing popularity has established them as a preferred accommodation option for millions of people. This phenomenon is not without controversy, since its expansion has generated a wide variety of effects in cities. This final degree project focuses on analyzing the recent evolution of tourism in Spain and, in particular, in Galicia, through the study of housing for tourist use. The analysis focuses on Santiago de Compostela, a city declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and a prominent point of international interest that attracts a large number of tourists each year. Throughout the study, the evolution of housing for tourist use in the Galician capital will be examined, as well as the various effects that this type of accommodation has on the city. After presenting and discussing the most relevant aspects of the phenomenon, the work will conclude with a series of final reflections that synthesize the main findings and propose future lines of research.
PEREIRA LOPEZ, XESUS (Student’s tutor)
PEREIRA LOPEZ, XESUS (Student’s tutor)